I don't know what to do anymore...

Hey Mark, I'm in Houston and could take some of them until you're back on your feet.
Hey, Mark. I'm just seeing this thread, now. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I truly wish you lived close enough for me to help you out. As a father and a parront, I can imagine the stress you must be under at the moment.

I hope that you can work something out with your landlord until either your daughter graduates or one of Amanda's contacts can work something out with you. And at least in the meantime there is a safety net between Richard's and Christine's offers.

You, your family and your flock will be in my prayers, Mark.
I am truly sorry to hear this. Your heart must be breaking. I will keep you in my thoughts and believe that all will work out so you can keep your babies with you!
Seconded! This is why I love this forum!
Where theirs a will theirs a way ! You went to the end of the earth and back to get your bird ! You can do this :) . Sounds like your place is too expensive [so that's not going to work]. So of course one in your daughters school district. If not and its the right size and price. See if the school will let you take her there till the.end . My friend was able to do that .I would not tale no for an answer and make it work . You have to !! Your not going to be able to be away from you babies :)
OMG, my heart is broken!! I wish I lived closer. I've been reading and adoring your posts and never thought you were renting. As poor church rats as we are with my hubby we are so lucky to have our own little house.
Is there any way you could look for a better job? I'm sure someone will help you! There are many people from Texas on this forum as far as I know. I would avoid eviction at all costs. I dunno how is it in Texas, but here in Illinois it's often much cheaper to own than to rent.
I know in my heart Mark is one of the good guys and God always looks out for them. I know he will come thru this.
Hey mark, i'm not sure what i can do to help, but i'd like to. I could take care of all your birds if needed . I have the room,resources,etc to care for them on a short term basis. I'm scheduled to be out your way in late Jan or Feb. PM me or some of the Mods have my contact info.

Thank you so much!!! I'll call you.
Hey Mark, I'm in Houston and could take some of them until you're back on your feet.

Thanks Karen... I'm still hoping it won't come to that.
I am so glad so many have stepped forward. I could take one or two, probably no more than that, and it could get complicated to get them here. If you have a vet who will be reasonable it is doable. It sounds like you have plenty of backup. If everything should go very, very wrong, let me know and we will figure it out. I dont have any experience with any of the species you own, but none of us here are going to let you lose your family just because your land lord isn't reasonable.
Mark, I saw this yesterday and couldn't reply because of time and not being at a computer. :) My heart is breaking for you. I was feeling sorry for myself because I have to put my house on the market (short sale) in March and find another place to live where I don't have to get rid of some of my animals. Then I read your thread. I have nothing going on in my life compared to what you are going through. I prayed about your situation yesterday and will continue to until God guides you and directs your path (and He will). You are a good man and a good father. You have had plenty of suggestions and people have come through for you already. God is providing. I hope your employer comes through for you and gives you a super bonus or great raise. Be good to yourself. And please keep coming here and encouraging us the way you do.
Hey mark, i'm not sure what i can do to help, but i'd like to. I could take care of all your birds if needed . I have the room,resources,etc to care for them on a short term basis. I'm scheduled to be out your way in late Jan or Feb. PM me or some of the Mods have my contact info.

I was going to say that you have no idea how much this means to me, but I'm sure you do... I can't lose them to a temporary downturn in the economy...

I'm going to do all I can to try and not have to give them up at all.

But thank you so much!
OMG, my heart is broken!! I wish I lived closer. I've been reading and adoring your posts and never thought you were renting. As poor church rats as we are with my hubby we are so lucky to have our own little house.
Is there any way you could look for a better job? I'm sure someone will help you! There are many people from Texas on this forum as far as I know. I would avoid eviction at all costs. I dunno how is it in Texas, but here in Illinois it's often much cheaper to own than to rent.

I owned a house in California. I lost it in the divorce. And found myself locked out of the housing markets. They simply don't give home loans to folks at my socio-economic level anymore unless you have a giant downpayment. (Which I don't. Obviously!)
I am so glad so many have stepped forward. I could take one or two, probably no more than that, and it could get complicated to get them here. If you have a vet who will be reasonable it is doable. It sounds like you have plenty of backup. If everything should go very, very wrong, let me know and we will figure it out. I dont have any experience with any of the species you own, but none of us here are going to let you lose your family just because your land lord isn't reasonable.

They just got well birdied over Thanksgiving weekend. They are all in perfect health, and they just got groomed.

Shouldn't need vet care for awhile. In any case, I will provide food, and pay for that stuff should it come to that...
I won't know until the first of the year.

Right now it's just talk of a rent raise, a warning that it's coming...

Just because it's coming doesn't mean I can pay that. And you will lose more from the place sitting empty than you will gain with a rent raise, assuming you find another renter...

Keep in mind, before me, they went through three renters in one year, two of whom were military and got transferred, and one of whom was evicted...

I've been there for five years now. Zero complaints. Zero Damage. Zero late payments. But, go ahead, force me out... go back to the way it was!
I won't know until the first of the year.

Right now it's just talk of a rent raise, a warning that it's coming...

Just because it's coming doesn't mean I can pay that. And you will lose more from the place sitting empty than you will gain with a rent raise, assuming you find another renter...

Keep in mind, before me, they went through three renters in one year, two of whom were military and got transferred, and one of whom was evicted...

I've been there for five years now. Zero complaints. Zero Damage. Zero late payments. But, go ahead, force me out... go back to the way it was!

Unfortunately that is something a lot of landlords don't think about before they do what they do!

Most States also have a limit on how much and how often a persons rent can be raised. I would check into what the laws are in Texas, your county, and city to find out how much he can raise your rent, and how often by law. When was your last rent raise and how much was it (not to tell me or us, but so you can figure out if he is within the law or not) In Oregon the rent can't be raised more than $100.00 in a calendar year and a landlord can't raise the rent more than twice a calendar year.

Just the painting, cleaning and carpet shampooing and having a unit sit empty for 1 month can eat up what they would have gained in a rent increase over the course of an entire year! And that's if the tenant was a nice clean person and took care not to do a bunch of damage. If there is damage it gets much, much worse.

Being in my business drives me crazy sometimes trying to explain that to owners and management companies.

Most times it's more cost effective to keep a good renter at a lower rent they can afford than to raise the rent and force them out.
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Wait, do you know HOW MUCH is he raising? He must send you an official letter about that. When we were renting our landlord told us that there gonna be a raise (we were totally freaked out), which ended up being just $10 a month! :D Again, IL might be different, but landlords here are offering much lower prices for existing good renters. The apt we lived in for $730 a month was rented out for $800 after we moved out (we were one of the best tenants he ever had). :)
Can you ask your landlord directly if he is gonna raise and for how much? Can you just talk to him about your situation and ask if you can stay in the same rent range (hope he's not a jerk and wants to keep you)?

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