Hey Red

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  • #42
I have a feeling that this thread is going to quickly turn into a "train wreck" you don't want to look, but for some morbid reason you just feel compelled to!
Wow, done by fat men...time differences...french...tight skirts...this is way too much excitement for midnight for an old lady like me....
I have a feeling that this thread is going to quickly turn into a "train wreck" you don't want to look, but for some morbid reason you just feel compelled to!

Like YOU! .........................................................................................................................
Dont worry.
Nobody but us will be bothered reading it all the way to the end.
Were safe.
but if you can convince Meghan to explain what she means by "done", I will share my lunch with you.
Dont worry.
Nobody but us will be bothered reading it all the way to the end.
Were safe.
but if you can convince Meghan to explain what she means by "done", I will share my lunch with you.

Oh Please, I doubt that anyone would want to have lunch with you, you haven't had a shower.:eek:
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  • #50
...tight skirts...

Wow, I mean, I know Red was planning on getting dressed to go out to eat ... but, I mean, really, I missed the tight skirt part!

Before or after you eat it? Sorry, but with you, I think that needs clarification...

Amen to that! Gotta watch yourself around that one you do!
Well for the sake of Meghan I have showered. I am now on my way out to get some yummy lunch.
Back soon.
Because Peta is gone. And of course i'm here, and alot of people. :D And i hardly cal 8:53pm late.

Well when its 8.53 your end it was 4.53 am. so I was in bed. And no I'm sure you all can talk about what you want even when I'm on. Yes if it gets too bad then I'll tell ya. :D And hey if ya all wanna get up when I'm on then thats fine. :D
Well when its 8.53 your end it was 4.53 am. so I was in bed. And no I'm sure you all can talk about what you want even when I'm on. Yes if it gets too bad then I'll tell ya. :D And hey if ya all wanna get up when I'm on then thats fine. :D

Hey Peta...

We haven't see Bucc & Kito pics lately... jeez get it together. lol i'm kidding. I haven't posted tiel pics in ages either.
Yeah been a bit slow on the picture front lately. I'll have to get some up. Bucc's not a problem but Kito on the other hand, well lets just say that whatever I have in my hand he seems to think its Kito food. :D So it takes some cleaver moves by me to get him. May just try Chi's duck tape trick on the feet. :D

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