Here come the babies :)

The breeders are in a separate room, attached to the room I'm in(with no door in between) so unless I'm actually standing over there(which I try not to do too much since all of the breeders are a bit flighty in my presence) I can't actually see them, I can only hear them. The male has gone into the box with her though, and he seems pretty vigilante, standing guard outside of the box when I go over so I believe that he is doing his part. It's hard to tell if they are peeping or not, since there are 4 budgies and 4 parrotlets in that room, it's kind of hard to decipher who is making which sounds all of the time. I thought that I heard them a little earlier, but it's hard to tell since the parrotlets can sometimes make little squeeky sounds too. Right now all I hear is adult budgie chatter so I'll take that as a good sign. Sometimes I hate being such a worrier!
Ok, so I did just hear one of the babies chirping, I commando crawled my way over so as not to be spotted, and with my ear pretty close to the box I could hear one of the babies. I figured I might as well put some more food in her box for her(just in case she isn't getting enough from the male) and when I did, I noticed that both babies do have food in their crops. :) I just worry so much about the newly hatched guys, their so tiny and helpless, it seems like they should have stayed in their egg longer! I'll be happy in a week once they start getting some girth and their eyes open up, that's for sure. Until then I'll just try to keep my distance and do everything I can to help her without her knowing. I've been trying to keep the humidity up and the two bird rooms are at a nice 74 degrees so at least they should stay nice and toasty. ;)
I think your over the males usually do a pretty good job feeding. I don't usually worry about the father, its the mother that worries me. I had a black widow in the past that killed two males. Second time is when she had babies and she killed him when the chicks were 2 weeks old. I took the babies out right away thinking she's gone haywire. Needless to say she was never allowed to breed after that.
I would try to separate the budgie cage to a quieter part of the room if possible ,this way you can hear the chicks if they continue to yell , there is your answer , she is not feeding them or she is and they arent doing well .
Once you get used to what the chicks peeping noise sounds like , you will be able to hear it above all the other chatter.
The only thing that I dont like to do is keep putting my hands in the nest box for no reason. But if you need , you have to , bottom line.

My hens got so used to me lifting the top of the nest box , they politely move off the chicks and let me take a look at them , lolol.
I would scratch lightly on the box right before i was opening it so they knew what to expect and i talk to her.

I think your doing fine , relax.
Again , if they arent going to make it this young , there really isnt too much you can do, dont beat yourself up over something that is not in your control.
Ok, so I did just hear one of the babies chirping, I commando crawled my way over so as not to be spotted, and with my ear pretty close to the box I could hear one of the babies. I figured I might as well put some more food in her box for her(just in case she isn't getting enough from the male) and when I did, I noticed that both babies do have food in their crops. :) I just worry so much about the newly hatched guys, their so tiny and helpless, it seems like they should have stayed in their egg longer! I'll be happy in a week once they start getting some girth and their eyes open up, that's for sure. Until then I'll just try to keep my distance and do everything I can to help her without her knowing. I've been trying to keep the humidity up and the two bird rooms are at a nice 74 degrees so at least they should stay nice and toasty. ;)

Commando crawled :D:(:11::D:09: LMAO !!!!
Oh I definitely crawled! *brushes knees off*. Their cage is right on the other side of the wall, next to the door way so it's easy to pull a sneak attack and listen in without them knowing I'm there :) The babies have been quiet for awhile now and when I added some more seed to the box one of the babies was still on his back, with fresh food in his crop so I think she had just fed them, that's why they were peeping. They both seem to be doing good, I'm not so worried now, it just alarmed me when I checked this morning and the babies didn't seem to have food in their crops, I must have checked and just the wrong time, she was on top of things after all :) I don't normally have a hard time hearing the babies over the other noise, these guys are just so tiny still that their peeps are pretty quiet, I think moving their cage would upset them way more than just letting them do their thing, they're used to where their cage is, I kind of have the birds split by size, the bigger guys are in this room and the budgies and p'lets are in the other. It's also easier for me to regulate the humidity over there since it's off of the bathroom and laundry. If it gets too low I just run the shower on high for a few minutes and it gets nice and steamy, if it gets too low(which hasn't happened yet) I can just turn on the vent in the bathroom.
I can't wait until they all hatch and are big enough to go in the brooder so I can look at them all I want and love on them, I just love babies :p
Mother nature usually does well on her own :)
Glad they are all ok
I'd be worrying like crazy! It sounds like all is well though, and I'm glad!
The babies are doing good, it's amazing how much bigger they are in only 2 days! Baby 1 is only a few hours older than baby 2 and i swear I can tell a difference in size just in the two of them! Egg 3 is on day 18 today so we may have a third come out today :) Thanks for asking! I'll try and get a picture up as soon as the next one comes out, luckily I just got a new phone the other day(my first smart phone! yay!) so it's pretty easy for me to snag a picture really quick without having to have the nest open any longer than it would be for a normal check :)

Forgot to add, I've only checked on them once today, but when I did, they were pressed up against each other and the slightly older baby had his little naked, nubby wing over the back of the smaller baby, I know it was just a fluke but it was so cute, looked like he was trying to hold him close! I tried to get a picture but I didn't have my phone on me and didn't want to leave the box open.
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Glad to hear all is well too :)
It's amazing how they differ in size in just a few days !
My first born chicks are huge compared to the rest.
Wait till they start sticking their little heads out of the nest box to check out the world ! lolol. I have such a cute picture of that , I need to have my friend tak emy camera so she can download them and send them to me. My DELL exploded and is useless , I can only check email and things , no sound either , lolol But it beats going to the library to check emails :rolleyes: I really want to get a picture up of my guys too. Yoshi is my adorable Goffin and Rosie is looking better and better because she stopped plucking :)
What colors are your budgies IcyWolf ? Depending on genetics and which color is dominant , that will decide the babies coloring.
It's soooo exciting to see what colors they turn out to be .It's almost like coloring eggs for Easter , you never really know what you will end up with once the kids start mixing all the colors , ;)
My favorite is the grey wings , they are really beautiful.
Have you ever seen spangled budgies ? Anyone ?
I have two and I cant seem to find any literature on how their coloring came about . Just wondering :54:
The male is a white faced blue pied and the female is a yellow face blue pied :)

These guys will be going into their brooder at around 14 days so I won't get to see them coming out of the box, but it's fun watching them learn to perch and play with their toys as they get bigger :) I just made some new pvc perches for in their brooder, when they're big enough :)
I really enjoy seeing the updates and pics! It's like be right there in it all minus all the work and effort it takes! : )
I just can't wait for more pictures!
Baby number 3 just hatched, and we got to watch! :D And i recorded it so everyone else can watch too! :)
[ame=""]Baby Budgie Hatching - YouTube[/ame]





I think this one's temporary nickname is going to be "goose" because he kept reaching up and grabbing the other babies butt and making him jump :p
Amazingly adorable! I really liked watching it try to get out of the bottom portion of the shell and "kicking" it's way out. Then it looked like it was wearing the top portion of the shell as a hat lol.

Thanks so much for sharing!
If you listen carefully, you will hear some whispering, that was me saying to my fiance that he looked like he was wearing a hat, and he replied, "he looks like a little china-man" lol. I almost started laughing but I absolutely hate being recorded so I tried to stay quiet. So far they have all hatched on day 19, except for number two but he hatch at like day 18 and 23 hours, so close enough :p I can already visibly see the air cell in the forth egg so he/she should be hatching in the next two days. Can't wait until they are all out.

It probably sounds weird, but the budgies seem a lot less fearful of us when they have young. Normally if I am standing next to their cage they just stare at me until I leave, don't usually make any noise or really do anything but watch me, while I was filming this though the parents were standing right on their perch, the male was feeding the female and then cleaned off her facial feathers for her all while I was right next to their cage ;) As soon as I closed up the nest box they were both in there checking things out, I still need to get the bottom half of the egg out, I waited and waited but after ten minutes the umbilicus was still slightly attached so I couldn't remove it. Should be off by now but I don't want to disturb them again.
Thanks so much for the video and update. I think that is the first time I've seen a parrot of any kind hatch! I wish now I had videos of my baby horses being born, although I actually missed Roxy's birth. Mom wasn't doing anything when I checked her 2 hours before. Then when I came out again, there was a wet little baby laying in the straw. She had just been born, but I missed the actual birth. And she first seemed to think I was her mother. When she stood up, she came to me, climbed into my lap and tried to nurse my jacket.

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