Got Quaker in September but Terrified of Bathing? Help?


New member
Dec 19, 2007
So I just recently got a conure and quaker in September for my birthday. The first time I tried to give them a bath, didn't go over so well. But I thought it was a phase.

So I've been attempting to give them baths once or twice a month now, but still terrified.

Before I was using a medium sized sink and I would put them in it.
[this worked before on my old quaker]

But today I filled up the bathtub a little bit thinking they might like a bigger space with me in it with them. But they kept trying to scramble up my arms and knees.

Any ideas on how to help their bathing phobia? :[
Some bird just don't like bathing or getting wet. My birds aren't too crazy for it. To be honest i don't think it's mandatory to do for bird. They keep themselves clean pretty well i think. Though i every so often i spray them with some water. I don't like doing it in the winter though because my house, especially my room, is cold. In the summer though i do it more often to them to cool off.

You could try spraying them lightly with some warm(not too hot, but no too cold) water. You can usually buy empty spray bottles at any drug store. Also sometimes birds just have to warm up to the idea. If you start them out while they're young i think they'll get used it better, than an older bird. Though it is possible for older birds.. just takes some more work i guess. And if you still have problems, then don't worry about it. Just spend your time on keeping the cage clean.
Aha, the good 'ole "I don't wanna bath and you can't make me" phobia.

I know you may not see them bathe, but usually they wait till you are out of the room or house to do that.

The best thing to do with keeping them clean, is leave it up to them :) They don't get greasy like us humans and our hair so bathing all the time is not necessary. However, if you notice either of them developing a *ahem* bird odor of some sort, or looking dirty then it might be time to get the 'ole squirt bottle out!

I wouldn't force them to bathe, it will further make them afraid of the whole concept and stop trusting you in this area!

Just like Parrot said before me, make sure the water is not too hot. What may feel warm to us could be very hot for our fids. I usually put a combination of hot water and then cool it down so it is basically more cooler than warmer to the touch.
Don't be fooled by the urge to give them a warm bath, most birds prefer to have cold baths then warm! (I mean, there's not mother nature with a hot and cold faucet in the wild now is there? hehe)
... most birds prefer to have cold baths then warm! (I mean, there's not mother nature with a hot and cold faucet in the wild now is there? hehe)

50% of MY birds prefer warm water to cold ... the other 50% need ICE COLD water to bathe ... it's really funny!
Haha. my Quaker, one time told me I was stupid because I tried to put him in the sink with my Sun Conure who was batheing all happy. Some birds just dont like to bathe, Echo sure doesnt. I wouldnt really force it, misting, or just leaving a large bowl in their cage may work if your worried they need a bath.
I agree with the others.
Just buy a spray bottle and mist him on warm mornings and let him spend an hour preening himself. I wouldnt persist with any activity that panics your birds.
A wet bird will clean himself, its in their dna to do so. I live in Australia so its usually quite warm and I can mist the birds any time of the day or night. Can you put the birds on a perch in your bathroom when you have a shower or bath? I find a steamy bathroom is good for the birds and they get wet without knowing it, and start cleaning themselves as you do. I have found that birds pick up anti social behaviour quickly and you may find your making your birds fear the water more each time you force a dunking on them. If you have a positive relationship with some of your birds, you may find they want to see what your doing when your in the bath and come and join you. I train my birds a bit differently to the other people round here. I just take them with me as I do stuff and get them involved in the things I do around the place. Eventually they will just follow you around your property like a dog.
Red I was getting worried about you! Where ya been mate?
My Senegal did not like baths either. I take a Pyrex pie plate fill it with warm water put it on the floor on a towel. I sit with him and play in the water with my fingers I have even put some veggies in it. He use to just stay on the side and try to get my fingers or veggies but has learned this is fun and now hops in and makes a huge mess.
Pepsi was terrified with bathing too, but I found with him that he eventually learned that it was a lot of fun. I just mist him with a spray bottle and he likes the water hot.
Adrian was scared of baths until I found a bowl he really liked, that had a wide lip for him to perch on. I put lukewarm water in (a bit warmer if it's a cold day) and splash it some to let him know it's there. As soon as I leave he jumps in. If I come back while he's bathing he'll stop and give me this scandalised look like "OMG! I'M NAKED! DON'T LOOK AT MEEEE"

The other thing is he makes a particular call when he wants bath water. Yours may figure out something similar in time. :)

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