Emergency - need help!!!!!

Geez, Beth, poor NumNum has quite a road to recovery. Poor bub....and poor Beth! :( The procedure sure sounds quite complicated, and I hope he recovers fully from this ordeal.

It's got to be so scary not knowing WHAT caused this severe injury. :eek:
Ugh! How frustrating to not know, but I'm glad that it wasn't safari who inflicted the damage. When you have time can you please take a picture of the chain you suspect that had the blood on it?

I have a no less than 3 toys that have chains. I had one that had a ring on it like what you put your keys on that held a bell on it, that I removed.

I am so sry you and Num Num are going through this.

thank you socalwendy-

I have been thru that cage thoroughly and found this :eek:.... it's the only blood in the entire cage, and it's a fairly large flight cage

IMG_3421_zps667b9b59.jpg Photo by bmckellar735 | Photobucket

there is blood on the pear clasp at the top of the photo, and on the chain links

http://s1275.photobucket.com/user/bmckellar735/media/IMG_3423_zpsc88964de.jpg.htmlIMG_3425_zps78ce4866.jpg Photo by bmckellar735 | Photobucket
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Holy smokes! Is it possible NumNum got his beak caught inside the chain????? :eek::eek::eek:
Geez, Beth, poor NumNum has quite a road to recovery. Poor bub....and poor Beth! :( The procedure sure sounds quite complicated, and I hope he recovers fully from this ordeal.

It's got to be so scary not knowing WHAT caused this severe injury. :eek:

thanks wendy- you sure have that right!...I don't care about the $1000.00 bill, what I care about is how he possibly injured himself in his cage.

I'm thinking it had to do with his Polly Perch, like I just posted it's the only thing with blood on it.
Ugh! How frustrating to not know, but I'm glad that it wasn't safari who inflicted the damage. When you have time can you please take a picture of the chain you suspect that had the blood on it?

I have a no less than 3 toys that have chains. I had one that had a ring on it like what you put your keys on that held a bell on it, that I removed.

I am so sry you and Num Num are going through this.

thank you socalwendy-

I have been thru that cage thoroughly and found this :eek:.... it's the only blood in the entire cage, and it's a fairly large flight cage

IMG_3421_zps667b9b59.jpg Photo by bmckellar735 | Photobucket

there is blood on the pear clasp at the top of the photo, and on the chain links

IMG_3423_zpsc88964de.jpg Photo by bmckellar735 | PhotobucketIMG_3425_zps78ce4866.jpg Photo by bmckellar735 | Photobucket

Thank you for posting those pictures. Its puzzling even from the pictures it would be hard to figure out how this could have happened. One would think num num's mandible is to large to even fit inside one of those links in the chain right?
Ugh! How frustrating to not know, but I'm glad that it wasn't safari who inflicted the damage. When you have time can you please take a picture of the chain you suspect that had the blood on it?

I have a no less than 3 toys that have chains. I had one that had a ring on it like what you put your keys on that held a bell on it, that I removed.

I am so sry you and Num Num are going through this.

OH ME TOO!!, I just couldn't see Safari doing it, you get to know your birds, and she doesn't mind my cockatiels at all, she hates my lovebirds so I could see her getting nasty with them....none of this makes any sense.
I'm so sorry about your sweet baby!! I hope surgery goes well. You and Num Num will be in my thoughts and prayers. Those pictures your posted brought tear to my eyes poor baby!!!!

thank you missTaz- when I saw his jaw last night my heart just dropped:eek:
I knew instantly it was serious, and was very difficult not to loose it, even though the tears starting pouring after a few minutes.
I called the vets for an update on Num Num, they said he's resting comfortably.
He's doped up on pain meds, and apparently seeing flying elephants, LOL.
They have crop fed him once, and have administered fluids, & vitamins.

my poor Nummies :(
you can see the break right thru his jaw line....

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WOW thank you for sharing! So it seems like only the left side of the jaw is broken? Maybe suggesting that the weight of his body was on the right side.Like if he bit the link with bottom mandible inside the link opening, sitting on the swing, got stuck, panicked and fell hanging from his lower beak hanging sideways? Could explain the injury .....
Could also explain the tear from the skin/keratin part of the beak, which enabled him to get freed from the link.....

Hope I'm not upsetting you with this, just trying to make sense of this accident so as to be aware with my own birds...
Aw, I'm so sorry that this has happened! Looks like Numnums is in good hands though, glad you've got a real avian vet who knows his stuff!

Hope the operation goes well tomorrow, keep us updated. Lots of hugs!
Will think of Num Num tomorrow....
WOW thank you for sharing! So it seems like only the left side of the jaw is broken? Maybe suggesting that the weight of his body was on the right side.Like if he bit the link with bottom mandible inside the link opening, sitting on the swing, got stuck, panicked and fell hanging from his lower beak hanging sideways? Could explain the injury .....

it's his right side that is broken. I think somehow some way he got his beak caught in those links.

either from the pear loop hook, or the links, seems to me that's where it happened.
if it happened any where else in the cage there would have been blood for sure.
By the time we noticed, he was on the top perch, and dripping blood. we got him into the bathroom to get a better look, the blood was oozing out, his mouth was full of it too, ugggg.

we are thinking of vet wrapping the chains on the swing.
Aw, I'm so sorry that this has happened! Looks like Numnums is in good hands though, glad you've got a real avian vet who knows his stuff!

Hope the operation goes well tomorrow, keep us updated. Lots of hugs!

thanks Mayden- It's been a real eye- opener:eek::eek::eek:, gosh you think your bird is relatively safe in the cage until something like this happens.....geeez!
On my signature photo, Num Num is the cockatiel on the right side.

his dad Dexter is on the left side.....let me tell you those are two funniest characters!!!
WOW thank you for sharing! So it seems like only the left side of the jaw is broken? Maybe suggesting that the weight of his body was on the right side.Like if he bit the link with bottom mandible inside the link opening, sitting on the swing, got stuck, panicked and fell hanging from his lower beak hanging sideways? Could explain the injury .....

it's his right side that is broken. I think somehow some way he got his beak caught in those links.

either from the pear loop hook, or the links, seems to me that's where it happened.
if it happened any where else in the cage there would have been blood for sure.
By the time we noticed, he was on the top perch, and dripping blood. we got him into the bathroom to get a better look, the blood was oozing out, his mouth was full of it too, ugggg.

we are thinking of vet wrapping the chains on the swing.

Vet wrap, hmmm that might be a good idea. Something to think about thx. :)

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