Here come the babies :)

Yeah , I know what you mean, lolol. I would take another Too in a heartbeat if I could right now :)
Definitely get yourself a air purifier , they make all the difference.
Does going in the barn near all the hay and dust bother you ?
My Mother used to suffer like crazy but it nevr stopped her from coming to the barn to see her "other baby" ;)
Thank goodness I have no animal allergies "yet". And I hope never to get any because I would have to wear a gas mask because I would never rehome my animals , nuf said ;)
I am very allergic to all grass, including hay, yes. But just taking allergy pills helps me for the most part. I do take stronger ones during the spring, summer and fall. I first developed asthma when my ex husband brought home chickens. They were here about 1 day when I had my first ever asthma attack. So I am allergic to some birds. That was one of the reasons I chose a conure because they are pretty much dander free. I am also allergic to cats, and have a cat that is attached to me like glue. I can't even go to the bathroom without her coming along, and sometimes jumping into my lap, lol! But, allergy pills work for her, too.

No plans to rehome any critters. I did have to rehome the chickens, but even though I'm allergic to like the whole darn environment, I've never experienced anything as severe as that. I think I honestly might have died if they had stayed much longer. Don't worry, they all went to good homes with people I knew. I am a 4 on a scale of 0 to 4 on grass and weeds, and I think I'd have to say chickens are off the scale for me!

But, I don't think I could live with a 'Too. And yes, I'm getting a good air cleaner for Merlin. I'm actually sort of used to her now and not having as many problems, but just for my own health, I'll get it. I don't want to end up on oxygen in a few years or something as I do plan to keep her for as long as we are both still alive.
I'm glad you are looking in to the air purifier , I meant to get one for yourself first , and Merlin will benefit from it as well :)
My brother was allergic to the earth too when he was young.
They more or less told my parents he should be living inside a bubble , lolol. He is over 50 now and handles his allergies like you do. He does have bad asthma though, and goes for treatment every once in a while , but he had cats , has two dogs . he wouldnt want to live without a dog. If it was up to him and not his wife lolol , he wouldve had a couple of German Shepherds too.
Dang, when I was allergy tested I was allergic to 36 of the 42 things, lol! And that doesn't include food or medical allergies or allergies to things like latex or neoprene, lol! And yet I live on a farm, surrounded by grass and weeds. My cat sleeps on my chest all night. I'm not allergic to dogs or dust though.

I don't know if I still would have eventually develped asthma or not had we not gotten the chickens. I probably still would have as the others in my family who have it also developed it at around the same age as I did (30 or so).

I didn't even know I was allergic to cats until the allergy test, lol! I heard him say, "Cats, not dogs" and I asked, "I'm allergic to cats?" And he said, "Yes, you don't have one, do you?" I didn't want to say yes, I have one that sleeps on my face all night and there's 10 outside that people have abandoned, lol! But, when you are allergic to the whole freaking world you don't necessarily notice a specific one, lol!
Yep , being allergic to mother earth cannot be good for you .
I would have done the same thing being in your place , lololol.
I wouldnt have said I had a cat either , lolol. My cat , who i found of course , sleeps ontop of me too , lolol. Along with a sprinkling of Border Collies , lolol. I wouldnt have it any other way :)
I ( knocking on my skull ) havent come down with any allergies except penicillin. But it is scary that they can arise at any time in your " Toos" are going bananas right now, swinging fro the rafters ( really ). :) I have been on this site way too long today , lolol. I normally dont have the urge to go on the computer until recently , I am grounded right now , ( legs bad ) so what else can I do , lolol. Now I will have to get myself a new computer so I can download (if that's the right term) pictures of my birds and it would be nice to have sound too , lolol.
Baby number 2 just came out! Today is a good day :D
Just look at the little aliens :p

Congrats on the new hatchling!!!! He's so cute!!! :)
oh gosh! they are so tiny, I don't think I will ever have baby birds here I would be a nervous wreck lol.
Oh, I am, I've officially told everyone I know that since the babies have started hatching, that they can't be mad at me when I don't do anything with them for atleast the next 6 weeks because I don't want to leave the babies! Now, if the two pairs of parrotlets start laying, I REALLY won't have a social life :09:
Happy Birthday little one !!
I cant sleep :31:
I think maybe we need a parrot forums insomniacs club...what is it about bird lovers and bad sleeping habits? :30:
I think maybe we need a parrot forums insomniacs club...what is it about bird lovers and bad sleeping habits? :30:

I dunno lol. I work at home on the phone at night as well as pulling a few dayshifts a week so that doesn't help me of course I have always been a night owl. Maybe I was just missing the parrot all this time? LOL
Baby number 2 just came out! Today is a good day :D
Just look at the little aliens :p

Tee hee , little aliens , OMG , that's funny :D
Social life , what's that ? Once you start breeding ( birds and humans ) your life is over for a while , lolol. At least till the youngins fledge ;)

Tee hee , aliens , that's funny :D OMG , LMAO .
Social life , what's that ? Once you start breeding , your life is over , at least till the youngins fledge
I have no idea how I just did that reply twice , sorry guys :/
Wow, 2 babies all last night!

I didn't sleep good either. My arthritic hip hurt like crazy all evening. I could hardly walk. Going to the barn was like an adventure (not a good one). And it seemed every time I stirred a bit, my cat stuck a paw in my mouth! I swear she did that like 15 times last night.
:eek: Oh no , a paw in the mouth ! My heart goes out to you roxynoodle . I thought I had it bad with my animals !
Yep , pains can stop you in your tracks , that's for sure , i know it all too well .
I hope to sleep tonight , but how come I have no problem sleeping when I have to get up :52:
Anyway , do you hear your babies at night ? I can hear my chicks loud as anything. I guess when someone stirs in the nest , it wakes them all up and they figure while they are up they might as well grab a snack , lolol.:p
She doesn't normally stick paws in my mouth, but last night it was like every 20 minutes I swear. I was so tired I actually thought the alarm clock had gone off and that I shut it off and went back to sleep. Then awhile later I checked it and it wasn't even 5am yet, and it was set for 6am. So obviously it hadn't gone off yet.
Seriously , if that was my cat , nad i love my cat dearly , she owuld have been sleeping downstairs , lolol.
I watched every hour come and go , I just couldnt fall asleep.
I'm really want to get a macaw , but I need to wait just a while longer , probably middle spring , early summer hopefully.
That couldve been on my mind after reading about everybodys , lolol. But its soooooo hard to wait :52:
Both babies made it through their first night, I checked on them a couple hours ago and they were doing okay, they didn't seem to have any food in their crops but they did look a bit "stretched" so I'm thinking that she did feed them at least once already(I hope). This is her first clutch(that I am aware of) and it does worry me counting on the mothering abilities of a new mom. I don't want to keep checking on them, she is pretty good about me looking in, normally she just hops out and waits for me to close the lid, then hops back in, but I still don't like to bother them. But I don't know any other way to be sure these chicks are being fed. Pulling them this early would be a 100% last resort, REALLY don't want to have to do that, kind of thing, but if too much time goes by and they still don't have any food in them, do I really have any other options? I'm sure she will feed them, she is in the box being a good momma, I just don't know what's worse, checking the box more than once in a day to make sure their being fed, or not checking and taking the chance of the poor things starving to death, knowing I could have at least tried to save them myself? If I could just see them with full crops once, I would be happy knowing that atleast she knows what to do, I guess I'm just paranoid because they are almost a day old and I haven't seen them with any food in their crops. Would they have made it this long if she hasn't fed them yet?
No , they would have died if she hasnt fed them yet.
You can check on them as many times as you want as long as you feel you arent disturbing momma. Have you noticed the male feeding the hen ? I put some millet spray in the box with my hens. And I have seen them eating from it too. Some males arent the best pops sometimes. I have one male who is so good , his seed dishes are always in need of a refill , but the other one's dishes not so much.
I have noticed that hen coming out more and feeding herself .
I always add another seed dish in the breeder cages so they have plenty of choices. Take note and see if the male is feeding the hen , she may want a seed dish closer to her box if he isnt.
If the chicks make it through the first couple of days , they should be fine. My two hens were first time mommies and they did fine.
Have you heard the babies crying ? If they continue to peep loudly , she may not be feeding them enough.

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