Happy Birthday LaManuka!!!


Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 24, 2018
Maine, USA
Tucker the Red Sided Eclectus
Baxter the YNA
Avery the CAG
Patches the Grand Eclectus, my best friend. RIP
Cuckoo the BFA RIP
Happy Birthday Martina!!!
My partner in crime,
Ralph to my Fred,
and my bestiest friend!

I can't tell you how much we all appreciate your tireless work,
helping to keep the forum neat and tidy
and a for all your love and support
for me and all of our members.

I hope you have a most fantastic day! :)

Love you, Ralphie ❤️
SmartyPants, you know I luv ya.
For those of you who don't know about my special nickname...
When Marty first came here, she learned everything so fast, and was such a smartypants, and... well... the sentiments morphed into MartyPants.
Thanks for all you do and for all the people you have helped here including.... me. (And the Rb, too, who is eternally grateful. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
SmartyPants, you know I luv ya.
For those of you who don't know about my special nickname...
When Marty first came here, she learned everything so fast, and was such a smartypants, and... well... the sentiments morphed into MartyPants.
Thanks for all you do and for all the people you have helped here including.... me. (And the Rb, too, who is eternally grateful. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Awwwwwwwww thank you Aunty G, who has morphed into my favourite Aunty G because of her kindness and lovingness and being such a good sport in farming out the Rb for the very serious subject of Aussie football tipping years ago! I love you too, and I love this place and the wonderful members and their birds who make it a pleasure to work here 💝 💝 💝

And a special "thank you" to @saxguy64 for putting up this thread for me, it's been a few years since I felt strong enough to celebrate my birthday on the open forum since it is also the hatch day of my precious Lilly Pilly who I lost a few years ago. Happy Birthday in heaven, I'll always love you, baby girl. It still hurts to be without you but your presence is always here and I know I'll see you again some day 💖 And I love you too, Fred, thanks again for doing this for me 🫶


Happy Birthday Sweet Martina!!!


I hope that your birthday was absolutely perfect!


You deserve only the best💜

Happy Birthday. I bet those parrot of yours behaved for a full day just for you.
Thank you!! And you know they didn't, but what are ya gonna do?? ;)
Lovejoy does have a certain look to him that implies he may be just a little rambunctious. He will change his ways someday 😂
You know what, @kme3388? I don't think he ever will!!

Thank you Rozzy. And please give my favourite Polish nephew a big Happy Gotcha Day kiss for me too!! 😘 😘 😘
Zenek thanks you for remembering ❤️ (unlike me, seriously I did it again - I had a feeling on July 1st like there was someone's birthday but I confused it with the forgotten Zenek's gotcha day)😭
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Happy Birthday Martina! I will always know you as the first to welcome me here, our shared love for Australia and now knowing we share the same birthday month! 🥳 🎉
Awwwwwwww thank you @GoldenDaysAz, that's very kind of you and I'm happy to share a birth month with you too! Course you know we posted a birthday celebration for you as well ... ;)


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