help me!!

What is the vet's prognosis. Don't forget, the vet's assessment of recovery is always skewed by what s/he can't factor in -- tons of love and touches.

Unfortunately there is always a risk with surgery, and birds although stoic are also somewhat fragile. There is a very real possibility that she may die, but we all think she will come through. She went into shock while being treated, and she has lost blood a few times. Despite all of this she has endured, and we believe she deserves a chance. There is no way of saving the leg, and it is very painful. This is ultimately the only option for her now. I know Ill be a wreck until she comes out of surgery, even though I honestly think she will pull through. Ive done some digging around the internet and it looks like this type of injury is not terribly uncommon, and many birds do very well with only one leg. There are even some birds who lose both legs, and still have very good quality of life.
When we were looking for an African Grey after we thought we had lost Holly, we found a story of a breeder bird who had lost both of it's legs. I cried so hard, it was so sad. The breeders obviously never checked on their birds enough because they allowed mice to chew through it's legs while it was in it's box thing (I don't know the correct term).

I fully believe that Meia will recover from the surgery and live a happy and long life :]

*fingers crossed*
I made a donation. It's not that much, but it's what we can do for now. I was going to get Pritti a new inexpensive table-top playstand for the holidays, but he and I decided he has so much and that Mela needs the funds and the focus along with prayers this holiday season.

I hope everyone and their flocks, small or large, will consider giving to a bird(s) in need this holiday season.
Thank you! I know things are tight for everyone around this time of year, it is great to see people going the extra mile even with it being the holiday season.
Money is so so tight at the moment, but if this is still okay for donating when xmas is around, I'll put some christmas money towards.

My poor baby has only the one good leg, the other backwards and awkward, but he makes do. I'm sure your new girl will do so too.

Don't worry about the surgery (heh, I did even when he was just put to sleep for microchipping!), if she's meant to get through this she will, if not then it wasn't right for her to stay and she taught us a lesson in the short time she was with us...

She seems like a little fighter though, I'm sure she will be fine! xxx
Evanskiver and Rrussle9 have added our story to reddit, and apparently even CBC news has caught wind of Meia's plight. Im so happy to say we are getting very close to covering the cost of surgery. Sherry has even sent an impressive donation in the mail! At the very least this has shown me how wonderful the world can be in the face of cruelty.
Please let me know what happens with CBC, would love to see what they do with this :)
I will definitely keep everyone updated. Surgery tomorrow 8:30am. Im going to be a mess until I hear about her post-op status, but as soon as I do Ill let you guys know!
Fist of all I want to send a HUGE thank you to everyone for all their support. I really wish I could have afforded to take of her myself, but I have 11 pets at home as is. Megan, you are a truly amazing person and I'm so thankful for you coming to get her. I really hope that you keep her. I'll be thinking of her tomorrow when she's getting her surgery done. I'll make it my mission to find out who left this poor thing at my door. May they rot in hell for what they did to her.
I'll be thinking of Mela in the morning and say a prayer for her. It's got to be worse for her to live with the pain and suffering now than it will be after the amputation heals and she can go on with a birdy life. She will get used to the impairment and adapt with help.
Meia did not survive the surgery.

They were 5 minutes into the procedure when her heart stopped suddenly, despite the valiant efforts of the vet and the techs, they could not revive her. We all tried our very best to save this sweet girl, and maybe she was tired and just had enough. I thank you all for your support and love for this abandoned bird who captured many hearts.
I'm so sorry,, may the poor thing rest in peace now.
She did capture a lot of hearts.
Oh, I'm so sorry! Thank you so much for trying though, at least this bird had love and warmth it's last few days. He couldn't have asked for more!
This just breaks my heart. Poor little thing. I think it takes a special kind of person to take their own personal time and resources to help out a little bird whom they don't even know. As sad as this story is its touching to know that there are people like you around.
I wish there was more I could have done for her. Fly free sweet birdy, you're no longer in pain and have a lovely place over the rainbow bridge. The ones you left behind have broken hearts. I will see you again when its my turn to cross the rainbow bridge. I only knew you for a day, but I'll love you for a lifetime <3 Rest in peace meia.
So sad :( I wish there was a way to make whoever did that to Meia, or let it happen to her and not get her treated, pay for what was done to her. Poor baby!! I'm so sorry she didn't make it through the surgery.
So sorry to hear she didn't make it! She put up a good fight through all her suffering! May she at least rest in peace now, no longer in pain!
Oh my goodness! I'm sitting here in tears. :(

Rest easy, sweet baby, rest easy. :(
I am so sad right now :[
For Meia

Fly Free, Sweet Birdy
by Erin CG, 2004

Fly free, sweet birdy, above the trees,
And perch upon the clouds.
Lift your beak and open wide,
Sing long and sweet and loud

Wake the skies around you,
Till angels join your call.
Shake your tail and prance around,
And your song will downward fall.

We on earth who morn your passing
Will hear the glorious sound.
We will stop and cast our eyes above
And feel your presence all around.

For though your humans left behind
Will forever miss your voice,
We’ll hear it if we listen on clear, calm days.
We’ll remember your life, and rejoice.

So thank you, birdy, for just being you,
For giving meaning to our days.
We hope you rest and sing in peace,
We love you, now and always.

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