Funny eclectus stories

So Ezmerelda was hanging out on the couch and I was in our kitchen, which is open to the living room where the couch is. I went into the kitchen to make her dinner and while in there I heard crunching noises. I normally leave nothing on the couch because she likes to shred anything she sees, but I guess I left my cellphone sitting there on accident. Well I came back and here she was with my cellphone cover gripped in her beak and had half of it gone. Luckily no damage to the phone itself, and I imagine this was funny to her, not nearly as funny to me. I figured I would share. Now she is sitting so sweetly in her cage and eating her dinner and mumbling to herself in between bites.
Ben, all of my birds do that. I think the vacuum sounds like a storm in the wild. They will hang on the sides of the cages and flap their wings to get sprayed.
Puffin has been a very lazy bird when it comes to foraging. I have bought so many foraging toys and made my own but he wants nothing to do with them until a month ago when suddenly one took his fancy. While at the pet shop last week I saw what I thought was another he would like as it was clear and he could see the treats but had to work out how to get them.
We were going away for the weekend and leaving Puffin with my son and I thought what better time to bring out the new toy, it would keep him busy while we were away. I showed my husband how to fill it and asked him to put it in the cage. Hubby was very upset as he said "it's too hard for him, he will never get this". I told him he would just have to work it out if he wanted the treats. We left that afternoon. On monday when we returned I went over to see Puffin and was very impressed to see the toy empty and said as much to hubby. The next morning I went over to clean his cage and something caught my eye at the bottom of the was the entire cover for the foraging toy! Puffin obviously was not impressed at having to work each section to get a small treat so he just ripped the whole cover off and had a feast!
I made the mistake of leaving the hose of the vacuum lying on the floor. Wondered what happened to the suction until I found holes all up and down the hose. I am becoming a much better housekeeper since Jack entered my life. If it's on the floor, he'll see how it chews!
My ekkie Sydney is going through his little hormonal stage and is often humping the food dish.

My BCC Alex who shares his cage (by choice, they are best friends) will call to me, he calls me Alex. He'll say "Alex.....I'm hungryyyyyyy" since he can't get to the food at the time.
So its been AGES since ive posted on the forum but my boy has been up to a few antics!!!

I live in an apartment building next to the park on the third floor. Its great for Gizmo as he is up high in the trees, next to the window (but he hates the seagulls!!) and his new favourite activity when hes not trying to hump me is to yell various phrases out the window. I didnt quite realise how enthusiastic I was until a few days ago.
We have a 'homeless' guy who lives under our building on the edge of the park. He is a fantastic asset for the place, he looks after all the cars and is the go-to guy for ANYTHING happening around here. He may live in a plywood box but he has permission from the building owners and I like having him around (he lives right under my place) becuase my fiancee is always away at sea.
I take him a roast dinner once a week and books when im done with them.

So, this guy (Ian), is a great guy. My fiance goes down and has a beer with him whenever he is home to say thanks for keeping an eye on me. Anyways, last few times ive seen Ian he was acting really weird. Looking at me sideways and apologising for nothing.

It wasnt till the fiancee went down and spoke to him that we realised that Ian didnt know about my bird, who has been gleefully watching ian in his deckchair in the sun, yelling out the window while im at uni "HELLO DARLING!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? NAUGHTY BOY. NOOOOOO MUMMY DOESNT LIKE THAT. BEDTIME!!!!"

hahahahhaha. The worst thing is, IAn is such a respectful guy, whenever the bird told him to go to bed, off he went!!!! No more sunbathing for IAn! He thought it was me ... my boy talks in my voice =)

Second story is yesterday I was vacuuming (which usually provokes an ENTHUSIASTIC vocalising from the boy. Anyways i finished and there was conspicuous silence.....then i heard a disembodied voice.....
I had propped the front door open and ventured out into the hall and there was my boy, knocking on the neighbours front door with his beak, saying "HELLO!! What are you DOING???? HAHAhaHAHHaHHAhhAHHahHAH mother f***&&^^^eeeeeeeeer (dont ask who taught him that.....)

My poor neighbours were terrified!!! Though on the plus side its the first they knew of a parrot living next door - but you should have seen the guys face when he opened the door, all amped up to deal with the maniac knocking on his door. PRICELESS.

Im constantly astounded by how much joy my boy gives me. Im so lucky to be his parront!!
My 10 year old has been building a Lego Land in my living room floor for weeks. throughout, his older brothers and I will play and build along. The other day I had to run out to check on my 89 year old Grandfather, so I latched Ruby's ( Ekkie ) cage and left . Upon return she was still in her cage looking innocent. As I glanced around the room I noticed Lego Land had been destroyed ! People were missing their heads, houses tumbled to pieces, Jail destroyed ! Also the air vent had been pulled out of the wall. I will give you one guess who caused all the mass destruction...... RUBY ! And all she had to say for herself was " Ruby is a pretty girl ". Now I put an extra latch and lock on her cage on the rare occasion she is left at home alone.
We have two dogs and when they were both outside I kept hearing "barking" sounds. I checked the dogs and neither one was barking. Then I heard it again. It was our male ecclectus. He has "conversations" with one of our dogs. One howling (dog) and the other squaking and now he's "barking". I thought I was going crazy at first when I heard

And now everytime a guest or one of our family goes into the bathroom, he proceeds to say as loudly as possible "Whatcha doing?". Sometimes a little embarassing for the guests. :)
I think Seaweed is partial 2 being a theif LoL
Just today I was getting ready to take my daily vitamin supplements.I turn around to get some water & with in SECONDS Seaweed has taken a chunk off of my Vitamin B complex! I know B vitamins are water soluable,so Im not too worried.I see him acting pretty silly & hyper! I think the effect of the vitamins are kicking in LoL
He also has an affinity 4 my Coach purse.Hes always searching through it just like I used to do to my mom when I was little LoL. I can always count on Seaweed 2 give me a good chuckle :D

My boy eckie 'boogie' loves to come to work with me, and every morning on our 30 minute drive to work, if he hears a good song on the radio, he will bop his head and body to the beat of the song... Hehehe! Makes me laugh every time! We bop together sometimes, much to the amazement of other drivers at the traffic lights :) he has excellent rythym too, as if the song changes tempo, boogie will speed up his bopping, or slow it down. He's such a clown. It makes my drive to-and from work a fun
My boy eckie 'boogie' loves to come to work with me, and every morning on our 30 minute drive to work, if he hears a good song on the radio, he will bop his head and body to the beat of the song... Hehehe! Makes me laugh every time! We bop together sometimes, much to the amazement of other drivers at the traffic lights :) he has excellent rythym too, as if the song changes tempo, boogie will speed up his bopping, or slow it down. He's such a clown. It makes my drive to-and from work a fun
LOL! Boogie sounds like a big clown, hehe!:D;)
I've got two recent funny Scarlet stories!

Scarlet stays in the sunroom and occasionally our dalmation gets in. The other day I walked in to find the dog in one dog bed and Scarlet in another dog bed right beside the dog. I guess she wanted some company.

About a week ago, Scarlet climbed onto my sleeping yorkie (Armando). He woke up and she rode him around the house. It was hilarious. He was like her little horse, she held on to his harness. I will have to get video next time.

Yeah the vacuum thing seems to be popular haha. My girl is very vocal when I vacuum meaning its when she talks the most. It's like she goes through her whole vocabulary in 5 minutes haha which is quite a bit.

She recently got this obsession with my water bottle. I have a nice clear blue one that I just refill and put in the fridge because I like it cold and she always wants to drink out of it. Sometimes when she is on my shoulder I forget to give her a sip and within 10 seconds of putting her back on top of her cage, she poops in her water dish haha. I honestly think she likes her water cold as well.
When Molly is walking on the floor she walks around and without warning she will attach my feet and laugh. It is pretty funny but some times it hurts. I have to wear house shoes now, so when she does attack it won't hurt.
We had this situation once with our two male Eclectuses. My husband and I were selling our home and were preparing to show it to few groups of people who wanted to look at it. So we left and left our Exclectuses in their cage at home. Our realtor knew about them so everything was suppose to be ok. However, one of the Eclectuses (Raffy) could open the cage.

So both parrots got out, got into a cupboard and tried food that was inside. They got into some asian dry soups, tin cans, cookies, salad dressing, etc. Apparently dry bouillon cubes where the best. So we are coming back home, on our way we are meeting very surprised potential buyers. We are going inside and see that all the floor in the kitchen is covered in food debris. One of the parrot is on the floor and the other one (Forest) on one of the shelves inside the cupboard tossing bullion cubes to his partner in crime. It looked like we had an invasion of rodents. Also since they ate what they wanted, there were such a variety of colorful poop all over the place. I never seen anything like that. It looked like some art project went wrong. I was thinking that they will get upset stomach, but they were fine to our surprise and very happy.

Another story: How Forest and I take bath. So Forest sits on the edge of the bath tab and listen to the sound of running water. When it finally excites him to the point that he can't sit still anymore and jumps into it. I just have to catch him, than he starts to run on the surface of the water. My task is to move my hands under him so he actually runs on my hands. It takes some practice since he is pretty quick. Than i put him back on the edge and he jumps again, and everything starts again. He does it several times until he is completely satisfied and wet. This is a pretty amazing experience for both of us. The other parrot thinks that his buddy is insane and never participates in this activity. So as you can guess I have a smart parrot and an adventurous parrot.
I was talking to a guy in petco who has a eclectus. One day his wife called him freaking out because she heard a man speaking across the house. It ended up being their eclectus who never once spoke in front of them. They left a camera and it turned out that when no one was home he would speak perfect sentences LOL.
Today I was laying in bed playing on my laptop. My Eccie "Mr. Pickles" was on a towel playing with a little bowl of jewelry beads very quietly( he likes to grab them and throw them around). All of a sudden he stopped, looked at me, ran over and stuck his beak to my cheek and yelled "Ohhhhhhhhhh" and then grabbed my glasses off my face and ran off.

He is such a little clown.
it must be an eccie thing ben mine do the same thing straight to the water bowl
i got new neighbors a few years back and for weeks i used to laugh at the new neighbors, every time they would go down the back to there pool which my birds could see, they would make the sound of there phone(mine pick up ring tones straight away)and would keep the sound going until they were about 6 ft away from there phone and then stop as soon as they were back down the back the would start again, the neighbors could not work out that there phone kept ringing but no miss call, i told them after 3 weeks

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