Pebbles teaches Gizmo:
So I have 2 Eclectus Parrots, a male about 1 1/2 who we adopted at about 9months and a female 3 years who we recently were shocked to see for sale at a poultry auction.
We have tried to set the two cages up with similar toys. Yesterday I found Pebbles rubber treat ball (the ones with the hexagon holes), at the bottom of the cage. This isn't a big surprise as they are both experts at unscrewing the loops, but when I looked closer, I found she had chewed right through the silicon rubber. I thought cheeky girl, Gizmo has never done that, and he has had it for about 9 months.
This morning what do I find, Gizmo's ball at the bottom of the cage, and he has chewed through the rubber

Now Gizmo teaches Pebbles:
Gizmo and Pebbles live side by side in there own cages with about a 9 inch separation. Pebbles does not seem to have been handled much, and I am trying to get that under control before I allow them to meet each other outside the cage (so I can separate them if things get out of hand).
I was preparing some apples for them this morning, Gizmo was on my shoulder, and after stealing a piece

, he flew back to the top of his cage. He knows he is not allowed on Pebbles cage. I had one of those "it's too quiet moments" and I turned to check, to find Pebbles had climbed to the top of the inside of her cage, and Gizmo had jumped across and they were checking each other out. I quickly made my way to take Gizmo off the cage, but before I got there, Pebbles had decided to investigate Gizmo's foot with her beak. Gizmo quickly moved his foot, and to my surprise said "No"

(it took all my energy not to burst out laughing).