Griffin went to the vet today on emergency!

Hey Julie I am so sorry and completely understand it happening. Plum is a devil for being on the floor and they are so quiet down there, just creep up and you look down, yikes!

Best wishes to you both.
I'm so glad he's ok .My stomachs in a not reading this.Knowing myself how easy it could happen.
What a horrible accident. I am so sorry for both of you. I think we all know how easy this could happen to any of us.
Two of my cockatiels and one of my amazon's like to walk around and explore the floor. I try to always be aware of there location when out of the cage but it's so easy to get distracted or look away at just the wrong time.
I hope you FID has a full and speedy recovery.
Been thinking of you and Griffin, Julie! :heart:

I truly hope by this morning he's made a full and complete recovery. :)
Julie, I'm waiting for a Griffin update. I know you probably didn't have a good night's sleep but I hope Griffin is feeling better this morning.
Hi Julie - I'm just reading this thread now. What a scary day for you and Griffin! I know you must have been beside yourself when you realized what had happened!

I'm so glad to hear Griffin was eating yesterday and that he seemed to be doing okay.

Please keep us posted.
Aw poor griffin and poor you! Please don't beat yourself up, accidents happen. I hope evrything is better this morning :)
Julie, I am so sorry! These things happen so quickly, please do not blame yourself!
Pisces is on the floor so much I made a playground for her off to the side of the room.
How is Sweet Griffin today?
How is Griffin dong today?
Thanks so much everyone, your support really helps :). Well, just as the vet expected, I think he feels more "beat up" now the day after.

First the good news... he is alert, you can see it in his head movements/ facial expression when I talk to him. Also has not stayed in the same place. He got out of bed and went in his hammock, then back to his bed branch so he is moving. He is not lethargic, but I believe his face hurts :(.

What worries me... although I cooked and softened his food, he does not feel like eating yet. Overnight, the food that was in there was small size Harrison's pellets that are always in his cage. He at least picked one up and tried to eat before he gave up. By the time I prepared and gave his soft food, he didn't feel like eating anything. I think I'm over worrying, as he doesn't always eat in front of me, but I see later that he has. I tried to hand him a couple pieces of soft yams but he refused. As I say he is not lethargic which relieves me. He just doesn't feel comfortable, but I think he'll eat when he gets hungry enough. I hope so. I will keep updating ;).
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Julie, do you think he may eat some baby food?
Terry, I do want to try the baby food. Do you (or anyone) have any suggestions what kind(s) I should buy?
Organic/no sugar/no salt...I have heard pumpkin and sweet potatoes are usually loved.
Thanks for the update, Jules. I think I would try soaking his pellets in water and a little juice if he likes it. He may not want to try anything unfamiliar right now. Baby food is a good idea if you can get him to eat it. I can't help with brands, I've had little luck with baby food unless it's cooked in birdie bread and they don't know about it.
When my guys aren't feeling good, like when they're molting or had a fright or crash, I always give them warm baked sweet potato. They already really like that. Trader Joes sells little dollops of just pure baked sweet potato in the freezer section, perfect single-use size dollops. I pop one in the microwave, cool a bit, and they eat right off the end of a spoon. Hoping your boy is on the mend!
I didn't think about that Allee, that he might not want to try something unfamiliar, especially right now. I'll try one or two jars then. If he won't eat it and no one else will, I better buy a flavor that I might be able to stand :D. Mm, add a little on top of your cereal.... I had oral surgery when I was a child or young teen, and I had to eat baby food for a little while. I still remember how I loved the puree chicken or turkey, and apricot with tapioca LOL.
Aw, Jules! I'm so sorry I'm just seeing this, now! Poor Griffin. I'm glad it appears as though he wasn't damaged as badly as he might've been.

As for his reluctance to eat, I remember when Bixby had injured his beak 2 years ago. The wider he had to open his beak the more painful it was for him. Oatmeal and baby food are obvious ways around this, but in case he's a bit more finicky than Bixby was, you can try focusing on smaller soft foods. Brown rice was a big hit, as it doesn't require the mouth to open wide, and it's soft enough not to require much chewing.

Also, feeding it to him through the side of his beak helped, as that part of the beak opens before the front. That way, he barely had to open his mouth at all. You could literally see his relief once I came up with that. (I don't know if Griffin is at the point where he'd allow that, but thought I'd throw it out there just in case.)

Please keep the updates coming, my friend.

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Thanks so much Steve. I do remember when Bixby had a beak injury. Griffin is pretty picky with unfamilar foods and unfortunately is not as hearty of an eater as Bixby was. I do have brown rice in his bowl too. Everything is soft, but he hasn't gone down to see it yet.

As of today, when I hand Griffin anything, he takes it and throws it down. I have a feeling it is him showing distrust. I am thinking maybe the terror of being caught yesterday has taken him several steps back into his phobic syndrome, and he is looking at me with body language like he is more wild again :(. This was my fear with ever having to take him to the vet. Yesterday I didn't have a choice. Hopefully he will not take as long this time around to get some trust back.

I am keeping him in his cage today. He is not his usual hyper self, so he doesn't seem to mind. I also need him in there to monitor his eating. So far, nothing.
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If worse comes to worse you can always syringe feed until he feels better.

Might even be a bonding thing.

Warm oatmeal is another suggestion.

Baby food, sweet potato would be my first choice as well.

It's gotta hurt to chew right now...

Just make sure he gets enough in him to keep his strength up.
Thanks Mark :). I so wish I could syringe feed him. Griffin is one of those parrots who have developed a phobic disorder and has gone 'wild'. From a cuddly well socialized baby, when he was a year old he became a wild bird panicking for his life when humans including me got to close, he no longer recognized me, etc. Good thing he quickly learned voice commands to get into his cage since I could no longer come near him. Long story short, it took me a good part of a year working with him to get him 'halfway' tame again. Prior to yesterday, he did not panic anymore, and would jump on my back or sit with me on the bed as long as I didn't try to touch him, and THAT was progress! He would even now and then step up briefly without trying to bite IF I had a favorite treat. I was so proud of myself for working with him and not giving up for about 10 months to even get him this far. Now it's lost.

Now, I feel because of the chasing and catching and bringing him to the vet yesterday, we have taken many steps backward in trust, and he is looking at me in the cage with skittsh body language again. He is not AS wild as before, but I can tell he has lost trust. I am just hoping it doesn't take as long as before to bring him up to where we were with the progress. :( There is no way I can get him and handle him at this point, no way. He is not a 'normal' bird with this disorder that he has unfortunately. IF his poops become dark (not eating for too long) then as an emergency situation I will have no choice but to catch and (I hate to use the term 'force') feed him. But that is last resort.

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