Fun with Scrapblog

Well, I was seeing all of your guys creations in your signatures and in here, so I decided to give it a real try...again, not the most coordinated creation ever, but what can I say, I just like color...Also, I must be the only one who doesn't know how to post the actual image itself, despite using the image tool on here, so if anyone wants to tell me how they did it, feel free...for now:


How i save it is:

1. go to the page that your scrapblog is on. Press 'Print Screen Sys RQ' on your keyboard. It's usually beside the 'F' keys at the top of the keyboard.

2. Open Microsoft paint, and go Edit > Paste.

3. And then use the select tool(
)which is located on the right side of the tool panel on the left side of the page. Using the Select tool select the part you want to keep.

4. once you've selected the part you want edit > copy the part open a new paint document and paste it there. Now you can save it to your computer and upload it on to photo bucket.
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I save mine to photobucket and just use the insert image link and copy the URL from their.

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