Hard choices.


New member
Feb 17, 2014
Two green cheek conures Fruitloop and Hedwig and two budgies Baka and Pocky.
Some times doing the best things for our pets means making very hard decisions. After the eggs hatched and i pulled the babies for hand rearing Petrie got more and more aggressive. By the end of the 8 weeks he was opening his cage and crawling under the room door to attack anyone who went down that end of the hall. Even my 7 year old nephew who he used to adore more then anything.

We tried separating Him from Tiki and hot rod But when we did that even if they where in the same room in different cages Tiki started mutilating her self, and was just generally depressed and when put back together they started trying to mate again. After raising one clutch i know for a fact i don't want to be a breeder if im doing it on my own. So i talked it over with a breeder friend seeing if there was anything i could do and she was very interested in taking the trio. I said i needed time to think about it. Petrie had helped me get through some very very dark times in my life and i didnt want to believe that he could change so completely. And then he got out again and landed on my 8 month old nephew all puffed up. I grabed him before anything could happen But it made me realise he was to dangerous to have around if i kept tiki and hot rod too. And with TIki mutilating herself when separated i knew it was time to let go.

Its one of the hardest things ive ever done. The breeder said they are doing well though and shes going to always keep them together and me updated. Though apparently they have no clue what a nest box might be used for. I told her to put a dresser down and shell be golden.

I know giving him to a breeder probably wont b ea popular choice but i couldn't see any other option with out separating them and risking tiki's well being. They where also determined to, and had, mate again and i couldn't handle another clutch. We are keeping one of his babies a sweetie we named fruitloop, because she/he is all of the colors and has a wonderful sweet temperament. I was wondering if anyone else has had to make hard choices for the benifit of there companions?
I am so sorry you had to make this choice but I believe that you have done the right thing. I haven't had to give up my parrots for those reasons but I did have to get rid of all of them because of my health and for the sanity of my cats. I also got rid of them because I have young grandchildren around. At least you gave them to someone you know will take care of them. Hug yourself if you can.
Hi, I havent, but I just wanted to say that I am sorry and be good to yourselves xx
-I'm so sorry you had to do that and I may have to do that with my pair too and I almost did give them up after their first clutch last year.
-My male Morpheus is very protective and aggressive of my female Meeka ever since they had their first clutch last year. I spent this year trying to work with him and Meeka to tame him down and to keep them from having another clutch. My Meeka ended up bonding more to Morpheus and being more aggressive towards me. They got into breeding mode anyways (without anything to lay in either) and I have three babies again now. My plan is to separate them with a divided cage I got after I pull all the babies and then try again to tame them down. I'm afraid I may have to give them up to a breeder like you did if this doesn't work because of similar behaviors.
-I know how difficult of a decision that was because I may have to do it too
'hugs' ;) at least you know the person they went to.

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