Funny eclectus stories

I was vacuuming around his cage this morning and he was having his morning fly

Is he trained for free flight outside? Wow...I read about that and know it needs some serious training.

i have two that free fly, training was easy a cyclone ripped up the aviary twice and lost all my eccies bar my main breeders, they just stayed close by in tree's until i came out the female came down as soon as i called her the male decided to fly around for a few hours and watch me mow 12 arcers fly from one side of the propery to the other as i drove the mower, then once i finished i called he flew down that happened twice and now if they want to go out im fine with it, as they come when i call.
This one happened last week. I was teaching Echo a new trick (color differentiation) and said "Good Boy" then gave him a Pine Nut... I then went to pick him up as he had taken the Pine Nut, and without warning he places the Pine Nut back in my hand says unmistakeable "Good Boy" for first time then looks up at me half curious what to do.

Evidently - Parrots can train people too...
My baby Kozmo often holds his food with hi feet when he eats, something most eclectus don't do. It's really cute. He's also been talking since he was seven months old. Still unbelievably clumsy. Favorite words are "I love you" "Tickle-tickle-tickle" and "Mama".
Our ecckie has open cage policy. Well now he roams the house. One day I couldn't find him. He was looking at me from the window in our back room.

He also has a very large vocabulary. Everything I say he learns it.

One day I took him into my make up counter where he sits with me. He started chewing on my cord and I kept saying 'Hey No'.

So not long after that my husband had just woken got his coffee and on his computer. Nice & quite morning..... Until he heard the bird 'Hey No, Hey No', he surprised him because he wasn't aware that he was on the floor next to him and chewing on his computer cord.
I have my eclectus on my arm started beakin my watch so I figured no big deal he can play with my watch then a few minutes I notice he's got something in hes beak so I took it out and coudn't believe he manage to take out a piece of my watch! you know the tiny little knob for adjusting the time.That was an expensive watch,I have it for six years but oh well,I went & bought new one.Lesson learned,lol.
Pebbles teaches Gizmo:

So I have 2 Eclectus Parrots, a male about 1 1/2 who we adopted at about 9months and a female 3 years who we recently were shocked to see for sale at a poultry auction.

We have tried to set the two cages up with similar toys. Yesterday I found Pebbles rubber treat ball (the ones with the hexagon holes), at the bottom of the cage. This isn't a big surprise as they are both experts at unscrewing the loops, but when I looked closer, I found she had chewed right through the silicon rubber. I thought cheeky girl, Gizmo has never done that, and he has had it for about 9 months.

This morning what do I find, Gizmo's ball at the bottom of the cage, and he has chewed through the rubber:D.

Now Gizmo teaches Pebbles:

Gizmo and Pebbles live side by side in there own cages with about a 9 inch separation. Pebbles does not seem to have been handled much, and I am trying to get that under control before I allow them to meet each other outside the cage (so I can separate them if things get out of hand).

I was preparing some apples for them this morning, Gizmo was on my shoulder, and after stealing a piece:D, he flew back to the top of his cage. He knows he is not allowed on Pebbles cage. I had one of those "it's too quiet moments" and I turned to check, to find Pebbles had climbed to the top of the inside of her cage, and Gizmo had jumped across and they were checking each other out. I quickly made my way to take Gizmo off the cage, but before I got there, Pebbles had decided to investigate Gizmo's foot with her beak. Gizmo quickly moved his foot, and to my surprise said "No":D (it took all my energy not to burst out laughing).


My parents look after Tequila when my husband go away on holidays. My husband has taught our dog french commands, which my family think is funny. So while my parents were looking after my parrot they asked her:
"Do you speak French?" and she replied straight away....
"F**k off".
I have never taught my bird to swear!!! She must have picked it up from the other owner.

Perfect timing bird!!!!
My parents look after Tequila when my husband go away on holidays. My husband has taught our dog french commands, which my family think is funny. So while my parents were looking after my parrot they asked her:
"Do you speak French?" and she replied straight away....
"F**k off".
I have never taught my bird to swear!!! She must have picked it up from the other owner.

Perfect timing bird!!!!

So she does then! ;)
So its been AGES since ive posted on the forum but my boy has been up to a few antics!!!

I live in an apartment building next to the park on the third floor. Its great for Gizmo as he is up high in the trees, next to the window (but he hates the seagulls!!) and his new favourite activity when hes not trying to hump me is to yell various phrases out the window. I didnt quite realise how enthusiastic I was until a few days ago.
We have a 'homeless' guy who lives under our building on the edge of the park. He is a fantastic asset for the place, he looks after all the cars and is the go-to guy for ANYTHING happening around here. He may live in a plywood box but he has permission from the building owners and I like having him around (he lives right under my place) becuase my fiancee is always away at sea.
I take him a roast dinner once a week and books when im done with them.

So, this guy (Ian), is a great guy. My fiance goes down and has a beer with him whenever he is home to say thanks for keeping an eye on me. Anyways, last few times ive seen Ian he was acting really weird. Looking at me sideways and apologising for nothing.

It wasnt till the fiancee went down and spoke to him that we realised that Ian didnt know about my bird, who has been gleefully watching ian in his deckchair in the sun, yelling out the window while im at uni "HELLO DARLING!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? NAUGHTY BOY. NOOOOOO MUMMY DOESNT LIKE THAT. BEDTIME!!!!"

hahahahhaha. The worst thing is, IAn is such a respectful guy, whenever the bird told him to go to bed, off he went!!!! No more sunbathing for IAn! He thought it was me ... my boy talks in my voice =)

Second story is yesterday I was vacuuming (which usually provokes an ENTHUSIASTIC vocalising from the boy. Anyways i finished and there was conspicuous silence.....then i heard a disembodied voice.....
I had propped the front door open and ventured out into the hall and there was my boy, knocking on the neighbours front door with his beak, saying "HELLO!! What are you DOING???? HAHAhaHAHHaHHAhhAHHahHAH mother f***&&^^^eeeeeeeeer (dont ask who taught him that.....)

My poor neighbours were terrified!!! Though on the plus side its the first they knew of a parrot living next door - but you should have seen the guys face when he opened the door, all amped up to deal with the maniac knocking on his door. PRICELESS.

Im constantly astounded by how much joy my boy gives me. Im so lucky to be his parront!!

ROTFLMAO!!!! I had to revive this post. Priceless!!!!

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I think the Vacuum is an ecky thing, I read somewhere it reminds them of thunder, being rainforest birds they get excited because it means the rain is coming - may explain the water? Shadow just screams REALLY loud and flaps her wings

I know this is an old thread..I just started to read the "stories" about our fids funny things.
But as far as the vacuum..Smokey my grey,would also go nuts while I cleaned up her and Amys messes. Smokes would be on her roof and as I vac'd around it,she would chase it,stop to pick up a toy and slam it down,and make her special "I'm gonna get you!" noises,all the while being all fluffed up.
Goofy bird!

Oh no! My quaker parrot got ahold of two of my computer keys once. Apparently they’re fun to chew on
When putting on/taking off ruby's harness I always give her some almonds. Once the harness is off and as I go to put her back in the cage or on a perch she quickly loads her beak full of as many almonds as she can, haha:red::04:. A bit like a chipmunk or squirrel :D.
I don't have an ekkie but I have a story about one! I was at the MTSU bird show and a guy in the back had some eclectus. They were biting anyone who tried to pick them up. That day I was also wearing my red jacket and a dark t-shirt. I got the male to step up on my hand! He was also going OvO at me...
There was also once a female ekkie at the local pet store who imitated the brlrlrlr of the phone.
Rollie, our male Eclectus, is usually a dream parrot. He's very friendly and not afraid of strangers. On the odd chance he bites he's usually quite gentle. Just a wonderful temperament.

He has a mate nearby in the adjacent cage who he's VERY fond of. If she's ever taken out of the room (e.g. a vet visit) he lets out painful squawks. When the two of them are out, he's practically on top of her. Of course, he wants to feed her for as long as his belly can serve up food. And naturally, he loves to mate. But he can be so tenaciously "attentive," he pisses off the female. She likes to be left alone and get into nesting activities. He'll be over offering food and she'll smack him with her beak, trying to get him to go away. But he'll keep at it. And eventually he'll relent and just watch over her. Only once in a while he'll get aggressive with her. It's pretty scary how hostile he can be with her, if she's not attending to him enough. He's never that way with any human.

So his imperative to be with her is strong. And after he has eaten, he wants to go feeding. With the cage door closed, he gets a bit frustrated. THANKFULLY he doesn't make painful annoying perpetual squawks. Occasionally he'll make it clear he's really tired of being alone and wants out. But... other times... he's an escape artist.

The older cage he's in doesn't have a spring loaded latch handle on the food/water doors. It's one of those with the hasp that just hangs down that pivots on a screw. Well, it was easy work for him to just slide the hasp out of the way and voila--free bird. We'd been using duct tape to seal the doors shut. And it works great. For the most part. Of course the sticky side gets weak over time and needs refreshing. But...

This escape artist figured out a trick. He takes a bath in his water bowl, splashing all about. And he's able to splash just right to make water go onto the water bowl door. Onto the duct tape. And once enough water gets on that tape... it weakens. And then he can get enough leverage to move the hasp, freeing it of the tape and making his escape. What a bugger!

A new cage is rather expensive, so in the interim I devised a DIY latch that so far has been working well. I've installed it two cages. After a couple months, I'm happy to report it's holding up well. Here's a LINK to the details with photo.
When Solo, is naughty and gets too enthusiastic about ear biting, or getting in what we are doing, we usually take him off and say “go away” and gently flick him into flight to one of his perches.
In August he was sitting on my shoulder watching me cut up food, when he flew off out the kitchen, across the lounge. Whilst flying over my hubbies head he said Go Away as clear as day and Sat to look out the window. Never has he said it before and not again.
We did try the bite pressure ow thing, but all it taught him was how to say ow. He loves the word & today said it twice then did a naughty laugh afterward.. cheeky boy.
When Solo, is naughty and gets too enthusiastic about ear biting, or getting in what we are doing, we usually take him off and say “go away” and gently flick him into flight to one of his perches.
In August he was sitting on my shoulder watching me cut up food, when he flew off out the kitchen, across the lounge. Whilst flying over my hubbies head he said Go Away as clear as day and Sat to look out the window. Never has he said it before and not again.
We did try the bite pressure ow thing, but all it taught him was how to say ow. He loves the word & today said it twice then did a naughty laugh afterward.. cheeky boy.
I had to go out of town a few days ago.
I usually put one of those cat balls with the bell in the ball in Moses cage at night time as he likes to hold the ball in one foot and rattle the bell.
my wife was putting Moses into his night time cage and we never taught him to say this but he said "Give me the ball:)))"
so Momma gave him a cat toy ball with the bell in and Moses was happy:)
Larry azflcowboy


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he’s really showing his personality this month. He often lands on the tv, mainly to get our attention because we get up to shoo him off..
We were taking the tree down, so our focus is elsewhere, he landed on the tv. beside us.. pooped over the edge onto a speaker..then the little rascal immediately laughed …. 🤭
he’s really showing his personality this month. He often lands on the tv, mainly to get our attention because we get up to shoo him off..
We were taking the tree down, so our focus is elsewhere, he landed on the tv. beside us.. pooped over the edge onto a speaker..then the little rascal immediately laughed …. 🤭
Hello:) and Happy New Year :) My Moses is also very funny:) i taught him to poop on command (well almost always on command) when i tell him time to poop he expects a cookie(small walnut bit) the other day he pooped and then said "COOKIE" :) God Bless Larry az fl cowboy
Ekko can come up with the funniest things. Last night I walked into the bird room and he shouted, "Hey You! Come here!"
I evidently took too long to raise my foot because he followed it with, "NOW!"
That's all new and cracked me up. At the same time, I was a little afraid of what would happen if he had to say it twice 😂
he’s really showing his personality this month. He often lands on the tv, mainly to get our attention because we get up to shoo him off..
We were taking the tree down, so our focus is elsewhere, he landed on the tv. beside us.. pooped over the edge onto a speaker..then the little rascal immediately laughed …. 🤭
Same thing here. We have a 60" wide screen TV in the living room and Rollie will sometimes land on it. He KNOWS he's not supposed to do it, as when we approach he immediately flies away. Little bugger. We will tell him "Rollie, OFF!" a few times. Sometimes he flies off, other times he just looks at us like "uh, make me." I will approach him with two fingers out on my extended arm aiming towards him and in just 2 steps he'll fly off. We haven't found a good solution. We thought maybe about putting something uncomfortable along the edge so he learns it's not a fun place to be...

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