Getting closer


New member
Apr 30, 2024
Indian ringneck (Georgie)
Some good progress with Georgie.
He is starting to sit by me on the window now and flying over when I ask him to "come on" and chirping a lot more. He still will not let me touch and flies away when I get too close but he is letting me get a little closer to him which I am so happy about. He is a little darling and I love him so much. He is always looking at himself in the mirror and talking to himself.


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When I was trying to hand tame my amazon it was as if it would never happen.

I think many times I would approach him with my hands behind my back to let him get totally used to my face and voice.

Now he is completely bonded and hand tame but regards my face differently than my hands, which he might lightly pinch to advise.

It's as if he would never bite my face. < I know, I know, famous last words!!!
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When I was trying to hand tame my amazon it was as if it would never happen.

I think many times I would approach him with my hands behind my back to let him get totally used to my face and voice.

Now he is completely bonded and hand tame but regards my face differently than my hands, which he might lightly pinch to advise.

It's as if he would never bite my face. < I know, I know, famous last words!!!
I do the exact same with my IRN I approach mostly with my hands behind my back and talk to him, but he still keeps his beady eye on where my hands might be 😅
My budgie Colin bit my face once when I kissed him, was very unexpected as he loved being kissed he did have a very strong personality though so never say never 🫣
Hi there. Happy to see your making progress with your little IRN Georgie.

Just some advice that might be useful. You can try it out and see if it helps and let me know.

Maybe try removing or covering reflective objects like mirrors from bird when your training and want the bird to come on to you. In my experience it can help speed up the taming process (assuming thats what you want to do).

I myself have a IRN however he is very fresh into the family home so my personal experience with these breeds is minimal however Im going to guess that its not so different to any other bird when it comes to to training (cockatiels & budgies ect..). it may differ slightly but for the most part I highly doubt it.

If any other members wish to correct me here feel free :unsure: I start training my own IRN a few weeks once he's settled in and used to be a little more (We just got him this week) so all advice from the forum surrounding the breed and how to make progress with them is helpful for everybody reading.

In the past.. anytime I tried to hand tame a bird It was almost like peeing in the wind if he or she had a mirror or any other object or surface they could see themself in . its not impossible to do as it does depend on the bird.. also, Windows can also be the same scenario. At night they can see themself in it if it is dark outside and during the day they may see others bird flying around. More time the birds i've spent time with would spend more time and energy dancing around infront of the mirror and chatting to their own reflection or looking out to the passing pigeons/seagulls and crows they could see outside than engaging with me or anyone els in the room. and rightfully so... if I was a bird I'd probably do the same.

Try spend even an hour a day with Georgie with a clicker, perch stick and some treats in a room where theres no reflections and no windows he can look out. No distractions. Just you, the bird and treats and try get him on the stick and then eventually on to you. A bit of target training and go from there. Do this for a few weeks/months even 60 minutes a day and see how far you get. Even if there is no progress first little while just remember no progress doesn't mean no progress.

If you don't know what target training is or how to utilise the use of a clicker and perch stick theres many videos on youtube from a youtube channel called birdtricks that have a great deal of videos that will show and explain .

Keep us posted! Wish you all the luck in bonding with your birdy
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Hi there. Happy to see your making progress with your little IRN Georgie.

Just some advice that might be useful. You can try it out and see if it helps and let me know.

Maybe try removing or covering reflective objects like mirrors from bird when your training and want the bird to come on to you. In my experience it can help speed up the taming process (assuming thats what you want to do).

I myself have a IRN however he is very fresh into the family home so my personal experience with these breeds is minimal however Im going to guess that its not so different to any other bird when it comes to to training (cockatiels & budgies ect..). it may differ slightly but for the most part I highly doubt it.

If any other members wish to correct me here feel free :unsure: I start training my own IRN a few weeks once he's settled in and used to be a little more (We just got him this week) so all advice from the forum surrounding the breed and how to make progress with them is helpful for everybody reading.

In the past.. anytime I tried to hand tame a bird It was almost like peeing in the wind if he or she had a mirror or any other object or surface they could see themself in . its not impossible to do as it does depend on the bird.. also, Windows can also be the same scenario. At night they can see themself in it if it is dark outside and during the day they may see others bird flying around. More time the birds i've spent time with would spend more time and energy dancing around infront of the mirror and chatting to their own reflection or looking out to the passing pigeons/seagulls and crows they could see outside than engaging with me or anyone els in the room. and rightfully so... if I was a bird I'd probably do the same.

Try spend even an hour a day with Georgie with a clicker, perch stick and some treats in a room where theres no reflections and no windows he can look out. No distractions. Just you, the bird and treats and try get him on the stick and then eventually on to you. A bit of target training and go from there. Do this for a few weeks/months even 60 minutes a day and see how far you get. Even if there is no progress first little while just remember no progress doesn't mean no progress.

If you don't know what target training is or how to utilise the use of a clicker and perch stick theres many videos on youtube from a youtube channel called birdtricks that have a great deal of videos that will show and explain .

Keep us posted! Wish you all the luck in bonding with your birdy
He has come a long way from when I first had him. He would not chirp or make any kind of noise and was so scared, now we cant stop him 😂 He's also trying to talk already which I think is amazing given he's only 10 months old now. He has such a little personality, he gets angry with himself when he can't say whatever word he's trying to say. He loves me saying "come on then" he knows that's something good and responds very well to those words. He mainly chirps and shouts when I speak to him and when he's flying, he loves flying around our living room. He seems very happy so I dont want to rush any process as everything seems to be going well. 🥹
He has come a long way from when I first had him. He would not chirp or make any kind of noise and was so scared, now we cant stop him 😂 He's also trying to talk already which I think is amazing given he's only 10 months old now. He has such a little personality, he gets angry with himself when he can't say whatever word he's trying to say. He loves me saying "come on then" he knows that's something good and responds very well to those words. He mainly chirps and shouts when I speak to him and when he's flying, he loves flying around our living room. He seems very happy so I dont want to rush any process as everything seems to be going well. 🥹
aw thats amazing!! sounds like a brilliant little bird. :love::red1: I'm glad everythings going well. Just prepare youself for the bluffing stage (Which I myself am not really looking forward to) 🫢😂 I've seen many people say it can last up to a year with bad behaviour with these birds sadly 🥲 your approach to not rush anything it totally justified though and highly respectable. i'd imagine with all birds is about building that long term trust and how you do that is going to differ from person to person.

I just got mine the other day. He himself is a little soul. He was a bit jittery at first but I'm only day 3 and ive somehow got him eating apple and grape from my hand today. I was also able to tap a perch over from the one he was standing on while feeding him and it was like he knew exactly what I wanted and stepped over to be fed. I was pretty amazed. Its obvious they are a very clever bird i comparisons to what I'm used. its been a MASSIVE improvement to how he was even just yesterday. I think i may have a little evil genius looming 😂 To be fair though.. I''ve never really had a IRN before its always been budgies and cockatiels till now. i did however always managed to get them tame with great patience and by using a perch stick, clicker & treats but with bleu its been the quickest i've had any bird take to me. I'm proper excited to see what the future brings with him!

I cant wait till mines starts talking. With him only being 16 weeks old right now i i think i've still a few months left before he starts vocalising words and mimicking but im sure it'll fly in with all the laughs he'll no doubt give me before hand . 😂 when the time comes he does start talking though I'll probably be leaving youtube videos on loop when I'm out of the house to help speed up the process of him learning words (lazy dad. i know). I saw theres like 6 hour long videos of video content teaching parrots how to talk that I'll for sure be utilising.

I believe IRN's can learn over 200 words in their lifetime 😲 (do correct me if im wrong)

the only reason i had mentioned the youtube vids and 60 mins a day approaching the bonding as training, eliminating all distractions and not just waiting for the bird to come to you was only because I've honestly watched about 100 hours of ''birdtricks' youtube channel this week and learned loads of new training methods and info regarding all birds behaviours that i didnt even really know or think about the whole 10 years I've kept birds.

I think that was key in getting bleu to eat from my hand today after just a few days of having him was just furthering my knowledge on how important actually taking the time to train these birds is.

Regardless though I'm sure in time your little bird will start landing on you and letting you touch him. Just bare in mind with the older he gets the harder it may become to get to that stage with him and the more distractions he has when your trying to bond the further down the list of priorities you might slide without the proper technique.

patience is key though and I reckon every bird is totally different in temperament as you'll already know. Youll know your animal!

I wish you all the best with Georgie.

Do keep the thread posted with any progress you make. Its good content to have logged for anyone looking in future and I'm also curious to see Georgies story unfold.

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