How can you stand the noise?

Barry ALWAYS has something to say for himself but none of it is very loud or annoying to me but i guess some people would find it annoying.

I think you get used to it... I couldnt stand the screeching of my partners cockatoo when we first met (and i was def not a bird person at that stage either) and it would drive me insane!!! Now it doesnt bother me half as much to the point i have even considered getting one =D
We have people who bought the house next door and moved in. Before they bought it, my husband spoke to them and told them we have birds in the backyard and sometimes hey can be noisy. They said 'ok, that's fine'.

Virtually right after they moved in, they started calling the local council and complaining about the nose. We had to sell half of our birds and do whatever we can to keep them silent (while the neighbours are not silent!).

We've been trying to sell our house for three years now, to buy a few acres away from people, but with no luck. It's frustrating because they knew we had parrots when they moved in. The woman even screams at them over the fence, even when they're not being that noisy.
Omg I would DIE if I didn't hear bird chatter in my house, especially now during winter. How anyone could sit on a house without bird chatter is beyond me. Everyone in my house loves it so there are no issues with noise. The bird racket going on outside is way more, so I'm always hearing it, in or out. It's just soothing white noise to me.
My lorikeet and ringnecks make more noise than my Ekkie .
He is very quiet and comes out with a few words and that's it really.
My lorikeet and ringnecks make more noise than my Ekkie .
He is very quiet and comes out with a few words and that's it really.

Did he ever "beg" when you first got him? My boy squawks now and then although it seems to be getting less frequent but yesterday when i went to pick him up from a friend who was bird sitting for a few days over christmas he was being REALLY loud, almost as bad as a too! He seems a lot happier now that he is home though and quiet as a little mouse apart from some chatter along with the tv =D

But yea i have always assumed he would grow out of it (as he seems to be), just wondering what experience you have had (if any) with it? Its not a noise i ever really associated with Eckies haha
My macaw is 500x quieter than my plet ever was. That plet would never shut up! haha. I felt bad for him because when I would study I would have to cover his cage. He kind of made me hate owning a bird.
My GW is silent 90% of the day. He really isnt talking unless being interacted with. He does occasionally yell in the morning when the light wakes him, but its usually the time we need to get up also so its ok. When I'm walking in the door from the garage after being gone he's screaming his head off, but quiets down immediately. Outside of that, you wouldn't know he was in the house if you never saw him.
I don't think I've ever had anyone ask me if they're noisy :confused: lol but when Jackie was here, my husband **always** had something to say about Jackie's loudness- but he was
Loud lol. Chili has her loud moments- she gets in touch with her inner galah as she hangs upside down and screeches for about 5 minutes straight.

And we live on acreage with no close neighbors so I don't have to worry about disrupting anyone else.
All my birds make noise/talk and I can see why it would make some people nuts......same reason when I go to my friends house and their dogs NEVER stop barking it makes me insane!!! Doesn't seem to bother them...I dont know how they can stand it! Even walking by a car with a dog barking in it drives me crazy! I HATE barking dogs! I do have a dog (i like dogs) but he only barks when theres a reason like someone at the door etc....its the mindless barking dog that just stands there and barks at nothing that makes me crazy. But the birds can squawk and sing and talk all day long and it doesn't bother me at all. I think its just what kind of animal person you are decides what you can tollerate for noise.

I do have to say I am glad we live in a house and not an appartment though. If I had neighbors with in an earshot I would be stressed all the time about my birds disturbing them.
I agree evilbird. I have dogs but it drives me mental when people have dogs that bark constantly! And then people yell at them. Dogs keep barking. People keep yelling. I want to scream! Haha
I noticed that too tab. If I play music or the tv Captain Jack gets louder the louder the noise is. I also get Captain Jack out when I am on the phone so he will not make any noise when I am talking to someone. On subject I feel bad Fargo is being complained about. :(

Oh really? He doesn't try and talk on the phone as well? ;)

Fargo enjoys saying hello to random people whilst i am talking :54: haha

Oh its ok, my dad complains about all the animals, he hates animals, especially the horses..

but mum loves them... Weird relationship :rolleyes:

Usually he tries to play with my cell phone when I am talking on it. However, once when I was talking to my mom over the phone she swore she heard Captain Jack talking (he was on my shoulder at the time).
I had to work in a store full of crying baby birds and I would get that question all the time
My tiel makes flock noises every time I walk away, and he does it a lot, but it doesn't bother me. I actually like his chirps. He is pretty vocal for a cockatiel. I read someone call that "flock call cockatiel chirping" as "screaming" on another forum, and I thought that was funny. He was complaining that his tiel was "screaming" all day. I don't think he really heard a loud bird scream.

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