Help for these guys


We'd have to have dedicated people who want them first. I would/could take the GW, I've always wanted one. I'd like more information on if he's been a breeder all his life or if he was ever tame.. and if it's a he.

People interested could split the cost. Someone in FL could purchase.

Problem is transportation. I live in Maryland. Yes he can be flown here, but do birds need health certificates first? I have a cage that's a good size (he can take the HUGE corner cage my B&G was in.)

Ill email and ask for the sex of each, last vet visit, if any are currently tame, or if the breeders have always been breeders. We have a van and can help transport some and arrange for shipping, etc. Ill look into info on shipping birds.
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Also, I am sure we can get the price down to 3300.00 They did say "Make an offer" Since whomever would pick up will take them all at once.
I would take one in a heartbeat if I could. It amazes me that you see so many ads like this on craigslist. I might be wrong but I never see ads like this in Australia maybe some of the Aussies who breed may have but as I have said before, these birds are so expensive here that people really only get them with a lot of thought because of the cost. Maybe thats a good thing for the birds.
I would take one in a heartbeat if I could. It amazes me that you see so many ads like this on craigslist. I might be wrong but I never see ads like this in Australia maybe some of the Aussies who breed may have but as I have said before, these birds are so expensive here that people really only get them with a lot of thought because of the cost. Maybe thats a good thing for the birds.

I think its a reflection of the society. The birds are still expensive, but people just don't seem to care, I have seen birds that are a young as 6 months that are up for rehoming because someone got bored, had to move, ect...
Heres the response i got.

They are all male accept for the ones listed as pairs they are not pets you would not be able to handle them like a pet. They have not been to the vet in years the vet came to my home and we had them checked and sexed, youngs anmial hospital.

He said hes had them since 1994. Im assuming he got them as babies, making them around 18 years old.
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I of course am bothered by the M2 on the list (esp since its spelled wrong) and the sulfer crested is super cute. I've always wanted a GW (oddly enough even though thats the worst bite I've ever had - I still find them fascinating). I'm worried though about the 'breeder' birds part, why are there so many singles? I kind of expected most of them to be pairs but the majority on the list are listed as a single. What happened to the mates of these birds?

I'm trying to work on Tommy. He doesn't want anymore birds until we move (1-2 years from now), and I dont think he would allow anymore Toos. I on the other hand would take any M2 out there. He did catch me by surprise teh other day and was asking questions about macaws. With that in mind I might possibly be interested in the GW but only if Tommy comes around to the idea.

Tarkus I know you'll keep us posted, I wish I could take all the Toos off your hands. A part of me feels that since I deal so well with them that I owe it to the species to have them (re-homes of course, I would never get a baby of any kind). Mims is really not that far from me, I'll see what I can do.
You would love to live here if you are a too lover, we have flocks of 100's flying around wild everyday. The sulphur crested too's are beautiful and we
see around 50 to sixty daily and galah's feeding on our streets daily. The too's are extremely destructive of property and there are a lot of people who hate them but I can never cease to be amazed at their beauty and their antics but even I have to admit the noise can be deafening!
Is there anyone who definitely wants one, or more of these guys? Tying to find out for sure where we stand with homes.
You know I'd take one, but after some thought I don't think I am equipped for a breeder bird. Especially the age, though I am curious as to why they're not paired. Mate died? too young to be matched? who knows.
We're over our limits so I'm not participating this one. Good luck guys!!! Would of taken the Moluccan if I didn't already have a crazy U2 in the
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Another factor that we have to consider is funding, is anyone willing to donate if we set up a paypal account to help these birds out?
If their all males then i cannot have a male and female too under such a small roof. I am willing to take the GW, I like how old he is and would be able to give the poor guy a proper home.
3600 / 8 birds is 450 a piece. Hopefully we can talk them down some, cash always talks. They didnt have the greatest cages but they at least come with them and can be used temporarily to house them.
3600 / 8 birds is 450 a piece. Hopefully we can talk them down some, cash always talks. They didnt have the greatest cages but they at least come with them and can be used temporarily to house them.

Yeah i dont see him getting rid of them anytime soon for that price or selling all together. I asked if he would consider less.
You should offer 2800 on the premis that your taking them all and most are singles that you will have to 'purchase' several birds to pair them.
You should offer 2800 on the premis that your taking them all and most are singles that you will have to 'purchase' several birds to pair them.

Im pretty sure if i went to him with 2500 or 2800 cash, he would take it.

Just got back and went back to see what was up.

I have a couple of issues. My moms not doing well and I may have to go north in the am. The other is I'm not prepared to house that many birds even for a few days.

I could get back and make a run back to NJ hitting points in between. I'll know better tomarrow.

I also think if he sees 2500.00 cash hell takes it. I'm good for a chunk of that.
Again my logistics are up in the air until the morning.

So I wanted to post an update, We are currently fundraising to get these birds out so please feel free to donate, if you are interested. There is a thread, funding for FL birds. We are still looking for a home for the Moluccan 2 and backup homes if needed. We have transport from FL to NJ and in between. These birds are going to be a serious rehab project. The only birds that are staying together are the pairs. All the singles are DNA tested males.

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