Hurricane Sandy. French toast and egg sandwiches anybody?


New member
Aug 24, 2011
New Jersey
Female Dusky Conure (Kayak) Female Sun Conure (Carlisle) Female Budgie (Meister) Male Budgie (Spooky Burd)
I live in New Jersey on the east coast of the US. We're expecting a hurricane the beginning of next week. My father and I went to the grocery store today because we legitimately needed bread and milk. We didn't just go there to stock up on the "essentials" of bread, milk, and eggs. My brother works for said grocery store and we always joke about what people are planning on doing with the milk and eggs in the event of a power outage. What are they doing? Eating french toast and egg sandwiches? We picked up a bunch of gallons of water (we already had some in the house and we have a lot of cases of water because my father isn't allowed to drink water from the tap. We have well water and he's got kidney problems. This goes to say, the birds don't drink the water either)

They've already started evacuations for some of the shore areas. I (luckily) live about 20 minutes from Philadelphia, PA and an hour from Atlantic City, NJ. My father asked me jokingly today what I would do with the birds if somehow our house flooded. We live on a hill and I doubt that the house would ever flood. I responded that I would pack them in their carriers and take them up onto the roof with the family and cats. What else would I do? Leave them in their cages in the flooding house? At least on the roof they'd have a chance to survive instead of drowning in the house. After he asked me this question I thought of Hurricane Katrina and what happened to them. I can't even imagine my house being flooded and being displaced like that. I honestly don't know how I would react if somehow Sandy ended up being a terrible hurricane and flooding us. If we lose power for a few days we'll be fine. I've got weeks worth of food and enough water for the birds (and cats).

I know there are a bunch of East Coasters on this forum. How badly do you expect the damage to be and how are you preparing for the hurricane?

Here in my area in New England, we refer to it as a French Toast Alert since milk, eggs, and bread are the main ingredients.

My new Pak a Bird backpack will be here tomorrow but hopefully we won't be going far. We are planning on the storm hitting here late Monday night which is good since I have minor surgery early Monday. We have two generators with plenty of gas and plenty of food in the house along with dog, cat and bird food. Been through many storms over the years.

I'm in Maryland. I went to the grocery store today because I won't have a chance to go again before the storm comes on Tuesday and I needed food! It was a mad house! I work for the Federal government and they sent around emergency procedures and one vendor has already canceled deliveries for the beginning of the week.

I was in New Orleans helping with the dogs after Katrina. I worked in the massive shelter that was set up. You can't imagine the world turned upside down as it was after that hurricane. As much as a pain in the neck as this storm is likely to be for us, seeing what Katrina did puts things in perspective.

Stay safe East coasters!
I'm bout 30 mins from Philly and 40 from Princeton nj. I'm stocking up tomorrow. Were getting a carrier tomorrow just in case we need it but we live on the 2nd floor, so hopefully no problem. The worse Erin has been through besides 3 days of freezing rain was a flooded camp in April. I'm expecting it to be really bedbug I look at the weather forecast and feel better seeing it just says a tropical storm possibility and rain and wind the following days. But were declared a state of emergency already.
I'm in Wilmington, NC. Winds are starting to pick up and the rain is beginning, but I think you guys in the New England area are in for a lot worse than I'll see here. 30mph winds forecast for the next couple days here, not too bad. Keep safe everyone!
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Our governor finally declared a state of emergency. It took him long enough. All the states around us had declared it already. My university just texted me about an hour ago saying that classes were cancelled for Monday and Tuesday. We're expecting horrible wind gusts and nasty sustained winds. We're just trying to prepare the best we can. I went to fill my tank today and was 6 deep waiting at the pumps. Here in NJ it's against the law to pump your own gas, therefor it took FOREVER to get gas. People were filling up gas cans for their generators.
This was written a day or two ago.
Thoughts on Sandy... | Facebook
I know there are a bunch of East Coasters on this forum. How badly do you expect the damage to be and how are you preparing for the hurricane?

I expect Sandy to be worse than Irene last year.

I'll be cooking up the birds' food tomorrow since I will most likely be out of power come Monday.

We've bought a ton of bottled water and stocked up on some canned foods.

We are VERY lucky to have a generator, and can run many appliances on it. :)

I made sure my first aid kits were fully stocked, bought batteries, propane and lots of gas for the generator.

Good luck to all who will by in Sandy's path. This will be an ugly one. :(
I live in long island and we are the one of the places going to experience worse of the storm. Might get a day off on monday. The county is telling people to evacuate from beach homes and everybody is rushing to the grocery store. Hurricane Irene last year knocked over LOTS of trees and broke power lines. If you want some tips on how to make emergency packs for birds go to my thread in the general parrot section. They are saying its seriouse , we didn't do anything to prepare. We aren't worrying about flooding since I live on a hill but we are going to be hit with wind.
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My father sent me around today to take pictures of the outside of the house and the inside. He's secretly hoping the siding will get ripped off the house and the windows that haven't been replaced yet get broken. I'm just hoping that the giant tree in my neighbor's yard doesn't get knocked over. It's very tall and could either hit their house or ours. I'm so not looking forward to this storm.
I know I'm probely the only one hoping but I wish we could get a day off on Monday and my dentists appointment gets canceled Lol
Just heard that Manasquan, a small town 5 miles east of us, is being evacuated (mandatory). :umbrella:

We're ready now, completely prepared. Whew! At least we hope so. :18_crazy:
Im on the west coast but sending lots of good thoughts to the east coast. I hope its alot of hype over nothing, but I dont know that, that will be the case. It sounds like most of you are preparing for the worst, which is good. I never understand the people that dont prepare. Anyways, like I said I am sending good thoughts your way for all of you and your fids!! Stay safe!
Stay safe guys! I haven't ever experienced a hurricane here in California, but I did get a powerful windstorm. Some fires were started from power lines falling and candles, in my home too. Gosh that was scary, especially with smoke + fids = not good. :eek: Can't imagine what a hurricane would be like! Again, stay safe. :)
I was outside during hurricane Irene in the evening last year, the wind felt so good ! It was warm and very strong almost got pushed back wards !
I hate to say it, Birdlover, but this one won't be a picnic. It's already started raining here, and the wind gusts have most certainly picked up. If it rains from now until Sandy has passed us....I will be feeding geese in my yard.
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I already noticed that one of the streams on my way home from work today was a little high. I'm glad I don't have work until 3pm Tuesday. We'll have to take what we get and asses the damage then. My back yard likes to collect water. I remember playing with my brother as kids in the "pond" that was my backyard during a tropical storm. We were elementary school at the time and they had cancelled school. Much to my mother's dismay we had a blast getting wet and muddy. I'm charging all my electronic entertainment now in preparation for the power going out. We're on well water so if the power goes out that means no toilet flushing outside of what water we collect in the bathtubs! :eek: I can entertain myself with no power... I like flushing toilets and running water though. It's rainy and windy right now. It has its moments when it gets bad.
Wow, I'm actually shocked to hear that you have to go to work on Tuesday. My husband is off tomorrow (scheduled) and will most certainly NOT go into Newark (where he works) on Tuesday. He takes the train, and the N/E Corridor train has already cancelled/stopped all rides.

I truly and honestly wish you the best, Customcasket. Be careful and be safe. ....and be in touch if possible.... ;) So we know you are ok.
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if it's bad enough, i'll call out. i'm not risking my life for a few bucks. i don't want customers to risk their lives to get to us for whatever reason. I wish the governor would just make it so nobody except for essential workers could be on the roads.
I'm in Baltimore, schools cancelled for tomorrow, eastern shore getting hammered, but more worried about beach house in Stone Harbor, NJ... my son goes to school in Philly, he has Monday and Tuesday off~ those of you effected, have you noticed a change in behavior in your birds? Remington seems very quiet today~ not a bad thing!
hi all,
just wanted to stay good luck and be safe. Your storm is front page news, all the way over here in New Zealand!
Ride it out, sounds like she is going to be a rough one.
Best of luck to you and your families.

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