Green cheek licking the bottom of her water bowl


New member
Aug 26, 2024
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Pineapple green cheek conure
Hi all. New to the forum. My three year old green cheek conure started licking the bottom of her water bowl today. She got bored of it after a few minutes and moved on to her other toys. She’s not messing with any other metal in her cage and she’s a generally weird bird. Any reason for concern?
I can't see any concern... sounds like one of those conure things they do to drive us nuts. Mine just recently started dunking his whole head WHILE SCREAMING... GEEEEEZ, the noise. I conferred with my avian vet, who confirms it's probably just behavioral... a conure thing. I'd say, continue to keep a close watch but... all's well, most likely.
My birds love to lick any surface with water droplets on it!

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