Hey all - I was browsing some info on macaw bites as I had an experience last night I am inclined to share on this thread.
Rolo is our Blue and Gold Macaw - around a year and a half old. Very silly tame! My other half is his favourite although he loves spending time with me!
He normally pecks or nips at you if he doesn't like something. Not very hard just enough for you to stop. He is very comfortable around us both although will shun me if my missus is around lol. He understands NO and is such a loveable bird. He showers with us, eats with us, sleeps when we sleep and goes on rambles and rants when he is happy. He totally rips apart all the newspaper in his cage when he wants out (he is kept in a cage when we are not around). I am in the process of constructing an outdoor aviary to the back of the house so he can have his own space, especially with a newborn on the way next month!
Last night, Rolo was perched on my shoulder and he loves sitting on this hanging perch from the window peering outside, so I tried for him to get onto the perch. He somewhat squawked and literally took a swipe at my chin. I've never felt him bite so hard before. My wife came into the room after hearing the commotion and saw that I had a cut near my chin which didn't look bad, but any movement near my face opened the cut and blood poured out. I also noticed an extreme pain all the way down my throat and neck.
I am a type 1 diabetic, therefore my blood sugars went haywire and I passed out. Whilst KO, my wife had put some ice cubes covered in a cloth to stop the bleeding which stopped by then. I have attached a pic of the area.
It may seem very small, but it is very deep. Although these birds may be tame to a silly level, their beaks are VERY sharp. I trust Rolo with my life (not with my laptop however), so I have put this down to puberty and growing up. I have realised that his behaviour has changed (have had him since he was 3 months old) and though he may seem more obedient (with age) his strength and attitude are also maturing.
Any advice? My wife was worried I wouldn't forgive him because at the time, it seemed really worse than it is. I have owned pets before (3 bengal cats) and know the odd injury is to be expected. I had to hand feed one of my raw bengal girls to wean her off the raw meat diet she was on. She accidentally bit down hard on the tip of my finger with her her canine's and the pain was indescribable. Again no fault of the animal!
Would this freak event be down to him growing up? Is it puberty related?
Any advice of comments would be greatly appreciated!
Abu Rolo!