Emergeny!! Parrot might die


Apr 7, 2021
So quick review.
I got two cocktails, wings clipped and were on egg feed
One of them POMPOM wasn't well but was active moving around and all. Was fluffed up the whole time. took to the vet said everything is okay. today she was down and not moving. took her outside to the sun. Her legs are curled up and she is fluffed up.not standing up straight. she coughed out some water. half-closed eyes. If I turn her upside down, she'll perk up but then just lay down. I have put her in a cage and left her out in the sun since the hawks are there. Our driver is out and no car. I have no idea what to do. Please help.
I'm so sorry to hear this.
Egg food is a high protein supplement not what you feed them only. You can't feed only egg food. Egg food also can spoil easily. Check to make sure hasn't turned dark or developed a bad smell or any sign of mold .

Are these unweaned babies? Or adults?
If babies you must get baby bird formula. https://www.chewy.com/kaytee-exact-...Rx5q8CmPnALRxO_LI9H4aTz3kNgQkwthoCvisQAvD_BwE

I know you are wanting a way to keep your bird warm , but you can't leave them in the sun with no way to get to shade.

Things are dire, I'm so sorry. I hope you can get to the avian vet quickly.

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I don't know about breeding, but I'm so sorry. I hope everything is okay 🙏
I know in chickens when you feed a high protein diet they become deffiencient in one of the b vitamins (thiamine) and lose function of their legs because their nerves are not able to communicate. If you have any b vitamins (look at other ingredients and see if they are bird safe) mix it with water and give some to your bird ONCE YOU CHECK WITH YOUR VET that it's safe to do so.


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