Horrormones with Albie are awful this year

Some of my budgies nap mote than others and they're all apparently healthy. As long as Ollie has enthusiasm for food and spends some of the day fairly active he's probably fine. Watch for him just sitting fluffed up on the perch and not eating. That usually means they're very sick.
Well, Ms CAG Hyde has moved to next level. When my service dog walks past her cage she screams like a cat attacking. If he actually touches her cage she cat screams and attacks. He doesn't understand why. She has never been so aggressive towards him in all of his nearly 8 years! When I yell at him to move, I get the doggie what did I do look. Looking around on line I found something to try. No more warm food! She hates cold chop. I know this will pass. But when?
Summer for near all, up the really over the top Parrots, especially those with screwed internal clocks.
My conure Budi is in full throttle hormonal
He will hide under any place and make funny screaming noises and drag socks into em lol
At avian vet today for routine lab, nail, beak. My grey owner was exceptional in her aggressive showing today, growling, posturing etc. I asked vet about her hormonal behavior. He said this year is bad; early or continuing molt, feathers changing colors, mood and aggressiveness swinging like pendulums! Owners wanted to know where their sweet feathered pets went. Most of the birds were regulars in routine care and labs. All had negative labs etc. He suggested trying avian light therapy if she didn't calm down. I was curious if other clients were having problems.
I've been trying to prevent mating and egg laying among my free flying hormonal flock of budgies and the eight that live in large gender segregated cages on my enclosed porch room, and so far so good. However- this morning I woke to THIS on the bottom of the Girls' Only Cage! WTF?! WHO DID IT?!
I've been trying to prevent mating and egg laying among my free flying hormonal flock of budgies and the eight that live in large gender segregated cages on my enclosed porch room, and so far so good. However- this morning I woke to THIS on the bottom of the Girls' Only Cage! WTF?! WHO DID IT?!View attachment 78771
Mrs. Peacock in the kitchen with the candlestick.
These girls, one of whom is the guilty party, have been throwing their chop and seed out of their dishes as fast as I can add more. I don't know which one's doing it. I'm beginning to think that it's the egg-layer, and she's been tossing food to clean out a space to nest. I guess segregating the sexes isn't a fool proof way to stop hormonal behavior in budgies. I know that other female parrots without male partners can and do lay eggs but I hadn't heard of budgies doing it. At this point I don't think there's much I can do about it. They get enough sleep at night.
One of those bad girls laid ANOTHER egg today! I don't get it. Are they like chickens? How many budgie eggs does it take to make an omelet?
One of those bad girls laid ANOTHER egg today! I don't get it. Are they like chickens? How many budgie eggs does it take to make an omelet?
What do you plan on doing? No envy here! Did you have to search or was it easy find?
The eggs have been on the bottom of the cage. These four females share a large cage and I don't let them out. I don't know which ones laying the eggs but I have my suspicions. I have no idea how to stop it.
I think the food tossing in the girls' cage is nesting behavior and has led to the egg laying. After observing them more closely it appears that two sisters from different clutches two months apart have formed a pair bond. They feed each other and at least one of them has been clearing the food out of their bowls in preparation to nest just like female budgies do when you put nesting material in their box- they kick it all away from where they will lay the eggs or pitch it out the hole if they can. In the adjacent cage separated by a sheet of thin plywood are four males. They can't see them but can hear them. One of these boys spends hours every day madly humping one of his toys. Plus there are seven or eight free flying budgies that "visit" both cages and "talk" to them through the cage bars.
Overall, my flock is a hormonal mess! Opposite sexes, same sexes, or toys. Wanting to mate, trying to mate, avoiding others who want to mate, actually mating, chewing up everything in sight, laying eggs! I'm running around saying "stop it you guys! and trying to separate the horniest "offenders". Imagine what would happen if I was dumb enough to hang nest boxes around the living room? There was an elderly man in Michigan several years ago who's son called animal protection because he had a room full of free flying, free breeding budgies that had gotten out of control. They confiscated about 850 budgies from his home!

What happened to my sweet budgies? How can I stop this chaos short of throwing a bucket of cold water over the whole bunch or putting them in separate cages?
I think the food tossing in the girls' cage is nesting behavior and has led to the egg laying. After observing them more closely it appears that two sisters from different clutches two months apart have formed a pair bond. They feed each other and at least one of them has been clearing the food out of their bowls in preparation to nest just like female budgies do when you put nesting material in their box- they kick it all away from where they will lay the eggs or pitch it out the hole if they can. In the adjacent cage separated by a sheet of thin plywood are four males. They can't see them but can hear them. One of these boys spends hours every day madly humping one of his toys. Plus there are seven or eight free flying budgies that "visit" both cages and "talk" to them through the cage bars.
Overall, my flock is a hormonal mess! Opposite sexes, same sexes, or toys. Wanting to mate, trying to mate, avoiding others who want to mate, actually mating, chewing up everything in sight, laying eggs! I'm running around saying "stop it you guys! and trying to separate the horniest "offenders". Imagine what would happen if I was dumb enough to hang nest boxes around the living room? There was an elderly man in Michigan several years ago who's son called animal protection because he had a room full of free flying, free breeding budgies that had gotten out of control. They confiscated about 850 budgies from his home!

What happened to my sweet budgies? How can I stop this chaos short of throwing a bucket of cold water over the whole bunch or putting them in separate cages?
I'd take notes, videos, recordings etc. Then I'd write/ebook/audio/video. Have Rb pick a title. Then publish so individuals considering breeding, purchasing m/f pairs, and budgie ignorant individuals like me will have a real life resource. Get rich on the frustration your friends are giving you.

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