Found a parakeet , will she survive?

Do everything to get her warm but not over heat. You can heat a little water and add some sugar to that , half water half sugar, carefully giver her a couple of drops, just let it drip from your pinky finger into the side her beak, but very careful as you could drown her or she could inhale it. So just barely wet the sided if her beak. Just a half a drop a couple of times... This might help her last....but you have to be so careful... Take the shade off the lamp and raise her cage with books so she is closer to the heat, but you have to make sure doesn't iver heat.....I'm do sorry I hope she makes it. Please be very cautious with my advice and use your best judgement. If you do the sugar water makes sure us warm and just graze your wet finger on the edge of her beak... But you also don't want to over stress her....
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Sending positive thoughts to you and Hayat.
Also stop the stuff you are using to treat her as that could be toxic, don't know if shaking is a toxic sign a cold sign or something else. But even handle her now could be enough to push her over the edge.. I'm not a veterinarian, if you do the drop if dissolved sugar water you have to be so so very careful, it really is just barely scraping a moist finger on the tip edge if beak, don't open her mouth at all, the hope is a tiny but will be there and she swallow on her own......I don't even know if I should suggest it......
I don't even know if I should have suggested scraping a but of dissolved sugar water at tip of closed beak at all, so risky.... Even messing with her could be enough stress to cause her to pass....... Am thinking of you both....
Goodnight sweet Hayat. You are loved by all of us now!
I agree above, I think you need to stop treatment and make sure she's eating. You offered millets or parakeet seeds I assume? Anything to get her going.

Rooting for Hayat. You have a good heart for doing all you can for her. Thank you.
No matter what happens, you are doing all you can!

She sounds quite sick, but you care, and that is more than she knew in her last home.
I really hope she pulls through. Sitting on the cage bottom is not a good sign, but she has made it this far, so anything is possible.
A hard decision whether to drive to the vet or pet shop. If the vet is actually avian certified that would be the best option, but of course I respect that this may not be an option. It is possible for very experienced folks to make an accurate diagnosis based on experience, but that is risky. Sometimes this is the only option.

If you do get medicine, please give accurate dose as Ellen suggested.

Drive carefully, and good luck to Hayat and you!
She is still in bad shape we are off to the pet shop a few hours from here i took the day off, i know they have the right meds and maybe they know someone who can treat her she wont eat or drink anymore not even eat out of my hand things arent looking so good now i hope she survives the ride maybe i had to go sooner to the pet shop:( wish us luck i know driving 130km with a sick bird isnt recommended but i have to do something i thought she was getting better :(
Just came back from a long trip hayat is still very ill i drove to the pet shop the owner had alot of experience with birds told me i was crazy to put all this time and effort in a budgie he gave me ivermectin showed me the doses and told me to use it for 10 days however seeing hayat in her state he said theres a chance shes already on her way im still not giving up on her she is very strong not refusing to let go i tried to feed her a bit of lettuce she took a few bites and went to sleep again on the floor of her cage im hoping she will get stronger really started to love this tiny bird
She is a fighter. You need to put millit and her seeds by her. I hope she makes it!!!! But s least you have given her dignity, and love.
Just came back from a long trip hayat is still very ill i drove to the pet shop the owner had alot of experience with birds told me i was crazy to put all this time and effort in a budgie he gave me ivermectin showed me the doses and told me to use it for 10 days however seeing hayat in her state he said theres a chance shes already on her way im still not giving up on her she is very strong not refusing to let go i tried to feed her a bit of lettuce she took a few bites and went to sleep again on the floor of her cage im hoping she will get stronger really started to love this tiny bird
Who are we to put value on a life? This budgie is one of the rare Sparks of life, that inhabit our planet. In all our exploration of the universe, we haven't found life yet! That makes every life a rare and special thing. Amsterdam you are representing the best of us humans!!!
In my experience budgies are some of the toughest little critters around and Hayat has already beaten the odds to have come this far! Ignore anyone who questions why you would dedicate so much time & devotion to her, who are we humans to dictate one species is less worthy than another - particularly considering what humans do to each other! Hayat will fight for her life with everything she has and I’m so glad she has a devoted guardian like you in her corner.
SO glad she is still fighting!
My retiring AV tends to put saving bird's lives before her pocketbook. I'll call tomorrow and ask her if she'd take the case pro bono.
My retiring AV tends to put saving bird's lives before her pocketbook. I'll call tomorrow and ask her if she'd take the case pro bono.

Thanks that would be nice of you
So much respect for disregarding the odds and taking superhuman measures to save Hayat. Keep her comfortable, food nearby, and hope the meds are a help. Might try offering baby food if she refuses to eat, as nourishment is critical.
Poor baby Hayat. I'm sending good and healing thoughts her way and yours.
Just came back from a long trip hayat is still very ill i drove to the pet shop the owner had alot of experience with birds told me i was crazy to put all this time and effort in a budgie he gave me ivermectin showed me the doses and told me to use it for 10 days however seeing hayat in her state he said theres a chance shes already on her way im still not giving up on her she is very strong not refusing to let go i tried to feed her a bit of lettuce she took a few bites and went to sleep again on the floor of her cage im hoping she will get stronger really started to love this tiny bird

You're my new favorite person. Thank you for never giving up on this bird. She's quite a fighter! What food is she able to eat? I agree w/ Scott on giving baby food. It's soft and easy to ingest and digest.

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