Hi from me and Pritti.


New member
Jul 5, 2012
SE Florida and Sullivan County, NY
Cody-Blu, female Blue-Crowned Conure, Hatched - (approx) June 1, 2014, in a South Florida tree.

Pritti (Cherry-Head Conure) -- Fly in Peace my beautiful boy. Forever I'll love you.
We've been away from the forum for several weeks and missed seeing and hearing everyone's news, stories, photos and thoughts. I have a lot of reading to catch up.

Just a quick update. A bunch of y'all know Pritti was in hospital before Xmas with seizure, fluid around heart and enlarged liver. He's doing great. We were struggling with administering his long-term (like for rest of life) homeopathic meds. We decided toweling and syringing (up to 9 times a day) is just out of the question -- way to stressful for him at 32 years old. So, no more of that !! -- just the usual good nutrition, exercise, safety and lots-o-love, and an extra watchful eye. What will be... will be... but Pritti WILL live his life as a happy !!!

Here's a short clip from a couple of days ago of him enjoying the moment.[ame=http://youtu.be/YeWJX2y_1Oc]The sound of parrot happiness. - YouTube[/ame]
So glad to hear that Pritti is doing well, and I think you made the right decision. Quality of life is so important. Great video:)
I'm so glad ur back, I was worried about Pritti! Last I heard he was just out of the vets. I'm so glad to see he's doing well. You're making the right decision. He's a lovely older boy who should retain his dignity and happiness. His eyes are bright, he looks good :)
Its nice to here from you guys again! I am so so so glad that Pritti is doing good! I was wondering what happened to you guys! I was worried about Pritti! So I am very relieved to here that he's doing good! :)
Welcome back and I'm glad Pritti is still hanging around. ;)
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Mikey, Pritti is going to be in the Guinness Book of Records in 17.5 years when he turns 50.
He is such a pretty bird [I love him :)} great to hear from you !!
You made the right choice. Those pterodactyl sounds from Pritti is so cute!!!! Does he always make that noise when excited? I've never that from conures before!
Yay! Pritti! I was beginning to wonder about Pritti since it had been so long. He looks wonderful and so happy. It's just lovely to have you guys back again and especially knowing that Pritti is well and playing again. Sending hugs to you both. :) :) :)
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:). Thank u all for the warm and fuzzies.
I didn't see that Pritti went to the vet (I've been absent since early December) but I'm glad to know he's still around and kicking! What a cute vid! :D
Hey Monica! I'd noticed you hadn't posted in ages and missed your great advice. I hope everything's OK with you? Anyway, welcome back and it's lovely to see you posting again. :)
Betrisher, yes, I'm fine! Just busy with life! Not sure if I'll ever be able to catch up here!

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