
Really nice tanks Molcan2 , thanks for the pictures :)
Thanks, I cant really take any credit for them but I will pass it along to him and let him know :D
Nice tanks.... I really like seeing other peoples pictures!
He wants a nano for the cage now:D
Here's a few pics of mine before I sold them ....




I lost a lot of files when my pc crashed and I cleared a lot of pics off my phone so I couldn't show the full potential of the corals years later all huge.... :(
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Well, a friend gave me her beta tank with a beta and dannyo (sp?) in it. She gave the beta several dannyo fry to eat and one got away.

I have started saving up for a saltwater tank and plan to build it around a pair (or more) of seahorses. Once I feel I am to 75% of what I need I will start browsing craigslist.
Beautiful ! MikeyTN.
Beautiful tank!:D
By the way heres my precious Nate the Naso Tang...


Here's the yellow tang witht humahuma trigger, they were best buddies...

I have a freshwater tank.(20 gallon)I started very small and have had it for about 5 years.Only lost a few fish over the time.I would love to invest in a saltwater tank someday but I just don't know if I could handle it.
Once established they are not that hard to maintain. The main thing is patience! Cycling slowly, adding fish slowly, adding corals slowly, adjusting temp, salinity, lighting.....s l o w l y........

They are much like freshwater, in that once stable, water changes and good maintenance of the equipment, cleaning the glass, etc are really all that are needed except in emergency

Oh and a big piggy bank.....the live rock alone for my tank could have financed a good used car.:D
By the way heres my precious Nate the Naso Tang...


Here's the yellow tang witht humahuma trigger, they were best buddies...


awwwwww I love their faces!
Well, a friend gave me her beta tank with a beta and dannyo (sp?) in it. She gave the beta several dannyo fry to eat and one got away.

I have started saving up for a saltwater tank and plan to build it around a pair (or more) of seahorses. Once I feel I am to 75% of what I need I will start browsing craigslist.

The nice thing with seahorses is you don't need crazy flow (powerheads) or a matter of fact they like lower light and gentle flow....often just the return pump will provide enough. They also prefer a tank that is "tall" rather than wide, as they swim up and down more than side to side. You also don't want to put stinging coral in with them, as they will "hitch" on them and get hurt. Long algae's and some gorgonians would be nice in a seahorse tank.
I almost bought a 200 gallon tank one day and eventually was going to set it up but I just couldn't do it:) I was wanting a bird a lot more:)
I do think about them sometimes cause I've had them so long and had most since they were little babies....But I was just at my wits end with the equipment breakage, I know things gets old and I've replaced several things over the years but I also know it was taking me way too much time messing with the tanks that I could be spending with my birds and other animals. I just didn't want my partner to kill me with the tanks causing water damage throughout the've flooded my laundry room for I dunno how many times through the years making RO/DI water and forgot about one day I'll dip back into Saltwater again....
Once you get a fish tank stable, it is easy to take care of. But I do recommend starting with freshwater if you know nothing about fish, just in case.

I'll use the tank we currently have as an example: when we first got it, it was going well, but then 2 of the discus died from some disease, and it became overrun with algae. It took about a year to restablize, and most of the fish in it were wiped out. But we recently got another big discus, so now we have 3, 2 females the new one who is male. And we have a few small fish left... but they are quite odd. One of them does this thing where he swims very quickly to he surface of the tank, then goes back down in quick circles and ends up at the bottom of the tank "panting". It really scares me, because he just suddenly decides to shoot straight for the surface as I walk by, which freaks me out because it's so fast. I think he does it to bug me...

Also, fish tanks can make your house very humid and "wet", which may not be good for your birds. If you do get a tank, put it away from them.

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