Horrible experience

I'm sorry Fargo had to go through all that. Good for you for taking care of him first. Our African Grey got her leg band caught and unfortunately did break her leg. We were lucky that it was a clean break and only needed a cast rather than surgery.

I think that while Fargo may have been biting you, just as you didnt realize the bites until afterwards, he also did not realize what he was doing at the time.

Again, good for you for taking care of him and thinking about yourself second. He is a very lucky parrot :)
Yikes ! Just think about all of those " battle " scars , lol. Bands are always dangerouse , especially on larger birds. I think that if Fargo was calm enough he would do it without sedation , though I don't think anybody trusts Fargo with a pair of pliers LOL. I agree, talk with your vet about this incident , glad Fargo is okay !
Hows your hand doing? I hope it's not causing you any trouble. Make sure to keep it clean to avoid any secondary infections.
You know i was thinking that he wanted to use GA because it would cost more, i know thats not a nice thing to think, but!
Fargo also has a tiny lump on his face, he has had one before, which went away after a few days, so i had emailed a picture of it at the same time and the vet had said 'It may need removal, best checked- again, under anesthesia is safest.'
I showed Wendy the picture of the lump and she said no way would it need removing :p

My hand is fine! Just feels like when you touch a bruise, i have been riding my horse no problems with it :)

However, off topic, as i was riding my horse around the arena, we had been riding for 30 minutes, i said ok, one last lap......
Wasps suddenly flew out at us ! I got bit on my leg, face, and hand! :mad:

And then, as i was feeding my horse, i rolled my ankle and fell down the hill :54:
It seems i am a bit accident prone lately :09:

I will email the other vets today and see what they say! :)

And Grinder, so sorry to hear about your grey!!! Poor little thing, their just seem to be so many stories about leg bands :(
You know i was thinking that he wanted to use GA because it would cost more, i know thats not a nice thing to think, but!
Fargo also has a tiny lump on his face, he has had one before, which went away after a few days, so i had emailed a picture of it at the same time and the vet had said 'It may need removal, best checked- again, under anesthesia is safest.'
I showed Wendy the picture of the lump and she said no way would it need removing :p

My hand is fine! Just feels like when you touch a bruise, i have been riding my horse no problems with it :)

However, off topic, as i was riding my horse around the arena, we had been riding for 30 minutes, i said ok, one last lap......
Wasps suddenly flew out at us ! I got bit on my leg, face, and hand! :mad:

And then, as i was feeding my horse, i rolled my ankle and fell down the hill :54:
It seems i am a bit accident prone lately :09:

I will email the other vets today and see what they say! :)

And Grinder, so sorry to hear about your grey!!! Poor little thing, their just seem to be so many stories about leg bands :(
Wow! I'm stunned by your vet! My vet does all possible to avoid GA.

That SUCKS about the wasps! Did they get your horse too? I'm afriad of wasps, when I was a little kid camping for a family reunion my dad stepped on a yellow jacket hole and our camp site was viciously attacked and swarmed. I was bitten 10 times, I think I was in 2nd grade and it made me terrified of bees until only a few years ago.

You've been having one bad week! I hope life decides to treat you better lol
Hmm, hopefully the other vet will have a better answer!!

Im not sure if they got my horse, she shook her head, so i yelled GO ELLE! :p and we quickly ran home haha

Oh wow! They are nasty little things, sting so bad! :(

And, I treated myself (and Fargo) to some online shopping for bird toys last night :54:hahaha
You have the best attitude! Wasp stings and parrot bites and you are still going strong.
With my birds my vet told me what to do and howto do it really as it was getting expensive taking birds in just fir band removals. Just in a large towel retrain the bird then a 2nd person take a pair of heavy wire cutters and snip the band straight through. then take 2 needle nosed pliers and pull it apart nicely... and its that simples. My vet does not put a bird under unless it is really needed. In my expirence birds react horribly to being put under compared to cats and dogs..

I would get a 2nd as well... hope you can get it off soon though:).
Hey Tab, you've experienced quite a collection of traumatic events within the past several hours! Your unfortunate luck in that regard has just got to change ;)

I hope your wasp stings, your torqued ankle, and your wounds from Fargo all heal quickly :(
wow, well they say bad things happen in 3s, so I'm sure your luck will turn around now Glad Fargo and you are all right. I can't even imagine how scared you must of been. Good on you for taking care of the situation. Good luck in your search for the right vet.

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