Healthy Parrot Poop

haha dont worry about him guys. He's in his happy hut at this very moment chattering to himself on his bathroom plans tomorrow. He's even chuckling a bit haha.

Lmao awwwww!! He is so funny lol :D! Do lots of people here use happy huts?? They can be very dangerous, and we're very anti-happy hut at theother forum. Lots of bird have pulled threads loose and gotten strangled in them.

well any toy that goes unchecked for lose threads or material can become hazardous to a bird. The good thing is when a bird sees an object as a place of sleep they usually wont tear at it and take very good care of it. ;)

I like the idea of a happy hut cause my little guy actually lays down in his. Imagine if you had to stand on your feet your whole life!


Ohh! Yeah that makes sense :). Like a dog won't soil her sleeping bed. I've alway wanted a happy hut! They just look so snuggly and comfy and fluffy, but then I read about all the horror stories about them, and decided I would probably make my own version of a happy hut, at most.

EDIT: Also, what's on the inside of a happy hut that gives it its triangular shape? Is it plastic or something?

Really? I thought they were all the same.. How do you find one that is damage proof?

I cant find a decent photo and I've burnt the happy hut. Here is a link to a video where Sunny was sitting in his happy hut.

You burned the happy hut? :confused: Sunny is so cute!! I love his little squeaking every time you say "yumyumyumyumyum!!" :D
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I saw this little guy and his happy hut at Petsmart last weekend. I meant to post the picture but I was busy all week and forgot to. Looks like the threads aren't in loops that he can get his head stuck in, but that's still kind of dangerous isn't it?

the thread do look loose! and i'd be worried about nut getting a toe/foot caught in them
the thread do look loose! and i'd be worried about nut getting a toe/foot caught in them

I think he may have pulled it loose. I don't know if he sleeps in it, but he was very active when I saw him, playing with his toys and such. Someone on the other forum lost a white bellied caique to her happy hut. They found her while she was still alive but her head was caught, and hey managed to untangle her but she died in their hands :(.

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