Re: Emotional Support Animals
As a landlord this is a bone of contention with me, and one of the things that really "sets me off" I know there are people who do really need companion or emotional support animals. My little Brother would be completely lost without his cat. She isn't trained to "do" anything special, she's just a cat, but she does calm him down, she seems to know when he "needs" her and she just appears and he pets her and talks to her for a while and then she goes off to her sleeping place. He is diagnosed with Autism/Asperger Syndrome and his Dr. would write him a letter, but my Mom has just always paid the deposits and the pet rent.
Then there are the people who just want a "pet" but don't want to pay the pet deposit or pet rent, so they go to their Dr. and he writes them a letter for an emotional support or companion animal and they go get whatever kind of critter they want, and as a landlord I can't put restrictions on what kind of animal, how big or small. The Dr. only has to put in the letter "cat, dog, snake, bird, or whatever kind of animal the person is telling him they want" and then they can go get it and bring it home.
People do have to take care of the animal and follow the "rules" for having an animal on the property, like picking up the dog waste, keeping it on a leash, and not allowing it to be aggressive towards other residents or their animals, not allowing it to damage the property (or inside their apartment) and they can and are held liable for any and all damages associated with the animal, and they do get billed those charges after they move out just like anyone else does.
Yes, there are ways for landlords to remove a companion or emotional support animal from the property if it's causing damage or getting complaints from other residents about noise or aggression, but it usually ends up in a court battle, and can take months and cost thousands of dollars.