Experienced hand feeders advice needed!

She's ADORABLE! She looks so sweet and cuddly. As I said, less more often is the way the food is going to have to go for now it seems.
She does eat fruit if I offer it to her.
I don't think she is getting the amount she needs. :/

Don't fret. Max might be an anomaly. Anyways, don't think Demi is not well because she doesn't live up to another birds standard IMO. If she only takes 10ml per session, plan to have *someone or something* give her hourly or so chances at nom-noms. Chances are, if she wants to wet the whistle, she'll partake. I've seen birds eat/drink out of those hanging hamster bottles.

At first I was worried because Max and his diet differ from anything I have ever interacted with before. He only cares about the syringe, and ignores everything else. But as the saying goes, "this too shall pass".

Nature is as it is; baby birds (ours apparently are until 10-14 months...) are used to "parents" providing for them, and [in adult life] foraging for food most of the day. At her young age, I guess she expects to be coddled in the "nest" and attended to fairly often. Without starving her, she'll realize if she doesn't eat when it's offered...she doesn't eat. I honestly believe in what I typed above. It's really no different than a human (kid or otherwise) if you think about it.

That would explain what I know so many 'birdbrains', lol.
No, her droppings do not look right, but I agree it could be due to stress.

How are the droppings this morning?

Do you have a scale for her? It would be optimal to weigh her once a day, so you can keep track of her progress, plus you'll get a ballpark idea how much food to give her via cup. In your case I like the 'cup' idea much more than feeding her via syringe.

Please don't just try and pump her full of formula all the time. It is possible to overfeed, and the results 'could' be quite harmful. Always make sure her crop has emptied sufficiently before feeding her again. Birdman is spot on with 104 degrees, and meat thermometers do work quite well. Just remember, the longer it takes her to take the formula, the cooler it's getting.

Some manufacturers make handfeeding formulas ESPECIALLY for Macaws, and I would find one of those:
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Kaytee-Exact-Handfeeding-Macaw-5-Pound/dp/B000N3O4OC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1416234137&sr=8-2&keywords=kaytee+hand+feeding+formula"]Amazon.com : Kaytee Exact Handfeeding Baby Macaw 5-Pound : Pet Food : Pet Supplies[/ame]

ZuPreem - Embrace® Plus Hand Feeding Formula

Thousands and thousands of baby macs are raised successfully on these formulas (by experienced breeders) :)

Not wanting to be negative, please do read the following thread. It's quite lengthy, but worth every single page:

No, raising a baby mac certainly doesn't require one to be a rocket scientist, however, a certain amount of knowledge and experience is preferred.

Another excellent thread is this one: http://www.parrotforums.com/questions-answers/42431-unweaned-babies-trend-these-days.html
Demi droppings are normal. This afternoon she begged for formula so I fed her she took a whole syringe of 35 mls. So things are looking up. I think she just needed to get use to me. tonight I hope the feeding goes just as well and she takes more than the 35 mls. Things are looking up! She didn't really eat the veggies and fruit but she does if I hand feed them to her lol.
35ml, twice a day seems light to me. I'd try clicker training and light play to stimulate Demi into wanting the stuff. It can't hurt.

Also, I reiterate that if she won't eat when offered - she'll soon learn that food doesn't 'just grow on trees'. That will stimulate her into eating pretty quick. Don't starve her, but if she starts dropping weight quick....either go to vet for eval or kinda "semi-force" a feeding. By this, I mean hold her head gently using a "V" and kinda sticking the syringe in there. Hold the position and see how she reacts. Maybe she just is picky about who or what is doing it (she is holding out for originally owner or parents). Maybe just fill up a shallow bowl and leave it in there twice a day.

I'm no expert, and I don't have issues with a non-eater. I wish you the best of luck in dealing with this.
Well she didn't have a feeding response lastnight but this afternoon boy did she. She ran to the cage door bobbing away and then took all the food like a champ. I was only on a lunch break so I gave her one syringe I'm sure she would have taken more so tonight we will see. She also go about 25 to 30 mls this morning. So we will see how much she takes tonight.
Another thing. The cage I bought makes her higher up than me not by much I can still get her down and such but I heard that makes her think she is over me ?
Annnnd another thing lol. She took about 80 mls of formula this evening :)
Annnnd another thing lol. She took about 80 mls of formula this evening :)

See? We told ya she'd come around.

Yeah, above eye level isn't good - though i understand that's more for adults than babies.

Max had only ~120g this evening; the syringe broke this morning. :'(

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