help me!!


New member
Jul 28, 2011
Lovebird (Scooter) Rest in Peace :(
Hahns Macaw (Odin)
RIP. Baby Budgie Bird :'(
I recently had an Indian ringneck dumped on my doorstep. It appears that she is picking at her leg. I'm assuming this has been going on for while, she is also missing a toe and her toes that are left are pointed backwards. I've tried to get pictures, but the poor girl is terrified. I need some advice from you lovely people, should I try wrapping her leg? Or cone her, or both? Also some advice on how to make a proper cone would be very helpful. Thank you.
Zoey, I would take the IR to the vet as soon as possible.

As for the "E" collar, here is a YouTube link. I hope it's helpful, I didn't watch the entire thing. :)

[ame=""]E-collar for birds - YouTube[/ame]
I agree, if you can afford it, take the IRN to an avian vet to rule out medical reasons for the plucking. If you can't, see if you can either get something worked out or find someone who has the resources to help?
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That's the problem I cannot afford to take her to a vet. If there is anyone willing and able to take her I will gladly let them take her. I have 11 pets already and cannot afford to takes this ringneck in. I'm located in Alberta, if anyone can take her or know someone that can please let me know.
Where are you in Alberta? I am in Calgary, PM me. I am hesitant to take on another bird, and I think these guys are more for advanced owners, but I know of a couple of rescue groups that might help. My personal email address is [email protected]. We need to get her to a vet! There was a recent thread describing a similar behavior and it ended up being liver complications from a poor diet.
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I have already tried to contact a few parrot rescues, none has gotten back to me yet. I don't doubt my abilities to take care of her, its just financially I cannot afford to keep her. I will email you soon.
I know some vets are willing to do payment plans, although many here in the states require Care Credit in order to do this. Is it safe to assume that there are no vets willing to take her in, get her checked over, then find a home for her? Or at least give discounts or something considering the circumstances?
my gosh, that somone would dump this poor, sick birdy on your doorstep during winter in canada. at least they knew to bring the poor baby to someone like you that would do whatever is in your abilities to help this little being. blessings to you. in the meantime, do what you can to let this bird know s/he is safe and with a friend now - i'm convinced the love and attention makes a huge difference right from the start and is so important to getting bird's nervous system to calm down enough to get well. i'm sure u know what to feed him/her
Ive got a rescue on-board, she is with me and has a vet appointment in the morning.
She is in very rough shape, still at the vets and not doing very well. The vet bills are going to be costly. If anyone can help please let me know. She may need to have the leg amputated.
Glad to hear she's receiving help! Not so happy about the news. Wishing my best she makes it through whatever she needs!
the leg broke at least three weeks ago in at least three places. It has fused backward and is dysfunctional. She went into shock and lost a lot of blood. She is covered in stress bars, so shes been in bad shape for a long time. We think the leg will need to be amputated at the femur, this is very expensive so we are trying to collect donations.
Someone has recently made a wonderfully helpful donation toward this bird, and I cant describe how grateful I am. I am honestly in tears right now. Thank you SO much! I dont have their permission yet to state who they are, but they know who they are, and thats the most important thing!
So are you all set with needing help? I'm glad someone stepped up to help the little bird.
Evanskiver made a great donation, we could still use help though if there is anyone who has a bit to donate.

She was doing well for a while, but she started ripping off her bandages and had to go back to the vet. Last I heard, amputation was the next course of action. The leg is too mangled to save.
Surgery is scheduled for Thursday morning. She needs some time to recover from shock and blood loss. Once she settles the leg will have to be amputated. If she comes through this I will do my best to ensure the rest of her life is happy and comfortable and SAFE. I cant fathom the irresponsibility and disregard some people display. She was left a LONG time before being left on your door step Zoe. To suffer and be simply disregarded like a piece of trash...
We will still need some financial help with the cost of the surgery, we still need about $300. Any little bit would be a great help to us!
Thank you in avance

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