The best bad decision: an incomplete story


Sep 26, 2021
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Parakeet - Bobby
I don't know exactly who this is meant for. Maybe someone considering purchasing their first bird? Or someone looking for a misguided stranger's story about parakeet ownership? But that would be pretty unusual. Anyway...
A little over a year and a half ago, I was at a weird point in my life.
I was in a newer job, making decent money for a guy in my early 20s. But my mental health wasn't doing very well. My therapist and I had a couple talks about getting a pet. An unofficial emotional support animal.
I considered a number of options. Dogs, rabbits, even fish. I'm sure you see where this is going.
Growing up, the one pet I always wanted, but never got, was a bird.
After weeks of research and planning, I made a horrible decision. I bought a bird. A little blue parakeet who I named Bobby.
I grew up working with all sorts of animals. And I had a variety of pets over the years. So I thought that training a bird couldn't be too hard. I was wrong.
I watched hundreds of hours of training videos and read countless articles. But the bird was stubborn. He was a biter and an escape artist. And he caused me far more stress than anything else. He was not a good emotional support animal.
I spent evening after evening by his cage heartbroken, gently explaining that I only wanted to be his friend. But he seemed to hate me.
I wish I could say there was a magic moment or a perfect day when all that changed. But I would be lying.
I would never recommend an untrained bird as emotional support. Their brains work very different from any other animal. And the training process takes patience and calm that is difficult in hard times. Buying a bird at this point in my life was a TERRIBLE decision.
This may sound hopeless. But I promise you this story isn't a tragedy.
Slowly, day by day, the little bird learned. He slowly stopped biting, came to my call, and would spend hours following me around the house. Even taking naps in My room on the weekend.
He started to be friendly with my friends and family as they would come to spend time at my house. And he even started to talk.
A few months later, he grew into my own personal sidekick. Happily singing and talking into my ear as I do work around the house. And as I had friends over often, he became a bit of a party animal.
In time he actually became a bit too friendly. So, a few months into this rollercoaster, I brought home a second parakeet. A little yellow girl who I called Poppy.
She also had her troubles with training. But in a few weeks, she and bobby became friends. She is much more shy than Bobby. Poppy doesn't enjoy people. But she enjoys bobby and has learned to like me too.
In the end, my terrible decision payed off. And honestly, it wasn't all that bad of a decision.
The birds aren't exactly supportive pets. But they have grown to be cuddly and caring when it suits them. They're moody. So it's not always when I need it. But when you're tired, and you feel the warmth of a little bird trying to care for you by preening your hair or snuggling into your neck for a nap. It can be therapeutic at times.
They definitely don't fit the roll I meant for them to fill. But they have made their own little place in my life and I'm glad to have them there.
So, don't be like me and try to make these animals something they aren't meant to be. If you care for them, and have the patience to learn and grow with them, they'll make their own special place in your life.
I don't know who this is meant for. But I felt an urge to share about how my silly decision turned out for the best. I hope this is enjoyable or encouraging for someone.
This is wonderful, thank you! I just got two conures and I am getting to know them. I am starting to recognize when something bothers them or when they want something. So far they take naps on me, they preen my hair, they eat from my hand and like to just be on top of me. They are also a bit temperamental and go from cuddle bugs to hormonal teenagers. I will continue working with them and hopefully I’ll be able to fully connect with both of them
This is wonderful, thank you! I just got two conures and I am getting to know them. I am starting to recognize when something bothers them or when they want something. So far they take naps on me, they preen my hair, they eat from my hand and like to just be on top of me. They are also a bit temperamental and go from cuddle bugs to hormonal teenagers. I will continue working with them and hopefully I’ll be able to fully connect with both of them
Sounds about right! I'm glad you're enjoying getting to know them, and I wish the best for your new flock!

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