for the life of me I cannot figure people out!

Beth have you ever checked out on Facebook parrots and birds for sale canada and also Canadian bird exchange ....I haven't seen too much of the typical Facebook drama on there.....I joined but haven't been active.....most people on there are from Ontario ....those pages might be worth checking out....

is that the same as the breeders parrot page?...or something named like that
I only went on once, and there were plenty of birds for sale

I'll look into it, thanks Sheri:D
UGH. Thats sounds awful. After looking for birds for years, I saw tons of bad stuff. Its terrible when a person is selling a bird they have "had for years", or whatever, and can't even pronounce the specie's name. Whats worse than even that is when they have the WRONG SPECIES. I have seen so many "Mecaw 4 sell" and it turns out to be a sun conure. Seriously? XD

I know how you feel. Check this out ---> Solomon Island Cockatoo

The Ducorps cockatoo is native to the solomon islands, but I've never heard them be called that. Maybe it's one of the "lesser-known" names.. like how Quaker Parakeets are often called Monk Parakeets in places that they're harder to find, etc.

that is just awful, I think a bird should be named by the CORRECT name.

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