Good seed blend?

My parakeet, Birdie Bird, was 2 when I got him 3.5 months ago. He was what I call 'semi tame', which to me means he wouldn't interact but wouldn't 'run' when I put food in his cage. He ignored everything but seed.

The first 2 months he had a pair of parakeets across from him to watch. I got Byrdie to step up on command inside the cage. A week later he was allowed out of the cage, and all he did was use my hand as a launching pad to fly over to 'their' cage.

Once the wild pair was rehomed, he was nervous the first week. I understood; after all, he saw me throw a cloth over them and put them in a cardboard box, never to be seen again. It ate them, as far as he knew.🫤

A week later he began interacting with me when I'd sit by his cage and eat fresh fruits/ veggies with my dog. The first time, all he did was watch. So, the dog and I ate everything.

He figured out if he didn't join us, we'd eat it all! 😋 😂He wanted his share so the next day, Byrdie joined us.

Now he will eat anything the dog and I are eating. But here's the odd part: he'll perch on, or get into his dish as long as I'm holding it. But he refuses to eat from the exact same dish a second later if I sit it in or on his cages!

He will eat seed by himself, but everything else has to be a party of three. 😂 I don't mind, but I find it strange.

Your birds are acting similar by showing a preference to eating with you. I think Byrdie Bird would starve if I didn't 'hand feed' him and the dog together.

After reading about Nutriberries, I ordered some yesterday. I'll see if Byrdie Bird will eat them. The dog and I will have to eat something else. 🤫

I also ordered the superfine Harrison pellets. He came here from a seed only home. But we've been successful so far on egg, fruits and veggies, so the hope is there.

When you make your 'mash' from pellets, do you add water or ???
That's so funny that he does that! I think in the wild parrots eat together so they want to do that in our homes as well, it's really sweet as it means they see you as part of the flock!

I use harrisons lifetime mash mainly and mix it in with their chop. The birds all eat together at the moment so I don't add crushed pellets as the budgies will eat the crumbs once the bigger birds break them, but when I start my new job I'll start mixing the crushed pellets again as they'll have to be caged in the day. My budgies will eat it wet or dry, but seem to eat more of it if it's wet or mixed with chop.
That's so funny that he does that! I think in the wild parrots eat together so they want to do that in our homes as well, it's really sweet as it means they see you as part of the flock!

I use harrisons lifetime mash mainly and mix it in with their chop. The birds all eat together at the moment so I don't add crushed pellets as the budgies will eat the crumbs once the bigger birds break them, but when I start my new job I'll start mixing the crushed pellets again as they'll have to be caged in the day. My budgies will eat it wet or dry, but seem to eat more of it if it's wet or mixed with
Thank you, I love being part of his flock! Well, except for yesterday.

Yesterday, I was changing auto pay bills from our old bank to our new one. I was surrounded by papers folders, pencil, eye glasses, a drink and my phone. Suddenly Byrdie Bird decided he wanted to help. I had my cell phone in my hand, and he promptly pecked the touch screen which surprisingly responded as if it was a stylus!😖

After he was shooed away from the phone, he promptly focused on the papers and busied himself with them! Bare in mind Byrdie was 'afraid' of everything a month ago. For him to suddenly become 'clerical' surprised me!😲

"Ok then," I thought today, "I'll take advantage of his new found fearlessness!"

I had set up a carrier near his cage for him to get accustomed to going in and out of it by himself. It has been avoided like a bear trap.

I'd baited it with millet to lure him inside as you can see in the attached photo.

The previous plan was to leave it near his cages so he'd lose his fear of it. Then, when I wanted him to go with me, he wouldn't be afraid to get in the carrier by himself. I had watched a YouTube video. Byrdie must have been listening as I watched because he was having nothing to do with it.

Today I made plan B. I moved the carrier to the loveseat I was using during my banking business yesterday. I sat the carrier beside me exactly where the papers were. Guess what! You thought I was going to say it worked, didn't you! Nope...he won't even stay with me long enough to see the treat inside. 😂

When I call him, he politely obliges by performing a 'touch and go'! For those who don't know, airplane pilots practice 'touch and goes' when learning to take off and land. Byrdie respected me calling him to come, I've got to give him that, the little smartie, but he didn't hang around long.

Plan C: I have more paperwork to do tomorrow. I'm going to leave his carrier where it sits on the loveseat and put the paperwork against it. Either the carrier will keep him away and buy me some peace as I work 😉, or the desire to be a secretary will overpower Byrdie's fear. 😏 😂 I'll let y'all know.
Thank you, I love being part of his flock! Well, except for yesterday.

Yesterday, I was changing auto pay bills from our old bank to our new one. I was surrounded by papers folders, pencil, eye glasses, a drink and my phone. Suddenly Byrdie Bird decided he wanted to help. I had my cell phone in my hand, and he promptly pecked the touch screen which surprisingly responded as if it was a stylus!😖

After he was shooed away from the phone, he promptly focused on the papers and busied himself with them! Bare in mind Byrdie was 'afraid' of everything a month ago. For him to suddenly become 'clerical' surprised me!😲

"Ok then," I thought today, "I'll take advantage of his new found fearlessness!"

I had set up a carrier near his cage for him to get accustomed to going in and out of it by himself. It has been avoided like a bear trap.

I'd baited it with millet to lure him inside as you can see in the attached photo.

The previous plan was to leave it near his cages so he'd lose his fear of it. Then, when I wanted him to go with me, he wouldn't be afraid to get in the carrier by himself. I had watched a YouTube video. Byrdie must have been listening as I watched because he was having nothing to do with it.

Today I made plan B. I moved the carrier to the loveseat I was using during my banking business yesterday. I sat the carrier beside me exactly where the papers were. Guess what! You thought I was going to say it worked, didn't you! Nope...he won't even stay with me long enough to see the treat inside. 😂

When I call him, he politely obliges by performing a 'touch and go'! For those who don't know, airplane pilots practice 'touch and goes' when learning to take off and land. Byrdie respected me calling him to come, I've got to give him that, the little smartie, but he didn't hang around long.

Plan C: I have more paperwork to do tomorrow. I'm going to leave his carrier where it sits on the loveseat and put the paperwork against it. Either the carrier will keep him away and buy me some peace as I work 😉, or the desire to be a secretary will overpower Byrdie's fear. 😏 😂 I'll let y'all know. View attachment 55223
He sounds like a handful, in a good way! Mine love their carry case, though it's not as fancy as yours. I use it to take them outside into the aviary so they know they're doing something exciting when I get it out!
I’ve got two gremlins who would burn through that in no time. And shipping on Harrison’s has become absurd 😩

She knows she’s cute, she uses it to manipulate me xD, she’s really taking after Rico 🥹
I'm an Amazon Prime member, so shipping is free on most things. If your parents or someone you know are members, you can order through them.

My Harrisons Superfine Pellets shipped free on Amazon. There are other perks for Amazon Prime like the Prime + App for streaming.

If your grandparents have AP, the Amazon Prime membership is about half (over age 65).

I hope that helps you! I use Google to find just about everything. It saves gas and all the time/effort of walking for hours HOPING to find something. Then I check to see if it's on Amazon.

I think I understand why your parents don't shop at Target. Target was busted on TV for carrying a line of clothes with demonic symbolism for Satan worshipers. So, if that's your parent's reason, it isn't a political decision, it's a spiritual decision. You might ask your folks so they can explain their reason to you. Then it might make sense to you rather than listening to me or anyone else guessing about why they have chosen not to shop at certain places. 🙂 Pam

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