Flight harnesses?


New member
Jan 8, 2008
Cleveland, OH USA
Aruba B&G Macaw
We'd love to take our B&G Macaw outside on her portable playgym when the weather gets warmer (here in Cleveland, OH, that won't be for several months and/or years) so I was wondering about how to keep her from taking off. I know sunlight is important for vitamin absorption (how do other Northerners do it?)... Her wings are clipped, but that doesn't mean she can't fly! Any pros/cons about flight harnesses, entanglement, velcro vs. clips, etc?

Tried to resize a pic a s small as I could but no luck...???
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I think it's a really great decision for you to want to take your bird outside in the summer. Personally, (and I know I can vouch for several people in tihs regard) the Aviator Harness is by far the best. The Feather Tether is heavy and not so smooth to put on a bird. There are a lot of clips and hardware. Also, the bird flight suits that have the poop catcher, that look like a diaper...I just don't like them.

This is the website for the Aviator http://www.theparrotuniversity.com/aviator_harness.php

I just want to caution you though about putting your bird in a harness and putting them on a playstand. They must be watched constantly. Anything could happen...the bird could get frightened, try to fly, and end up tangled in the string of their harness.
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Thank you, NicoleN!

That Aviator Harness was what I was thinking of - glad to hear positive feedback. Re: getting frightened & tangling...well, like any 3-year old, DON'T EVER leave it unattended!
Ham and Mac have Aviators as well ... it does take a while to get them used to them (NOT as easy as the DVD would have you think it is) but once the get it on they associate the harness with going outside and they seem to "tolerate" it for that reason.

The key is to get them used to the harness ... let them become comfortable with the idea of something going over their heads, and around their wings ...
the aviator is the ONLY harness I would reccomend. be sure to watch the video before you try putting it on your guy it took 2 days and SIdney was enjoying the great outdoors course nothing muich seems to scare him.
Hmm, I may have to try the aviator. As a fellow northerner I have Auggie's cage right by a big porch window that gets a good amount of sun, yet I always wonder if he's getting enough (He has plenty of places in his cage to get out of the sun also if he so chooses.)

I have tried the feather-tether, it was absolutely horrible, it was a miserable experience for both Auggie and me. Even when I did manage to get it on there is a loop that goes over the head, then the other is supposed to go under their wings then clip in-front of their legs. Who-ever made that piece of crap had obviously never SEEN a bird. If the loop went under his wings it could not go in-front of his legs... the ONE and only time I got it clipped it slid down and pinned his legs against his body. I never seen such a pathetic look on a birds face.

That little horrible invention went instantly in the garbage.
I fully endorse the aviator. The design is amazing. It's great for flighted birds. I hate the feather teether, almost choked my bird.

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