He's pissin' me off today...


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
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Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
...I just want to weigh the knucklehead! So he sit's on his front door and see's me approach and does an about-face and climbs back inside his house. I grab his carry-me-around perch and go in the other room and wait five minutes..He's back on his front door,see's me again and back in he goes..I wait five minutes. Now he's on his playpen and I rush to close his door before he flips upside down and gets in. I beg him to step up as he lay's on his side,chewing at a toy,kicking the stick then lays on his back just looking at me. I tell him I just want to weigh him and he gets up,runs to the back of his playpen chewing another toy lifting a leg in preparation to kick at the stick again. He finally gets on the stick but wont let go of the wiffle ball type toy tied by a piece of thin rope to his playpen perch..Twenty minutes later he's on the scale perch...517g's.Took all of 3 seconds to weigh the goofball...sighhhh

Been here. It's like parrots are girls. In my case they are all girls.

I recommend wrapping any female in a blanket burrito then weigh the blanket separately and subtract.

In b4 banned!!!!!!!!!!:D Tee hee
Been here. It's like parrots are girls. In my case they are all girls.

I recommend wrapping any female in a blanket burrito then weigh the blanket separately and subtract.

In b4 banned!!!!!!!!!!:D Tee hee

Live by the wrap, die by the wrap!
With the Hot Three Amazons, especially the ones that have real muscle mass, such an approach, will assure a viscous bite beyond a bit of blood.
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Our good Friend Wrench stated the reality with Amazons!

When I approach Julio for near anything. The conversation commonly starts on the other side of the room and than a mid to slow approach. I will get one of two signals: No way, good away or the left craw high and ready.

It is easy to forget that we live in their World!!

Lots of Praise on the way in, all during and also when on the way out. And, if it is no-way, well, it is time for the highway and another day.

One of the errors made is that when we are done, we drop them off and are on our way. That is the same as when they turn their back on you! Always assure that there is a ton of praise and loving them and bye for nows.

How we leave is often how they elect to greet us or not!

It is why, I Love Amazons!
...I just want to weigh the knucklehead! So he sit's on his front door and see's me approach and does an about-face and climbs back inside his house. I grab his carry-me-around perch and go in the other room and wait five minutes..He's back on his front door,see's me again and back in he goes..I wait five minutes. Now he's on his playpen and I rush to close his door before he flips upside down and gets in. I beg him to step up as he lay's on his side,chewing at a toy,kicking the stick then lays on his back just looking at me. I tell him I just want to weigh him and he gets up,runs to the back of his playpen chewing another toy lifting a leg in preparation to kick at the stick again. He finally gets on the stick but wont let go of the wiffle ball type toy tied by a piece of thin rope to his playpen perch..Twenty minutes later he's on the scale perch...517g's.Took all of 3 seconds to weigh the goofball...sighhhh

Sounds like my pug. Also small and stubborn.
Awww! I get Kirby on the scale first thing in the morning before his breakfast; and he eats before I do. He's always been so docile about it - is my bird broken?! If so, don't fix him!!

He gets his breakfast right after a weigh, and he gets his second bowl of chop right after his meds in the evening, so it's kind of a built-in reward system. He's ready to go in the AM when I come to weigh him. We do use a step-up perch because he doesn't always want to step up on my hand (previous owners used to grab him) but he's always agreeable about the perch...

Man, maybe he's some other kinda parrot and is just dyeing his feathers when I'm out of the room!
It's Amys' little game...95% of the time he steps right up but when he wants to play this is what he does.

LOL when they don't wanna, they don't wanna! Salty gives one polite beak push away. One, thats it. The next one draws blood.
Ours would say ooouuuuch!! At that point you better be faster then him.
He almost always gave a warning, til right after he moved from mom's to my place.. I bumped his belly when I was feeding him one day putting food in his dish and he dang near took a chunk out of my arm with no warning whatsoever. Of course he absolutely hated having his tummy touched.

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