Horrormones with Albie are awful this year


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Feb 9, 2020
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Manchester, uk
Albie - Pineapple Green Cheek Conure - Hatch date 14 Dec 2019 - Gotcha date - 4 March 2020
Throw in a big moult and She's nailing something awful. Taking literal chunks out of my fingers . At least it's not Mr stitch this time around 🤣

I don't react , I remove her she gets plenty of sleep . I respect her when she signals no but it's when we are just chilling that a switch flips and bam she nails me. Like just now she chose to climb into my hand . She sat there happy and then she bites and bites hard . It's so hard not taking ot personally but I'm just at a loss as to what to do with her . I can't shun her for what her little hormones are doing and shes so itchy with pins at the same time. She must be miserable

Good thing I love her
Remove as much corn, sugars, and carbs from her diet. Also don't give her anything she could pretend is a nest or dark hiding place.
It's not going to stop the hormonal behavior but seems to moderate it somewhat.
I agree, this years mating season is shaping up to be a real corker! Salty has been so broody and horny the poor little guy!
Knock on big wood railroad ties, our Julio (DYHA) is have a semi-Okay Hormonal Seasons. Likely the combination of over-cast skys and much longer sleep periods (14+ hours) with the room dark and near silent. The great part is that he has been the one to call it a day and head for his sleeping perch.

The last five years have been near a war zone with lots of human blood and near everything being 'Amazon Owned' and death to anyone that entered.

We understand and hope that life returns to kind of normal soon.
Glad it's not just me noticing the hormones are worse than usual this year! Voritex's first hormone season is starting and she's like a teenie velociraptor. OY.
This is the first year Salty has been actively shredding up his cage papers, like constantly. Buckle up, buttercup, its gonna be a ride!

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