help me!!

Evanskiver has once again stepped up (and made me cry lol). Thank you so much!

I'm Evanskiver's SO, he can be a pretty nice guy sometimes :P lol I'm just kidding. I am so glad to know that you're taking care of this poor baby and it breaks my heart to hear about what has happened. If you could keep us updated on her progress and stuff if it isn't too much to ask. It is such a relief that you are providing care for this baby. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Im trying to upload some photos, but Im full? I dont know how to delete the previous ones. Could someone direct me where to do this?
Thank you!
Just highlight the pic, copy and paste it to the text box!
Thats not working. I have it saved on my hard-drive, I dont have a link for it.
My fiance Dave has put together a chip-in page through paypal for those who wish to help. There are pics there, and I figured out how to upload them with a URL.


ChipIn: Birdline Parrot Rescue
You dont have to have one. Just right click and copy, then paste.
I'm Evanskiver's SO, he can be a pretty nice guy sometimes :P lol I'm just kidding. I am so glad to know that you're taking care of this poor baby and it breaks my heart to hear about what has happened. If you could keep us updated on her progress and stuff if it isn't too much to ask. It is such a relief that you are providing care for this baby. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

You guys have given me more faith in the human race. Its hard to stay positive when you are faced with things like this. You mean the world to me, and to Meia.

We named her Meia, because it means courage!
Completely disgusting what her previous owners did (if it was in fact them). She's looking great though! I'll be keeping her in my thoughts when she goes through surgery!
You guys have given me more faith in the human race. Its hard to stay positive when you are faced with things like this. You mean the world to me, and to Meia.

We named her Meia, because it means courage!

It is tough finding people who understand why we do the things we do. Someone (I'm lookin at you Evanskiver!) looked at me crazy when I brought home a lost dog to take care of, I would hope that someone would take care of my babies if they were out lost and scared. We have now agreed to get our birds micro-chipped in case something like this happens to us.

That is a wonderful name you have picked out! And such wonderful pictures! She looks just like my Tyrael, just smaller. That poor poor baby :[ it breaks my heart to think about the trouble she's been through. It makes me feel so much better knowing that someone as nice as you is taking care of her!
Ya, Dave thought I was completely nutts to drop everything and drive out in a snow storm to get her, but he knows me. Once he saw her, she had his heart too.
Story of our lives... Haha. It is a good day when we go to the pet store and don't come home without an animal.
Story of our lives... Haha. It is a good day when we go to the pet store and don't come home without an animal.

I do my best to stay FAR away from pet stores with animals inside. I never go alone! I also avoid kijiji, craigslist etc. It's easy to become overwhelmed, and thats not helping anyone, least of all the birds.
Perhaps if you didn't have a track record of keeping every animal you "helped" you wouldn't get those looks :) We only have 4 cats, 3 birds, 2 dogs and the cat you are trying to adopt outside lol. I work to feed my zoo :P
Perhaps if you didn't have a track record of keeping every animal you "helped" you wouldn't get those looks :) We only have 4 cats, 3 birds, 2 dogs and the cat you are trying to adopt outside lol. I work to feed my zoo :P

I suspect you and Dave would have a lot in common. You could probably complain about your crazy animal-collecting ladies all day!
That is probably true lol. Has there been any more help? Is the rescue covering anything?
Where is the donation link? I'm not able to give much, but I want to help with something. I just caught up with the rest of this thread All the while Pritti is sitting here on my lap, holding my finger with one leg and having fun with the cloth tags of an old shirt that is lining my lap. We've been sitting like this for about 15 minutes and I was thinking how sweet it is the way he holds my finger, like we're holding hands, lol. Then I saw the details of little Mela's leg and ordeal. Thanks for posting photos. What a brave brave girl she looks like. Seriously, she looks strong and proud and pretty content considering....

What is the vet's prognosis. Don't forget, the vet's assessment of recovery is always skewed by what s/he can't factor in -- tons of love and touches.
She will get the surgery, I will make sure of it. She has been surrendered to the rescue as I dont have enough experience/time to help her recovery. She currently needs 24 hour care, and will continue to need it until she recovers completely from the amputation. I have a red belly, but we have only had him a couple of months and my experience is very limited. I have no experience dealing with sick or injured birds. I have indicated that after the surgery I will be happy to provide her with a forever home, but if the right adoptive family comes along, I want her to go to the absolute best home for her needs. So far we have $300 which is a huge help. All together, including all care I expect the ordeal to cost over a thousand dollars, with the surgery itself estimated to cost around 500. The rescue has so far covered everything, but they are asking for donations as they are currently at capacity, both physically and financially. Its not for profit and from what I can tell, run entirely by a few very dedicated individuals. I could not have done this without them. Since I officially (in writing) took ownership of the bird, they could easily have refused to help at all, and I would have had to cover these costs by myself. Dave and I are obviously donating above the 300 collected, but how much will depend on how well our fund raising goes.
I want to once again thank everyone who has helped with this! Positive thoughts are equally appreciated. I know not everyone is able to contribute financially, we all have our own babies to look after.

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