Getting closer


New member
Apr 30, 2024
Indian ringneck (Georgie)
Some good progress with Georgie.
He is starting to sit by me on the window now and flying over when I ask him to "come on" and chirping a lot more. He still will not let me touch and flies away when I get too close but he is letting me get a little closer to him which I am so happy about. He is a little darling and I love him so much. He is always looking at himself in the mirror and talking to himself.


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When I was trying to hand tame my amazon it was as if it would never happen.

I think many times I would approach him with my hands behind my back to let him get totally used to my face and voice.

Now he is completely bonded and hand tame but regards my face differently than my hands, which he might lightly pinch to advise.

It's as if he would never bite my face. < I know, I know, famous last words!!!
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When I was trying to hand tame my amazon it was as if it would never happen.

I think many times I would approach him with my hands behind my back to let him get totally used to my face and voice.

Now he is completely bonded and hand tame but regards my face differently than my hands, which he might lightly pinch to advise.

It's as if he would never bite my face. < I know, I know, famous last words!!!
I do the exact same with my IRN I approach mostly with my hands behind my back and talk to him, but he still keeps his beady eye on where my hands might be 😅
My budgie Colin bit my face once when I kissed him, was very unexpected as he loved being kissed he did have a very strong personality though so never say never 🫣
Hi there. Happy to see your making progress with your little IRN Georgie.

Just some advice that might be useful. You can try it out and see if it helps and let me know.

Maybe try removing or covering reflective objects like mirrors from bird when your training and want the bird to come on to you. In my experience it can help speed up the taming process (assuming thats what you want to do).

I myself have a IRN however he is very fresh into the family home so my personal experience with these breeds is minimal however Im going to guess that its not so different to any other bird when it comes to to training (cockatiels & budgies ect..). it may differ slightly but for the most part I highly doubt it.

If any other members wish to correct me here feel free :unsure: I start training my own IRN a few weeks once he's settled in and used to be a little more (We just got him this week) so all advice from the forum surrounding the breed and how to make progress with them is helpful for everybody reading.

In the past.. anytime I tried to hand tame a bird It was almost like peeing in the wind if he or she had a mirror or any other object or surface they could see themself in . its not impossible to do as it does depend on the bird.. also, Windows can also be the same scenario. At night they can see themself in it if it is dark outside and during the day they may see others bird flying around. More time the birds i've spent time with would spend more time and energy dancing around infront of the mirror and chatting to their own reflection or looking out to the passing pigeons/seagulls and crows they could see outside than engaging with me or anyone els in the room. and rightfully so... if I was a bird I'd probably do the same.

Try spend even an hour a day with Georgie with a clicker, perch stick and some treats in a room where theres no reflections and no windows he can look out. No distractions. Just you, the bird and treats and try get him on the stick and then eventually on to you. A bit of target training and go from there. Do this for a few weeks/months even 60 minutes a day and see how far you get. Even if there is no progress first little while just remember no progress doesn't mean no progress.

If you don't know what target training is or how to utilise the use of a clicker and perch stick theres many videos on youtube from a youtube channel called birdtricks that have a great deal of videos that will show and explain .

Keep us posted! Wish you all the luck in bonding with your birdy

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