How much food?


New member
Apr 27, 2011
How much food is a GCC supposed to eat a day? I've read plenty into percentages of seed/fresh/pellets, but none say how much. Since I brought Yoshi home, I've been feeding him Zupreem fruit pellets and I'm glad he likes them (so I don't have to transition him from seeds). I usually leave food in his bowl all day for him to eat when he's hungry, but I weighed him and he gained 3 grams in just a couple days (61 when I bought hims and 64 five days later). I still haven't found any fresh foods that he likes yet, but will introduce them when I find some. So for now he's on almost all pellet diet (with a few seeds when he'll take them from me, he's still shy of hands) and I'm worried I'm overfeeding him.
How old is he? If he was just recentley weaned he is supposed to gain some weight back because he lost so much while learning to fly. He will stable out once he reaches his ideal weight. Can you still feel his breast bone, if it is very promonent then he needs to gain weight but if it is covered by meat then he shouldnt gain any more weight and might need to go on a diet.
Keep offering fresh foods, try apples, oranges, red bell pepper, corn, bananas....would be a good start not necessarily all at once.. My Gcc took forever to start eating fresh food. If you can find one he likes (mine was red pepper) then he will start trying other foods. Mine can't wait first thing in the morning to get to his fresh food bowl.
Don't give up just keep putting it out.
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He's a year old now and his breastbone is a little prominent (not sure, he hasn't let me handle him a whole lot yet). I am working on the fresh food right now :)

I know with humans, if you gain or lose more than 3-4 pounds a week its unhealthy. Is it bad for him to gain that much in just a couple days? So since he's been weaned for a while, he (should) self regulate body weight?

So once I find out what fresh foods he likes, do you guys leave pellets all day and only give them fresh foods in the morning then? Or how do you maintain a good ratio of fresh/seeds/pellets?

Thanks guys, I'm not that worried anymore. I didn't want a chunky bird :p
I have multiple. Rands of pellets in the cage at all times along with fresh food in their 24/7. If you can offer the fresh food 24/7 go ahead and do it because it is more like the diet in the wild. The only reason I give my birds pellets at all is because if I have to go away for a few days I want them to be able to eat something familiar while there is no fresh food available, plus all my birds are addicted to pellets,lol. I would have never thought my birds would actually love to eat their pellets.

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