I don't know what to do anymore...

In HB they were putting up 5,000 square foot houses on 5500 square foot lots, and charging $2 million dollars each for them AND THEY WERE GETTING IT!

Yeah... It's stupid! :11: No one reading wants to move here now lol...
I can't wait til we could get out. It's too hard here. As much as Id like to, I can't leave my older parents.

My parents left first!

At the height of the boom, my parents sold their 1/4 acre 3/2 1600 sf house, and bought a seven acre place in Washington state - and pocketed about a quarter of a million dollars on the exchange...

If I had moved to SA sooner, I would have had the down. But in my case, I would have lost custody of my daughter to my ex. By the time I finally got permission to leave, the cost of living had eaten up my down.

So I live paycheck to paycheck. (again!) Which appears to be a permanent condition anymore. (Barring six winning numbers!)
San Francisco is actually worse than SoCal now - except the Santa Barbara area, and places like PV Estates, where, lets face it, if you don't have at least an EIGHT FIGURE income, forget about it...

The median price of an average home in my neighborhood, when I left, and this was just a basic house, not anything fancy - was $850,000!!! Three bedroom, two bath houses were going for as high as 1.2 million!!!

Which, of course, is why so many people just walked away and left the banks holding the bust when the real estate speculation boom went bust... Because things were going up so fast, you buy it and flip it, then buy another one... And they were buying them with these predatory loans with huge balloon payments, with the intention of flipping it before the payment came due - and each time the house flipped the price went up - artificially...

The banks fueled that with their lending practices, and made a huge profit on it - until they took a huge loss, and took our economy down with it.

Now, since anyone could get a home loan in those days, NO ONE can get a home loan now... My rent payment would easily be a mortgage payment on a home around here, but I can't get a loan without a huge down...

So, ten years later I am STILL locked out of the housing market, and probably always will be. I am approaching the point where I will be considered "too old" to get a home loan. (You need to have 20 years of work life expectancy left, or an even larger down, to qualify.

There are parts of SoCal that are more affordable, particularly areas of San Diego County that have attributes of great weather and safety.

Recently heard of a proposal to dramatically lower the barrier for first-time home buyers - and I believe the caveat is not having owned a home for the past 3 years. 3% down payment, not sure of the other factors. The mortgage industry contracted for good market and legislative reasons following the Big Debacle, but it seems there may be some rationalization.

Still hoping you are able to remain in your present location, but if you need some assistance to get over the hurdle via previously posted "crowdsourcing" ideas, count me in!
Right now I'm just in a holding pattern until I know what my bonus will be and what my landlord's gonna do... trying not to think about it.
In HB they were putting up 5,000 square foot houses on 5500 square foot lots, and charging $2 million dollars each for them AND THEY WERE GETTING IT!

Yeah... It's stupid! :11: No one reading wants to move here now lol...
I can't wait til we could get out. It's too hard here. As much as Id like to, I can't leave my older parents.

Well, the last straw for me was the school funding cuts. California public schools have gone from some of the best in the country to the very bottom of the list. My daughter's school was completely dysfunctional...

She was losing interest. There was bullying.

And gangs are so prevalent in CA now... My daughter's 7th grade class had to line up in the morning and pass through metal detectors because some of her classmates were found "packing." THERE WERE 7TH GRADERS AT HER SCHOOL WITH SEMI AUTOMATIC HANDGUNS IN THEIR LOCKERS!!! (Where are the parents?! And what the hell are they thinking?!)

They had to wear school uniforms because kids were shooting each other over "blue" and "reds."
I live in Montrose Colorado not sure where you are in Texas and it took me two days to drive across that state. I have a Yellow Headed Amazon and a large spare room. I'm not sure how many birds or what kind we're talking about but?? I'd be happy to take your birds short or long term. I'd set up the spare room as an aviary with each birds own habitat (cage whatever). I'll support them as long as they stay and return them as you will (easy to say before I fall in love with them%^).

I just wanted to say that not all Texas "landlords" are greedy jerks. I own a rent house (2,000-sq foot, 3-2-2, with oversize garage with AC/heat, sunroom, and large outdoor aviary. . . I used to live there). I don't/didn't require a deposit, do not charge a pet deposit, and haven't/nor do I plan to raise the rent (and I charge $200 less than you're paying). I REQUIRE pet owners to rent my house because pet people are usually nicer, more appreciative of a nice place to live, usually don't smoke in the house, and are more apt to STAY because they're treated well. The house is set up for pets so it's a waste to rent to someone without pets (that's how I feel about it). If my house was empty, you'd be welcome to rent from me (although that would be a heck of a commute to Houston). Look around. There's probably someone else like that in your area. You'll be in my prayers.
If your daughter is still in high school there's no reason why she Car ride the bus. My son didn't get his license until he graduated from high school.

I know it's not ideal, but you might find a less expensive area of town or move further out from the city. I drive 30 miles for work because where we live it's a lot cheaper than near my work.
There are parts of SoCal that are more affordable, particularly areas of San Diego County that have attributes of great weather and safety.

Yes. Parts of SD are the exception. I didn't go this year, but usually every year I take an hour drive (now it will be about 2 hours) trip down there to the great bird stores and get some supplies and Harrison's. Things are SO much cheaper there than in OC!!

My bonus this year will be enough to NOT have to worry about moving...

I cannot tell you how relieved that makes me!!!
I am so happy for you. I can't imagine what you are going through but I have goose bumps for you. Yea!!! :)
Great news indeed, Mark! I'm so happy for you, your daughter, and your flock!
Yay on not moving! Boo on having to use your bonus. But it's understandable and it's what you were hoping for. Congrats and see, it all works out. Another dark moment brightened up.

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