Griffin went to the vet today on emergency!

Jules, you should put up that link about the disorder that we read.

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Julie you have your hands full. I never knew one could go wild like that.

Jules, you should put up that link about the disorder that we read.

Christine, yeah it's not common (lucky me) lol. It is not limited to Poicephalus species but that is primarily who you see the disorder manifest in.

Stephen, I will have to look for the link... if I can't find it I'll post some info on it later. Just the other day I tried googling more on it, and it is not easy to find articles since it's not a common affliction. :(
This article is the best explanation I can find. It is in a format that won't let me copy/paste a portion out of it. The part talking about Phobias is about 2/3 down the page starting with the words "The next developmental stage...." Parrot Island--Articles

If a bird becomes phobic, it is not just a "stage"... he is describing the age in which it is most likely to develop. He also says that it is most likely to happen more severely in birds who have not been well socialized, but that is not the case with Griffin. He was well socialized with the breeder as well as here, and still developed a severe case.
You poor thing, and poor little griffin!

My suggestion is this- put his empty bowl on your scale and don't zero it out and then put a good variety of his favorites in there. Write down this weight and then weigh the bowl a few times throughout the day and evening if you can. Also, put a clean sheet of paper under where he eats. This way you know how much is wasted.

This way you'll get a good idea of how much, or if at all, he is eating. The other option is to weigh the bird but with how fast they poop, it will be hard to tell.

The second day IS always the worst with these little guys. I know you're doing all you can.

My little baby Ekkie got his tail stepped on two weeks before coming here. He was just starting to fledge and the breeder turns around to grab his feeding syringe and just like that - no tail! 😟 it's already halfway back now but darn if he didn't look like a bird waddling around with no pants on!

Huge hugs to you and good vibes to Griffin.
Baby food- I feed my guys baby food when my health just isn't cooperating. They love Gerber stage 1 and stage 2 fruits, baby Ekkie especially loves the blueberry/banana/pear. They all are mainly pear with other stuff mixed in. You can't go wrong with banana. I always keep a steady supply on hand because I can never tell when I'm going to have a good day.
Thanks Brittany :). The way I tell if he's been eating (I do this method to see if my budgies have been eating their veggies) is I don't give a large portion at a time, and I scoot it over all neatly to one side of the dish. If a bird has been in a dish, it is always messed up, and the good sign if they're eating is you can see chewed up pieces.

So, I finally found out that the reason Griffin isn't eating his 'special' soft foods is that it is a little different from his usual stuff. He is not in the mood to try something new right now.

The way I know this is... I decided to put a piece of Popcorn Nutriberry in his foraging container. Right away he went over and got it out, and started munching the seeds off of it! He shredded the popcorn, but wanted the seeds lol. I gave him another piece and same thing, he carefully ate all the little seeds off of it. It's just small seeds like millet and flax, so I decided to give him some budgie sized Harrison's (extra-fine) which is super tiny, and some of their small seed mix. He's not eating it yet. Now that I know he can crunch seeds, I am going to just try small chopping his normal veggies and mix it with the tiny size Harrison's and see what he does.

He was actually so excited to see the Popcorn Nutriberry that when I handed it to him he bobbed his neck up and down. So he has an appetite, but he is like a person whining and saying "I'm sick.. get me some ice cream.. I don't want that crap you're serving for dinner, I want some candy!!" LOL
So glad to hear Griffin's condition did not worsen overnight. That alone sounds like good progress. The key is keeping him nourished, and that sounds challenging. I'd imagine good quality baby food gently warmed and oatmeal to be great starting points.
I am just seeing this, but I am so glad he is doing okay!
Thanks for the progress report, Julie. This is great to hear, I'm glad his appetite is back even if he only wants candy for now.
Thanks... Yeah for right now I don't care as much what he's eating, as long as he eats something. Since he can eat small seeds, I'll get some regular type Nutriberries tomorrow. I have some plain oatmeal that I can try too. At least he ate a little of the cooked yams and brown rice. I saw he was able to eat a little raw too. Still he didn't eat nearly as much as normal today, and was not nearly as active as usual. He was okay staying in his cage, and he's not usually like that.

I'm glad the vet gave him subcutaneous fluids yesterday. He really stressed that after a trauma like this, they can more easily go into shock the next day without it, and this goes a long way in preventing it.

He's making little peeps and noises, but I think he needs to stay in his cage again one more night. He's not ready to play and roughhouse with Raven like they do. At least Raven is always gentle with him. It's Griffin who instigates and bites Raven.
Just caught up reading, Julie. Was out of town yesterday, and was anxious to find out how Griffin has been doing.

Any improvement today with is appetite?

I think it's a good idea you're keeping him in his cage while he recovers some more. :)
Thanks Wendy :). This morning under the cover he started making some of his usual peeps, and I heard him go down to eat his overnight cage food which was budgie seed and 'super fine' budgie size Harrison's.

I let him out of the cage for the first time today, and he went straight to Raven's next door and started trying to eat the regular Harrison's. I will still keep softer foods in Griffin's cage this week. I'm sure he's still sore, as anyone would be if a giant stepped on your head and dislocated your jaw :(. But he has a strong survival instinct, and I can tell through this that he has done his best not to look like he's hurting too much. Such a tough little guy ;).

Right now he's just hanging out in Raven's cage. Not quite as active as normal, but he has definitely shown an improvement as of today. I can't tell you how relieved I am about this, as we all know what a close call this was.
Glad that he is eating for you and the fact that he even tried eating Ravens food is great news. Hopefully he will be fully back to himself in a couple of days. He is a Trooper :)
I'm so sorry to hear! I know how you feel, given Kyo's recent accident. I hope he recovers quickly and painlessly <3
Thank you Birdigirl and Sarah :).

Sarah, I did think of Kyo, and I do hope that she is feeling lots better.
Thank you Birdigirl and Sarah :).

Sarah, I did think of Kyo, and I do hope that she is feeling lots better.

She seems pretty well back to normal now thankfully. I was very lucky. <3
What a terrifying experience! I am so glad Griffin is back home with you and eating again. Hopefully only good things ahead now.
Julie I'm SO relieved to hear he's doing better. My question is, how are YOU?
So glad he is doing better.

The weighing method is one I only use for baby food, if that explains it any better &#55357;&#56842;

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