Found a parakeet , will she survive?

I am blown away by your kindness and dedication, and by our members' knowledge and helpfulness. What a wonderful place this is. I can't recall a more rewarding story, and I can't wait to follow your girl's journey to a happy recovery.
Are you thinking of a name yet?
Something resilient and beautiful would be a nice inspiration...
:smile015:For a name I'm thinking maybe Star, because she certainly is one! Budgies are so wonderful, so tiny and fragile yet so full of fighting spirit. This little one has found her champion in you Amsterdam, God bless you both!:smile015::smile015::smile015:
Mine won't touch bell pepper. They hate the high fructose. Again, this proves that birds are so very different. HAHA My conures are on a no-carrots frenzy. HAHA
My GCC has never eaten carrots!!!! :) ;) Tosses em as far as she can!
:smile015:For a name I'm thinking maybe Star, because she certainly is one! Budgies are so wonderful, so tiny and fragile yet so full of fighting spirit. This little one has found her champion in you Amsterdam, God bless you both!:smile015::smile015::smile015:

I named her hayat wich means life in arabic/turkish
Gave her a bath she is so calm allowing me to help her i think she knows i want her to get better i gave her a good bath and still saw dirt coming off i also noticed that above her nostrils hair is growing back wich is a good part she is still shaky tho i fed her a bit of lettuce she refused to eat the carrots


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Thanks for keeping us updated on little Hayat’s progress, you both sound completely awesome! It’s wonderful to have a good news story like yours when there’s so much sadness in the world. Whatever happens from here you have shown her such love and kindness and you have my admiration!
What a beautiful name! Have you tried various cooked vegetables, such as lentils, garbanzos (chickpeas) etc? Just served plain!
What a beautiful name! Have you tried various cooked vegetables, such as lentils, garbanzos (chickpeas) etc? Just served plain!

I havent scott but defo gonna try that out thanks!
That actually may not be Scaly Face, as in the after-bath photo her beak doesn't look effected. It's impossible for anyone to diagnose her through photos, and that's why it's so difficult to give you advice, because if she has Scaly Face or some other type of mite infestation they won't go away and will only get worse without proper treatment; if it's not a mite infestation and you treat her for mites, it's not going to help whatever the real issue is...So it's tough. Mites are definitely likely though, based on the conditions and circumstances in which you found the bird...

*****One very important note that you need to take very, very seriously with such a small, sick Budgie...If the medication that you have coming to you is Ivermectin, which is the appropriate treatment for most mite infestations in birds, you absolutely must be EXACT about the dose that you give the bird, whether given orally, by injection, or topically on the bird's skin, doesn't matter, it must be EXACT! Ivermectin is an extremely strong, dangerous, and toxic poison, and it has killed many a pet due to the too high a dose (I've seen birds, reptiles, and rodents killed by too much Ivermectin, it's nasty stuff, but unfortunately it's necessary and the best we have currently to treat certain parasites)...So you are probably going to have to find a scale of some kind to weigh the Budgie, as the Ivermectin dosage is based on weight, as are most anti-parasitic medications. And with such a small bird, it only takes a single milligram too much of Ivermectin or other antiparasitic medications to kill the bird. So just be extremely careful, and be extremely exact in your dosing...
That actually may not be Scaly Face, as in the after-bath photo her beak doesn't look effected. It's impossible for anyone to diagnose her through photos, and that's why it's so difficult to give you advice, because if she has Scaly Face or some other type of mite infestation they won't go away and will only get worse without proper treatment; if it's not a mite infestation and you treat her for mites, it's not going to help whatever the real issue is...So it's tough. Mites are definitely likely though, based on the conditions and circumstances in which you found the bird...

*****One very important note that you need to take very, very seriously with such a small, sick Budgie...If the medication that you have coming to you is Ivermectin, which is the appropriate treatment for most mite infestations in birds, you absolutely must be EXACT about the dose that you give the bird, whether given orally, by injection, or topically on the bird's skin, doesn't matter, it must be EXACT! Ivermectin is an extremely strong, dangerous, and toxic poison, and it has killed many a pet due to the too high a dose (I've seen birds, reptiles, and rodents killed by too much Ivermectin, it's nasty stuff, but unfortunately it's necessary and the best we have currently to treat certain parasites)...So you are probably going to have to find a scale of some kind to weigh the Budgie, as the Ivermectin dosage is based on weight, as are most anti-parasitic medications. And with such a small bird, it only takes a single milligram too much of Ivermectin or other antiparasitic medications to kill the bird. So just be extremely careful, and be extremely exact in your dosing...

Thanks for the advice i agree did you took a look on the first pic i posted? The legs were horrible and they seem to be cured under her beak theres still this hard looking thingy but i agree with you tho. The meds are here in 2 weeks if she looks better or even maybe get cured should i still use the meds? Thanks for the time
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I like it! Have you called her Hayatee yet? (Tee hee hee)- If she isn't yet, she will be :) lol
Is she still doing okay (ish)?
That actually may not be Scaly Face, as in the after-bath photo her beak doesn't look effected. It's impossible for anyone to diagnose her through photos, and that's why it's so difficult to give you advice, because if she has Scaly Face or some other type of mite infestation they won't go away and will only get worse without proper treatment; if it's not a mite infestation and you treat her for mites, it's not going to help whatever the real issue is...So it's tough. Mites are definitely likely though, based on the conditions and circumstances in which you found the bird...

*****One very important note that you need to take very, very seriously with such a small, sick Budgie...If the medication that you have coming to you is Ivermectin, which is the appropriate treatment for most mite infestations in birds, you absolutely must be EXACT about the dose that you give the bird, whether given orally, by injection, or topically on the bird's skin, doesn't matter, it must be EXACT! Ivermectin is an extremely strong, dangerous, and toxic poison, and it has killed many a pet due to the too high a dose (I've seen birds, reptiles, and rodents killed by too much Ivermectin, it's nasty stuff, but unfortunately it's necessary and the best we have currently to treat certain parasites)...So you are probably going to have to find a scale of some kind to weigh the Budgie, as the Ivermectin dosage is based on weight, as are most anti-parasitic medications. And with such a small bird, it only takes a single milligram too much of Ivermectin or other antiparasitic medications to kill the bird. So just be extremely careful, and be extremely exact in your dosing...

Thanks for the advice i agree did you took a look on the first pic i posted? The legs were horrible and they seem to be cured under her beak theres still this hard looking thingy but i agree with you tho. The meds are here in 2 weeks if she looks better or even maybe get cured should i still use the meds? Thanks for the time

I still say it's SCALY FACE MITES and she needs an AV to look at her. Only a vet can tell you for sure.

Ivomec is the brand name of injectable Ivermectine that should only be given by a vet. There are also ointment options, but these are also pharmaceuticals, too. Commercial sprays only take care of bird mites and feather mites, but Hayat's obviously susceptible to mite infestations.

When are you headed back? Assumedly, you'll take her to your AV. Keep a journal to show the AV what you've done for Hayat and the results.
I imagine finding a specialist avian vet near the Syrian border is pretty much impossible! I’m wondering if any forum members know of a CAV who may be interested in taking on Hayat’s case via Skype or similar - perhaps even some long distance pro bono work for a worthy cause...???
Warmth is your friend, her feathers are not providing her insulation like they are. You could put her cage near a lamp and put a thin sheet on the side you have the lamp so she isn't blasted with light, the lamp should provide a little extra warmth. And as mentioned before clean clean both cages daily every inch. Dilute vinegar and water is safe, rinse with water and Pat dry. I want her to survive!!! You are so wonderful!
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That actually may not be Scaly Face, as in the after-bath photo her beak doesn't look effected. It's impossible for anyone to diagnose her through photos, and that's why it's so difficult to give you advice, because if she has Scaly Face or some other type of mite infestation they won't go away and will only get worse without proper treatment; if it's not a mite infestation and you treat her for mites, it's not going to help whatever the real issue is...So it's tough. Mites are definitely likely though, based on the conditions and circumstances in which you found the bird...

*****One very important note that you need to take very, very seriously with such a small, sick Budgie...If the medication that you have coming to you is Ivermectin, which is the appropriate treatment for most mite infestations in birds, you absolutely must be EXACT about the dose that you give the bird, whether given orally, by injection, or topically on the bird's skin, doesn't matter, it must be EXACT! Ivermectin is an extremely strong, dangerous, and toxic poison, and it has killed many a pet due to the too high a dose (I've seen birds, reptiles, and rodents killed by too much Ivermectin, it's nasty stuff, but unfortunately it's necessary and the best we have currently to treat certain parasites)...So you are probably going to have to find a scale of some kind to weigh the Budgie, as the Ivermectin dosage is based on weight, as are most anti-parasitic medications. And with such a small bird, it only takes a single milligram too much of Ivermectin or other antiparasitic medications to kill the bird. So just be extremely careful, and be extremely exact in your dosing...

Thanks for the advice i agree did you took a look on the first pic i posted? The legs were horrible and they seem to be cured under her beak theres still this hard looking thingy but i agree with you tho. The meds are here in 2 weeks if she looks better or even maybe get cured should i still use the meds? Thanks for the time

I still say it's SCALY FACE MITES and she needs an AV to look at her. Only a vet can tell you for sure.

Ivomec is the brand name of injectable Ivermectine that should only be given by a vet. There are also ointment options, but these are also pharmaceuticals, too. Commercial sprays only take care of bird mites and feather mites, but Hayat's obviously susceptible to mite infestations.

When are you headed back? Assumedly, you'll take her to your AV. Keep a journal to show the AV what you've done for Hayat and the results.

Like i said im still stuck her for my work so that isnt a option
I imagine finding a specialist avian vet near the Syrian border is pretty much impossible! I’m wondering if any forum members know of a CAV who may be interested in taking on Hayat’s case via Skype or similar - perhaps even some long distance pro bono work for a worthy cause...???

The nearest vet is 400km away wich is impossible atm for me:(
Warmth is your friend, her feathers are not providing her insulation like they are. You could put her cage near a lamp and put a thin sheet on the side you have the lamp so she isn't blasted with light, the lamp should provide a little extra warmth. And as mentioned before clean clean both cages daily every inch. Dilute vinegar and water is safe, rinse with water and Pat dry. I want her to survive!!! You are so wonderful!

I just added a lamp next to her just to make sure she is warm she defo is a fighter hope in the next days i can see some improvement
Is she eating and drinking?
Is she eating and drinking?

She WAS very good eating and drinking the last few days but today everything is going downwards its 1.07am here and i should be in bed because i have work tommorow but im checking out on her she is not sitting on her perch anymore but sitting on the ground in her cage:confused: she is shaking more then usual atm hoping for the best atm i have 2 options now or drive 400km to a vet or drive a 130kms to buy the meds right now what should i do should i bring her with me? It will cost alot but i dont want her to die i can take a day off tommorow
Im gonna take a few hours of sleep then drive to the pet shop wich is about 130km from here i hope they can help me with hayat im gonna bring her with me so maybe those people will treat her

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