how hard really is it to tame a rosella

U2 as in Umbrella Cockatoo. I didn't get offended about Lory comment. I know most can't provide what they need nor stand their messiness. But its his personality that mattered to us. I never purchase birds from bird fair and I bought him because he jumped on me and lay his head on my shoulder. I knew I was in trouble when he did that. My partner LOVES that crazy bird, so do I.
U2 as in Umbrella Cockatoo. I didn't get offended about Lory comment. I know most can't provide what they need nor stand their messiness. But its his personality that mattered to us. I never purchase birds from bird fair and I bought him because he jumped on me and lay his head on my shoulder. I knew I was in trouble when he did that. My partner LOVES that crazy bird, so do I.

oh thats intresting, and i agree that they can be amazing but many owners do not take the proper time to learn what they are getting into prior to adopting one. haha i would fall in love if that happened to me. im looking for a bird that is beautiful and has amazing personality and i know thats difficult to find. i hope to find the right pet by april because if anything else im adopting the rosella. i thought about adopting a cockatiel and a kakariki that way i can get a balance of something unordianry and exotic and something else that is ordinary but makes a loving pet.
i think most stunning pet would be a sun conure but its super loud from what i heard about them
other than thatthey are the best birds ever good personality loves to cuddle and is just an awsome bird and it looks very nice
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Its the constant scream from a conure that gets me....
Its the constant scream from a conure that gets me....

Oh, they don't scream constantly. Mine screams to let me know there are "intruders" here mostly. She contact calls, but I taught her to say, "Hey, hey" instead of screech. She lets out a screech here and there to express something or let me know she wants something.

It is the Grey that is the most vocal of my 3. When she gets on a roll it goes on for more than an hour. And some of her sounds are very piercing, like the fire alarm or the ambulance.
I don't know much about Rosellas, but I guess the question you should ask yourself is, "If I can't tame the bird or keep it tame, will I still want it and take care of it?" If the answer is yes, then get the bird. If the answer is no, I think I'd look at other species. IMO they are all beautiful As far as messy poop on the Lories, well my conure shoots poop through the air. It has gone as far as 2.5 feet and landed in the middle of the couch, lol! I regularly have to scrub down half her cage because it's all over the bars as well. She has the smallest poop of all my birds, but she sure manages to get it all over the place.
thanks for bringing up the idea of conures but i could not every handle a screaming bird who screams constantly. i walked into a well known local bird store the other day and there was a conure.....i believe it was a pineapple sided conure and it scremed the whole half hour i was there and it was the loudest most obnoxious scream i have ever heard, there were over 30 parrots and many larger than him and yet his scream was louder then all of them. roxynoodle i don't know what i would do if i could not tame him or keep him tame. i think i would find him another home and i dont think thats necessarily a bad thing if i made sure he went to a good home where his owners did their research. i feel that i want a rosella bad enough to put the effort and work necassary into turning him into a good pet. in the wild they are flock birds so they require companionship by nature so if i work enough he will bond with me and want to be with me and lol been there and done that with my budgies, i had no idea how they managed to launch their tiny poop feet away.
Conures are vocal. They make quite a few noises throughout the day, but happy conures don't screech that much really. The one in the pet store may have been bored or trying to get some attention from someone. Or someone did pay attention to it for a bit and then walked away, and it was trying to get him/her back. But, if bird noise is a problem, you don't want a conure.

My amazon is the least vocal, but he is capable of being the loudest. If he gets upset about something he does this very loud alarm sound that I'm quite certain can be heard by the neighbors even though I'm in the country. Thankfully he doesn't do it very much.

Well, I do think you need to think about the Rosella thing as far as how you would deal with it if it won't tame. But, I'm of the mind that when you bring home an animal it is yours unless it must be rehomed due to a death, illness or allergies. That's just my personal opinion though and no one has to agree with me. I won't be offended:) I understand you are determined, but it does sound like it's a very difficult task. I'm a determined person, too, so I get it.
I used to own 2 conures in the past and had a lot of people trying to give me their conures. I always say no. After dealing with them for 3 years, never again!!! I was patient enough doing it for 3 years before moving out and leaving them with my best friend. As he adores them.
Conures are vocal. They make quite a few noises throughout the day, but happy conures don't screech that much really. The one in the pet store may have been bored or trying to get some attention from someone. Or someone did pay attention to it for a bit and then walked away, and it was trying to get him/her back. But, if bird noise is a problem, you don't want a conure.

My amazon is the least vocal, but he is capable of being the loudest. If he gets upset about something he does this very loud alarm sound that I'm quite certain can be heard by the neighbors even though I'm in the country. Thankfully he doesn't do it very much.

Well, I do think you need to think about the Rosella thing as far as how you would deal with it if it won't tame. But, I'm of the mind that when you bring home an animal it is yours unless it must be rehomed due to a death, illness or allergies. That's just my personal opinion though and no one has to agree with me. I won't be offended:) I understand you are determined, but it does sound like it's a very difficult task. I'm a determined person, too, so I get it.

yeah i think im going to stay away from any conure....they also live many many years right? i dont think i can handle a 50-60 year commitment. i TOTALLY agree and we are of very like minds that when a pet comes home they are yours.....i hate giving pets away even if i dont like them i still try showing them love and care for them properlly because i feel responsible for them, if i was the type who gets pets for fun, or on an impulse i would not be thinking this through completely....and im glad you get what i mean i am EXTREMELY DETERMINED to make it work, i want to set new standards for rosellas. im the type of guy who tries to make something work even if i know the last 500 failed. right now i have finals and i believe they can raise my grade while everyone says that they always drop your grade...see what i mean:p

I used to own 2 conures in the past and had a lot of people trying to give me their conures. I always say no. After dealing with them for 3 years, never again!!! I was patient enough doing it for 3 years before moving out and leaving them with my best friend. As he adores them.

looks to me like your experience was a very terrible one......i had that with my moustache parakeet who was absolutely a crazy little monster who alarm called every hour he possibly could and although he was tamed he was still very mean....i gave him and his 1000 dollar cage away for free because i could not stand him for a few more minutes.
I don't know much about Rosellas, but I guess the question you should ask yourself is, "If I can't tame the bird or keep it tame, will I still want it and take care of it?" If the answer is yes, then get the bird. If the answer is no, I think I'd look at other species. IMO they are all beautiful As far as messy poop on the Lories, well my conure shoots poop through the air. It has gone as far as 2.5 feet and landed in the middle of the couch, lol! I regularly have to scrub down half her cage because it's all over the bars as well. She has the smallest poop of all my birds, but she sure manages to get it all over the place.

You don't know what messy poop is until you meet a Lory!!!! LoL....Malachai shoots them out like a shot gun, because of their diet, it's liquid poop!!! He shoots them as far as 6 feet away from the cage. I wrap a towel around the sides and the back of his cage and bought a huge area rug that I can wash for the front of his cage.
I don't know much about Rosellas, but I guess the question you should ask yourself is, "If I can't tame the bird or keep it tame, will I still want it and take care of it?" If the answer is yes, then get the bird. If the answer is no, I think I'd look at other species. IMO they are all beautiful As far as messy poop on the Lories, well my conure shoots poop through the air. It has gone as far as 2.5 feet and landed in the middle of the couch, lol! I regularly have to scrub down half her cage because it's all over the bars as well. She has the smallest poop of all my birds, but she sure manages to get it all over the place.

You don't know what messy poop is until you meet a Lory!!!! LoL....Malachai shoots them out like a shot gun, because of their diet, it's liquid poop!!! He shoots them as far as 6 feet away from the cage. I wrap a towel around the sides and the back of his cage and bought a huge area rug that I can wash for the front of his cage.

you must really love him to put up with that, i know i could NEVER put up with family would likely kill me. i looked into a lory for a bit and im glad you guys told me about this before i got stuck with a poop machine gun lol
I had NO idea how bad they really are until we brought him home. He's a beautiful Black Lory. My partner wanted a black bird for years and suggested a crow, mynah, etc. But we compromised on Malachai. He's super comical, very playful as he lays on his back and hold little ball toys and play with them while laying on his back. He likes to snuggle close to us, he goes inside of our shirts to snuggle, he would actually fall asleep while under your shirt. He hops around like a bunny rabbit which is adorable. So yea, we love him. Watch some videos on Black Lory on Youtube, you'll see what I mean. They're super smart funny birds!!!
......i had that with my moustache parakeet who was absolutely a crazy little monster who alarm called every hour he possibly could and although he was tamed he was still very mean....i gave him and his 1000 dollar cage away for free because i could not stand him for a few more minutes.

The moustache parakeet is not as loud and the Indian Ringneck, so I think you might be better off with a budgie or a cockatiel... A lot of parrots live for more than 50 years, but budgies and cockatiels should have a lifespan shorter than that...

All parrots are noisy, and if you can't stand noise, maybe a parrot is not for you... Their noise level also depend very much on how noisy your home is.. If you have the TV or radio up loud, your birds will be loud...

If I were to recommend a parrot, it would be the Alexandrine... They're very stable in temperament, and are also quiet, if given the care and attention they need... Max is the quietest bird I've ever had.

Good luck in your search..
Conures live 15-30 years. So generally longer than budgies, but I've heard of cockatiels living to 25 so that puts them in the same range.

Ok a bird that can shoot poop 6 feet wins the pooping contest, lol! I do have stuff up the wall behind her cage and over the couch to protect them.

I don't know the vocal abilities of a Rosella, but yes, if a GCC is too loud, the larger conures will all be way too loud for you. If I'm at a neighbors and Rowdy can see me through a window, we can hear her calling me. They do say they can't hear her from inside their houses though. If I lived where houses are close together or in an apartment, there would probably be complaints. Not just about her though, but all the birds. Like I mentioned earlier, the Grey goes on a roll for at least an hour at a time, and she does it about 4 times a day. She doesn't scream, but listening to a "fire alarm" or an "ambulance" can be hard on the ears.
I had NO idea how bad they really are until we brought him home. He's a beautiful Black Lory. My partner wanted a black bird for years and suggested a crow, mynah, etc. But we compromised on Malachai. He's super comical, very playful as he lays on his back and hold little ball toys and play with them while laying on his back. He likes to snuggle close to us, he goes inside of our shirts to snuggle, he would actually fall asleep while under your shirt. He hops around like a bunny rabbit which is adorable. So yea, we love him. Watch some videos on Black Lory on Youtube, you'll see what I mean. They're super smart funny birds!!!

hahahah lool he sounds like an amazing bird and that is exactly what im looking for in a bird, friendly, likes to play and a clown:p. you got one amazing bird

......i had that with my moustache parakeet who was absolutely a crazy little monster who alarm called every hour he possibly could and although he was tamed he was still very mean....i gave him and his 1000 dollar cage away for free because i could not stand him for a few more minutes.

The moustache parakeet is not as loud and the Indian Ringneck, so I think you might be better off with a budgie or a cockatiel... A lot of parrots live for more than 50 years, but budgies and cockatiels should have a lifespan shorter than that...

All parrots are noisy, and if you can't stand noise, maybe a parrot is not for you... Their noise level also depend very much on how noisy your home is.. If you have the TV or radio up loud, your birds will be loud...

If I were to recommend a parrot, it would be the Alexandrine... They're very stable in temperament, and are also quiet, if given the care and attention they need... Max is the quietest bird I've ever had.

Good luck in your search..

i understand what your saying but i didnt say i can't stand noise, i just can't stand parrots who constantly scream for attention or those that scream while given attention. my moustache parakeet was certainly louder than any indian ringneck i have ever seen. i understand that every parrot regardless of species or temperment will and can get loud at times and im totally fine with that but im not ok with parrots who keep on screaming for hours ever day. maybe i just have not gotten close enough to any parrots to forget about the noise. i used to have a budgie that would chirp all the time and i loved it even though everyone else thought it was obnoxious because i loved him.....the moustache parakeet on the other hand screamed all day for no reason even when we let him out and i tried to give him as much attention as i possibly could and he still screamed an ear peircing scream every 20 seconds. besides rosellas are not known to scream and they have really nice vocalizations because their voice tends to be softer.

Conures live 15-30 years. So generally longer than budgies, but I've heard of cockatiels living to 25 so that puts them in the same range.

Ok a bird that can shoot poop 6 feet wins the pooping contest, lol! I do have stuff up the wall behind her cage and over the couch to protect them.

I don't know the vocal abilities of a Rosella, but yes, if a GCC is too loud, the larger conures will all be way too loud for you. If I'm at a neighbors and Rowdy can see me through a window, we can hear her calling me. They do say they can't hear her from inside their houses though. If I lived where houses are close together or in an apartment, there would probably be complaints. Not just about her though, but all the birds. Like I mentioned earlier, the Grey goes on a roll for at least an hour at a time, and she does it about 4 times a day. She doesn't scream, but listening to a "fire alarm" or an "ambulance" can be hard on the ears.

i had no idea they lived for so little, i thought it was closer to 50-80 years....dont some species of conure live that long?. i have heard a few recordings of rosellas and it is really soft, and they do not tend to in my eyes the ideal bird for me. i know to expect some screaming i am not a dictator lol and the closer me and my rosella bond the less i will care for noise. i bet anyone if you and your parrots were not bonded you would hate the screams and im sure over time you began to notice it less and less right;)
No, 50-80 year lifespans are more along the lines of amazons and large macaws. I'm sure there are conures here and there that make it past 30, but not very often. I'm sure some cockatoos and Greys make it past 50 as well, but a 50 year old conure would be quite amazing.

Bird noise just doesn't bother me I guess. It does bother some people who visit and wonder how I can stand them. I think with some small children it hurts their ears as well because they will hold their hands over their ears and get upset. Some of the high pitched sounds bother the cat as well. In fact she just left the room because Merlin was doing the fire alarm. I guess if the noise bothered me, I wouldn't have birds or I'd have different birds. My ex husband didn't even like my budgie and he was very quiet volume wise.

I consider them quiet though compared to my neighbor's roosters, one of whom broke out and then proceeded to crow under my bedroom window until I finally got out of bed and told it to shut up, lol! He woke up the whole house and then all of my animals were making noise. And I guess I'd rather listen to them than one of the neighbor's dogs barking all night on my porch.
No, 50-80 year lifespans are more along the lines of amazons and large macaws. I'm sure there are conures here and there that make it past 30, but not very often. I'm sure some cockatoos and Greys make it past 50 as well, but a 50 year old conure would be quite amazing.

Bird noise just doesn't bother me I guess. It does bother some people who visit and wonder how I can stand them. I think with some small children it hurts their ears as well because they will hold their hands over their ears and get upset. Some of the high pitched sounds bother the cat as well. In fact she just left the room because Merlin was doing the fire alarm. I guess if the noise bothered me, I wouldn't have birds or I'd have different birds. My ex husband didn't even like my budgie and he was very quiet volume wise.

I consider them quiet though compared to my neighbor's roosters, one of whom broke out and then proceeded to crow under my bedroom window until I finally got out of bed and told it to shut up, lol! He woke up the whole house and then all of my animals were making noise. And I guess I'd rather listen to them than one of the neighbor's dogs barking all night on my porch.

oh wow am i mixed up or what?! lol thanks for clarifying i wont make that mistake again. i agree that im not crazy about bird noise but for me if i bond with a bird or any animal for that matter i dont care what kind of irritating noises they make or what messes happen because i only think about all the good times. maybe i am shutting conures down way too fast and had i not already previously made up my mind to adopt a rosella i probably would be looking at conures right now. they can be pretty darn cute at times. im looking at the big picture here in terms of what i know i want, like i have wanted a rosella for many years and so now given the oppertunity im jumping in but if i never had any biasas prior to now i know i would be searching for a conure breeder right now. bottom line is all parrots can be amazing pets but if you forget the noise, you have got yourself a companion who adores the snot out of you:D
Have you ever considered any of the finches? I know they are probably smaller than what you want but some of them are very colorful, like the gouldians, and if you can find a hand raised one, I've seen some very tame finches. Also, what about a lovebird? They come in so many colors they are like skittles and a well raised one can make a wonderful pet and I've never heard a lovie scream.

Here are some videos :)

[ame=]Hand Fed Gouldian Finches - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]lady gouldian finch - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Baby Lady Gouldians Flying To Their Daddy - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Sammie, my tame peach faced lovebird - YouTube[/ame]
if u don't want a loud bird then dot look at they big ones look at the finches budges cockatiels and lovebirds those look like they fit what u are looking for and plus ive heard that green cheeks are pretty quiet compared to other conures i dont think it will be as loud as u think it will be

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