Argh... your poor hand!! Look at fargo... loving those scratches... with is cheeky face you would never think he had been through a traumatic event LOL
Definitely look into a different vet, or have a think about getting the stuff together to do it yourself. You'll need someone who is strong and has excellent muscle control to do the clipping
I always think carefully about saying this because I don't want to scare anyone unnecessarily... but having worked as a vet nurse in a few surgeries, I have seen many mistakes happen in the administration of anaesthetic in all species, but especially birds (though to be fair, they were mostly wild natives which the vets had no liability if something did go wrong). I am surprised that a responsible vet would insist on general anaethetic for such a simple procedure! To my mind, GA is something to use only when necessary. Cutting a leg band off does not warrant it
I've been planning to remove Sheldons (the corella) band as well, it hasn't been closed properly and it pinches him, Im afraid it will get caught on the bars while I am away. Its almost wide enough to pull off as is, I just need some spare time, some good pliers and a couple of volunteers and I will bend it out and take it off.