Interviewing a breeder & Seeing the facility

M&M Ninja

New member
Feb 23, 2025
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Gold-capped conure
I'm looking at getting a baby bird, and I have the opportunity to drive to the breeder and check things out. I have some questions (don't feel like you have to answer them all)...
  1. How does one evaluate a breeder? What standards are essential vs. "nice to have"?
  2. How important is it to see a breeding facility beforehand and meet the birds and breeder?
  3. How long should the eggs/babies stay with the parents?
  4. Is it possible to assess personality/temperament of a baby bird? If so, how does a buyer go about doing it?

Edit: Just wanted to clarify - I have a bird, and I am pretty savvy as to her care. She gets daily training, flight work, toys, fresh foods, outdoor time, etc.

I bought her from a breeder nearly 6 years ago, but I want to double-check things for this second time around. My next bird is likely a larger, more expensive species and not very common. As much as the Multiple Bird Syndrome is trying to take hold of me, I'm trying to go slow, get my thoughts prepared, and be willing to walk away from a bad breeding situation.
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All good questions
I'm interested in the answers you get even though I'm not looking for a baby.
Great questions! I' have adopted a hand raised baby Goffins cockatoo and a hand raised baby cockatiel. I also bred budgies myself, incubating the eggs and raising hatchlings to adulthood in addition to letting the parents raise their own babies so I will tell you what I think from experience. I also watch a lot of youtube videos posted by small scale and medium scale breeders so I have a pretty good idea of how healthy happy well socialized baby birds should be raised so they adjust quickly to their new homes. Others may disagree but these are my thoughts.

Evaluationing a breeder. There are parrot mills just like there are puppy mills. They concentrate on quantity of babies produced, not quality. Avoid them.
Obviously the facility should be clean and relatively odor free.
They should feed their birds a healthy diet that consists of pellets, fresh fruits and vegetables, and small amounts of seed (depending on the species). All seed diets are terrible for all parrots.

Q: How many active breeding pairs do they have? How many species do they breed? The fewer the better and the more they have the more staff they need to take care of them.

Q: How many clutches do they allow their breeders to produce a year? A: Maximum of two clutches a year. Any more is overbreeding and is bad for the parents' and babies' health.

Q: Do the parent birds have their own large cages? A: Don't get a baby from anyone who does colony breeding (more than one pair sharing a cage) where the parentage of the chicks is questionable and fighting can occur between breeding adults. Are the parent birds ever handled? Are they tame at all? If they are, chances are their babies will be tamer because temperament can be hereditary and tame parents may let the breeders handle their babies while they feed them making calmer tamer babies.

Q: Do they keep detailed records of the parents and their offspring? A: They should have a good record keeping system and be able to give you a printout of the parents' and chicks' history, including hatch dates, medical issues and vet visits.

Q: Do their birds have a certified avian veterinarian? If they don't, they have no busuness breeding any birds. Who is the vet? How often are the birds seen and what tests are run to detect diseases? A: Don't get birds from a breeder that doesn't have regular avian vet care.

Q: How are the babies socialized to humans? This overlaps with how long babies are kept with parent birds. A: I'm partial to small, family home style parrot breeding where the babies are handled frequently and played with to teach them that people are their friends. Some breeders claim their babies are hand fed but hand raising is so much more than just feeding them. Larger scale breeders often feed chicks assembly line style using crop needles where they insert a tube into the baby's mouth and quickly squirt the formula directly into the crop and immediately put the baby back in a brooder. The baby didn't even get to enjoy a feeding! No touching, no nurturing no playtime. That's not how you raise a baby parrot to see humans as their friends. A properly socialized baby parrot should not fear humans.

Q: Are the babies parent raised or hand raised or both? Parrots generally make great parents to their chicks and the food they feed them is perfect for their early growth. Most breeders let the parents incubate the eggs and raise their babies to about two weeks old before removing them and hand raising them through weaning age. Some breeders just handle the babies while letting the parents raise and wean them but If the parents don't allow this handling it's best to pull the chicks completely for hand raising and socialization. If the babies are not handled at all they will be very scared when adopted out making the process harder for both the babies and their adoptive families.

Which brings me to the next, perhaps most important question: Are the babies fully weaned before being adopted out? NEVER get an unweaned baby from a breeder! Any breeder willing to do that is unethical and is signing a death warrant for their babies! Hand feeding is difficult and if not done exactly right the baby will die.

How to select a baby? Unless it's impossible due to location and travel, I would not adopt a baby bird without meeting and handling it first. If you meet a group of babies it's even better- the baby you want is the baby that responds best to you. Not the prettiest baby, but the baby that shows interest in you. They say the bird picks you and it's so true! If the breeder won't let you meet and handle the babies I would walk away. If the baby you want isn't weaned yet you should come visit it as frequently as you can. They grow very quickly from week to week and you want them to remember you. Most baby birds that are properly socialized are sweet, curious and pretty fearless. They may nibble on your fingers but babies rarely bite. Frequent gentle handling is key to keeping them gentle and sweet though as they mature they naturally become less cuddly and more independent. It can become more challenging when they reach puberty because hormone swings make even sweet babies unpredictable but with a good base to build on they should remain nice friendly companions for life.
I hope you find the baby parrot you are seeking but I also hope you are prepared to make a commitment to your baby to provide it a happy forever home. Many parrots live 30, 40, 50 or more years and they will need your care for life! Rehoming is an option but it's hard on a bird that's been with you all it's life. Parrots don't like change. Most landlords and roommates don't like parrots. Parrots don't always mix well with young children or other pets. Dogs and cats can easily kill them. Parrots require a lot of attention to be well adjusted and happy and may self mutilate if deprived of what it needs.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. I hope other parrot forum members add to my thoughts here.
This is what my avian vet told me way back when I was looking for a baby.
Are you in a state with avian certification? If so then check to see if yours is listed. If so are and what were any complaints.
What does place look like?
Avoid if over crowded parents and pairs.
What does it smell like.
Avoid foul and especially avoid if chemical oders, no matter what. Cleanings products are NOT to be excused. Birds are very sensitive. An oder today could be heart, breathing, kidney problems in future.
How are records kept.
Poor or nonexistent are red flags.
When/if baby was taken from parents.
There's a bit of controversy here but too soon is not recommended. The too soon is dependent on breed and breeders. In old days birds were breed by true lovers of the bird and breed. Today there's increasing conservation practices. So now birds are becoming the new cash cows.
How big is breeding facility.
Larger (as in numbers of birds) is not better. Babies especially avian need close monitoring.
If babies are hand feed, how long and how handled. Do they get random handling.
Avian babies get beginning social training here. Avian parents give lots attention, security at these times. Babies wrapped in a towel, fed and dumped back into incubator tend to be less social and dislike humans. Those that get cuddles ect, even wrapped tend to like care givers aka humans. No exceptions here either. Less hands on care is to be avoided.
How close are pairs kept?
The closer the higher risk for some diseases. Even if parents don't show it, your potential baby may be exposed to something undesirable.
All babies are cute!!! Pups=dog, kitten=cat, chicks=birds who are a smarter then the first two.
Facts: If you have pups, cats you're gonna get nips or scratches. If you have a horse, you're going to get footvstepped on. If you have a bird you're going to get bit. Observation and behavior clues are very important to learn and adhere to.
You can do this from your phone. See a baby you love. Go on line to MULTIPLE sites. Look at weaning ages. If listed from x to z. Then only settle for y to z. You don't want a scared infant. No matter what breeder says go with y to z age. Some will go lower then x. That = more profit for less work. Also look up basic diet. Some breeds have more rigid diet needs.
What is your home environment, work, vacation etc. These will help narrow down the breed best for you. Your recommended cage size should be on the larger size. (Within financial reason). As an aside even though popular round cages aren't recommended for larger breed parrots. They can go nuts over time. Something most people ignore is life expectancy of the breed. Larger breeds can live 30+ years with good care. That's a very consdering factor.
Above all try to have a genuine avian vet. A normally healthy dog sneezing can be watched for a few days. Birds are prey creatures. So they hide illness as long as possible. So medical intervention is more of a priority.
I don't mean to be a voice of gloom. I want you to consider as many angles as possible. Consider this important one. The actual bird cost while important is a one time thing. Without exception bird owners especially of the larger breeds are spending lots of money. Excluding vet, my CAG averages just under 150.00$/month. Quarterly professional nail, beak exams with trim if indicated, toys, food/water dishes and replacement for destroyed of same, base food, healthy veggies, fruits, safe treats, and more. Don't forget the time needed for cage and environmental cleaning. Now for medical aka avian vet intervention. My cheapest is near 300$ if lab even routine is indicated. My vet knows us well so this is about every 18 months. The next was 800 (only 1x) for respiratory infection. The highest (again 1x) was just over 2.5K$$(total for 2 weeks) caused by getting a toe caught in a toy. It technically wasn't bad but he was a bad patient aka normal parrot.
  1. How does one evaluate a breeder? What standards are essential vs. "nice to have"?
A breeder who is passionate about their birds is important and treats their animals more than just a commodity. They should be willing to answer questions both before and after the bird is brought home.
  1. How important is it to see a breeding facility beforehand and meet the birds and breeder?
Highly recommended to see the breeder and birds, but not all places will do it because it disrupts the nests and could transmit disease. At least see pictures and ask to see a picture of the bird with your name on a slip of paper next to the bird in question. A valid breeder will understand and not freak out. Anything else is a scam.
  1. How long should the eggs/babies stay with the parents?
One week past weaning is pretty standard for most breeders I've dealt with. Some might hold a little bit longer to ensure the baby is eating on its own.
  1. Is it possible to assess the personality/temperament of a baby bird? If so, how does a buyer go about doing it?
This one, I don't know the answer to. Usually, you CAN, but it depends on the bird. It's done through observation of the chicks, but often what a breeder sees and what you get can be very different things.
If you’re referring to the Golden Conure; Most, if not All GC breeders will let the parent raise until they’re about four weeks of age. It’s better for the chicks immune system plus it avoids a whole lot of work for hand raising. Weaning the Golden Conure is also challenging, so be sure baby is weaned already. Also be sure they have lab test results. There are many but at least, PBFD and psitticosis. you don’t want bringing any contaminants into your home. Better to be safe than sorry. 💛 if they won’t do the tests then be sure that’s the first thing you have your avian vet do before exposing them to your own flock. You can also do it yourself.
We use
My view is very influenced. The two breeders I dealt with were old school. Both had less then 7 pairs. Avian parents were allowed to keep babies for minimum of 2-3 weeks unless problems. The individual areas each pair had was larger than a scarlet macaw cage. There was a nest box with a way to view babies and parents. One breeder allowed parents to keep 1 baby through weaning. Especially if she wanted that bloodline. The other had help. So she had no problems removing babies earlier. Both handled babies for more then 20 minutes after feeding. Birds were listed but not for actual sale until after full weaning. Both insisted future or pending owners come and take care of their feathered 'grandchildren' for 60 minutes/3-4x week with a 2 week minimum. They didn't want one way affection. But both said if future owners couldn't handle this, how would they do 24/7? Both insisted that baby was picked up on a weekday. First stop at breeders expense was well vet visit. This had to be done within 24 hours after leaving. No excuses. So health related returns were close to nil. They had recommended cage size pictures and hands on examples. They stuffed me and my daughter so full of hands on learning that daughter thought her brain would blow up. It made me hungry for more information. Baby birds like pups and kittens tend to latch onto the folk they perceive as being their favorite. That's why both breeders insisted on hands on care. They didn't allow handling except of babies ready for sale. I remember the older breeder saying nothing changed a potential excited buyer to 'I'll think about it' faster then a blob of wet warm poop hitting foot or found dry on clothes. In the end it's a matter of breeder, future owner trust. Breeders reluctant to answer or give vague answers are to avoided. Breeders these days can give virtual tours. But nothing can replace what you see, hear and in the case of breeders smell. Some of the articles out there about bird breeding neglect, rescue frauds are scary as heck.
My view is very influenced. The two breeders I dealt with were old school. Both had less then 7 pairs. Avian parents were allowed to keep babies for minimum of 2-3 weeks unless problems. The individual areas each pair had was larger than a scarlet macaw cage. There was a nest box with a way to view babies and parents. One breeder allowed parents to keep 1 baby through weaning. Especially if she wanted that bloodline. The other had help. So she had no problems removing babies earlier. Both handled babies for more then 20 minutes after feeding. Birds were listed but not for actual sale until after full weaning. Both insisted future or pending owners come and take care of their feathered 'grandchildren' for 60 minutes/3-4x week with a 2 week minimum. They didn't want one way affection. But both said if future owners couldn't handle this, how would they do 24/7? Both insisted that baby was picked up on a weekday. First stop at breeders expense was well vet visit. This had to be done within 24 hours after leaving. No excuses. So health related returns were close to nil. They had recommended cage size pictures and hands on examples. They stuffed me and my daughter so full of hands on learning that daughter thought her brain would blow up. It made me hungry for more information. Baby birds like pups and kittens tend to latch onto the folk they perceive as being their favorite. That's why both breeders insisted on hands on care. They didn't allow handling except of babies ready for sale. I remember the older breeder saying nothing changed a potential excited buyer to 'I'll think about it' faster then a blob of wet warm poop hitting foot or found dry on clothes. In the end it's a matter of breeder, future owner trust. Breeders reluctant to answer or give vague answers are to avoided. Breeders these days can give virtual tours. But nothing can replace what you see, hear and in the case of breeders smell. Some of the articles out there about bird breeding neglect, rescue frauds are scary as heck.
The breeder I bought my gold-capped from did not have quite those stringent requirements, but she opened her space and home for us to meet and interact with the birds. We spent 2-3 hours there and met lots of birds, asked tons of questions. I'd really prefer to find such a breeder for our next bird.

Now that I'm thinking of her, I should probably send a 'hello after nearly 6 years' email and let her know how great her baby is doing.
Better to be safe than sorry.
Totally. So if a breeder has the test results to say their bird is negative, does the bird still need to be quarantined in its new home?
This one, I don't know the answer to. Usually, you CAN, but it depends on the bird. It's done through observation of the chicks, but often what a breeder sees and what you get can be very different things.
By what age would you say a chick's personality is emerging?

We picked our gold-capped based on her playing more independently than her siblings. I think we were looking for a bird showing curiosity and courage and who didn't need to be on top of us. I don't know how the other birds turned out, but I can say my bird totally wants to be on top of us (and we love it). So I don't know if that initial assessment panned out.
I would take it slow anyway because you don’t want to assume they’ll get along. Observation and some distance is the best way to ease into everyone settling in. 💛
By what age would you say a chick's personality is emerging?

We picked our gold-capped based on her playing more independently than her siblings. I think we were looking for a bird showing curiosity and courage and who didn't need to be on top of us. I don't know how the other birds turned out, but I can say my bird totally wants to be on top of us (and we love it). So I don't know if that initial assessment panned out.
I think you can tell for sure when they're weaned. Otherwise, I'd be guessing :P
I would take it slow anyway because you don’t want to assume they’ll get along. Observation and some distance is the best way to ease into everyone settling in. 💛
I found this great video which takes it really slow.

The birds are constantly reinforced for calm, positive body language. My plan would be to quarantine for a month regardless of test results (but the birds can hear each other), followed by the steps described in that video.

I think I saw your video where you brought your two home to meet Daisy. They seemed to take to each other really quickly.
Oh goodness, the introduction in that video is really taking it slow. 😅 good measures if you’re introducing older birds of different species. Mine are the same species so I wasn’t worried about so much technique. 💛
Totally. So if a breeder has the test results to say their bird is negative, does the bird still need to be quarantined in its new home?
Testing is not a guarantee about tomorrow. It only means today negative. A quarantine can give you piece of mind. You can say chances the newbie didn't give or get something with your others is less. Plus you can begin learning the newest additions quirks, needs etc. My vet recommends keeping new and even vaccinated dogs, cats, birds, exotics in full quarantine for 14 days minimum plus 2 in case of lost count. He says it's the preventable illness that bothers him the most.
My thinking is acting up. Maybe we should drop baby bird term completely. Substitute fully weaned with actual age. Baby depends upon animal, breed etc. I wonder if average person realizes that the larger the parrot the longer they stay infants. So 13-16 weeks might seem old but it's barely past infant for a CAG and many Amazons. Larger macaws are still infants. Actual personality depending upon handling is beginning to firmly develop.

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