Here to learn from others and share fun experiences

Jan 7, 2025
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Indian Ringneck and Congo African Grey
I recently joined just looking for other enthusiasts to converse with, share photos and learn from. I am newer to Parrots, I got my two girls a few months apart from each other but both as babies and Its been year so far and Iā€™ve learned a lot.

I work from home and my birds are out on their individual play gyms and cage tops 10 to 12 hours each day. I get to interact and play with them all day.

Iā€™ve used training tips Iā€™ve learned online ( mainly from Birdtricks) to train my girls. Azalea (IRN) steps up and down on command, will fly to my hand or shoulder on command, spin around and flap her wings on command. Mabel(CAG) isnā€™t as good at stepping up and down yet its more when she feels like complying with the request, but she speaks on command, flaps wings on command, target touch training, and lets me hold her beak between my fingers.

Both birds also love games and puzzles. I have a set of tiny stainless steel cups I flip upside down and let the birds walk around flipping them over to discover which ones have seeds under them.

My girls are fairly friendly and I think well behaved for birds. Neither bird bites and over all they donā€™t make too much noise. Yes they do have times of the day they sit and chatter at each other, me or the tv but they usually say their piece and go about other business.

Iā€™ve included some pics of their current set ups.

Another fact Iā€™ll include is that my wife and I are also experienced snake keepers. We have 21 snakes of different species including some venomous many of which are rescues.


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I recently joined just looking for other enthusiasts to converse with, share photos and learn from. I am newer to Parrots, I got my two girls a few months apart from each other but both as babies and Its been year so far and Iā€™ve learned a lot.

I work from home and my birds are out on their individual play gyms and cage tops 10 to 12 hours each day. I get to interact and play with them all day.

Iā€™ve used training tips Iā€™ve learned online ( mainly from Birdtricks) to train my girls. Azalea (IRN) steps up and down on command, will fly to my hand or shoulder on command, spin around and flap her wings on command. Mabel(CAG) isnā€™t as good at stepping up and down yet its more when she feels like complying with the request, but she speaks on command, flaps wings on command, target touch training, and lets me hold her beak between my fingers.

Both birds also love games and puzzles. I have a set of tiny stainless steel cups I flip upside down and let the birds walk around flipping them over to discover which ones have seeds under them.

My girls are fairly friendly and I think well behaved for birds. Neither bird bites and over all they donā€™t make too much noise. Yes they do have times of the day they sit and chatter at each other, me or the tv but they usually say their piece and go about other business.

Iā€™ve included some pics of their current set ups.

Another fact Iā€™ll include is that my wife and I are also experienced snake keepers. We have 21 snakes of different species including some venomous many of which are rescues.
Welcome to the forums, @ParrotSnakeMan, it's good to have you and your scaly and feathery family aboard!!
Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. I look forward to sharing more pics of my birds and seeing everyone else's birds.
Well, well, well! I had wondered about your moniker... now I know.
Ever the good sport, I'd be interested in meeting some of your slitherers, the better to advance my appreciation of all creatures great and small. Soooooooooooo.............
who's the c-c-c-cutest s-s-s-nake?
Well, well, well! I had wondered about your moniker... now I know.
Ever the good sport, I'd be interested in meeting some of your slitherers, the better to advance my appreciation of all creatures great and small. Soooooooooooo.............
who's the c-c-c-cutest s-s-s-nake?
I think theyā€™re all cute in their own way, check out my buddy the Speckled Rattlesnake. Cute but deadly


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I've seen a lot of rattlers but never one like that. Interesting but you can keep it:eek:
He is the more cuddly of the two Rattlers I keep. The other species we keep should be easy to recognize.
Yes I have had many experiences with his family members.
Iā€™ve love Rattlers. We have 17 species here. I remove them from peoples property in my area for free so they wonā€™t kill them. We are allowed to keep them so long as we donā€™t keep one of the species on the restricted list. Rattlers cannot be sold here either. These two are captive bred and were gifts to me from a local museum where I used to help take care of other rattlers.
Here are some pics of the rest of the snake family. Youā€™ll see some green tree pythons, emerald tree boa, and some other python. My hognose snakes are kinda cute I just need to take newer photos of them.


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Hognose Now there is a one I genuinely like. My experience is they are gentle and docile
Drama snakes, males are all talk but the females will grab you if they are upset. They are mildly venomous rear fanged snakes. The bites arenā€™t medically significant for MOST people but some folks could have a reaction to the venom. The key is not letting them hold on. Remove them quickly before than can chew the venom in. The bits do hurt and itch and swell a bit.
Thank You I didn't know that and have never been bitten by one. Have been bitten by boas. Like becoming a pin cushion.
We have a 6.5 ft BCI his name is George and he is by far the most friendly and tolerant snake we own. Few snakes will voluntarily come out of their enclosure into my arms but George will every time. He has his own cat tree and likes to watch tv with us in the evenings.

Other than that most of my other snakes have bitten me. I donā€™t free handle the rattlers for obvious reasons. I have special gloves and use hooks and tongs to move them for cleaning and cage maintenance. The pythons have pretty much all bitten me to varying degrees of damage with my kalatoa retic and my largest green tree python being the worst so far.


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Doesn't sound like your snakes are very grateful for rescuing and taking care of them, but remember what the snake said to kind man after he bit him!
They are wild not domesticated animals just like our parrots. You can't blame them for doing what comes natural to defend themselves.
Just like every time the BOSS gets NAILED by a bird she says "I know ..I know.. it's not the birds fault"

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