Emergency - need help!!!!!

I have tried cooked rice with corn, some small seeds, and he can't seem to open his mouth very much.
he's hungry but can't eat.
I hand fed him some formula, which was difficult since he can't even open it enough for the tip to go in, but I managed to get a little into him.
He has a vet appt. @ 12:30....will keep you posted.
Oh my gosh Beth....that just made me sick to the stomach! Poor, poor NumNum. I know how dear he is to you. :(

I truly hope your avian vet can someone mend his beak. It looks quite bad even though the picture is blurry. :(

HUGS to you!!!!
Oh my gosh Beth....that just made me sick to the stomach! Poor, poor NumNum. I know how dear he is to you. :(

I truly hope your avian vet can someone mend his beak. It looks quite bad even though the picture is blurry. :(

HUGS to you!!!!

thanks Wendy- the blood was just dripping last night, something I never want to go thru ever again.

I just posted some current photos of his beak.:(
It happened to one of my GCC where my bigger bird did the same to her through the cage. It happens in a flash. It was also looking like num-num's but upper beak. What you see hanging is usually the beak's keratin pulled away from the fleshy part of the beak. Typical when the bird pulls away from the aggressor. Often that piece will die and they can cut it. But so soon, there's usually still some feeling so it's a wait and see.

For food I would mush everything in the food processor, so that it's soft, not liquid. Scrambled eggs mixed with it.

Good luck at the vet. I asked mine to inject her a pain med before handling the injured beak.....
Ok now I have a tough stomach, I really do....but those last 3 pictures made me quite queezy. :(

That poor baby!!! Fingers and toes are crossed for you both!!!
It happened to one of my GCC where my bigger bird did the same to her through the cage. It happens in a flash. It was also looking like num-num's but upper beak. What you see hanging is usually the beak's keratin pulled away from the fleshy part of the beak. Typical when the bird pulls away from the aggressor. Often that piece will die and they can cut it. But so soon, there's usually still some feeling so it's a wait and see.

For food I would mush everything in the food processor, so that it's soft, not liquid. Scrambled eggs mixed with it.

Good luck at the vet. I asked mine to inject her a pain med before handling the injured beak.....

good idea Echo, thanks for all the advice, I really appreciate it.
I found blood on the polly perch chain, and I'm wondering if he got his beak stuck in one of the chain links? there is no other blood in the cage except for there. I'm taking the link with me to show the vet to see what he thinks.
Ok now I have a tough stomach, I really do....but those last 3 pictures made me quite queezy. :(

That poor baby!!! Fingers and toes are crossed for you both!!!

sorry Wendy, I certainly didn't want you to get queezy:eek:

off to the vets soon, its' been al long morning
Oh nooo :eek: Im so sorry, you need to get him to the ER fast! If they loos lots of blood, it aint good! When my teil tried to flirt with the GCC, Lilo gave him a what for and tried to break his neck :eek: It was bad so that was the end of their little love fest! Prayers go out to you! Everyone her wishes the best for Num Num!
the news is not good, he has a broken jaw, and is in severe pain. they immediately took him in for x-rays.
they gave him anaesthetic to put him under, took 3 shots, 1 side shot where the break is, a top shot, and a shot on the other side.
I'm going to post the pic. once I receive a copy from the vet.

Num Num will remain at the vets for the day, and will have him doped up on pain meds, crop feed him at least twice, give him an I.V, until surgery tomorrow.
The vet had 3 other surgeries, one was an amputation, but he said due to the severity of the break he's doing him first thing tomorrow morning.The vet will drill two holes one on each side and wire his jaw back together.
He also wanted to make sure there is no dead tissue, and if there is which he is suspecting,he has to file it off until he reaches fresh healthy tissue so it will mend properly
He will remain there until late tomorrow then I go get him to bring him home.

I asked him if he thought it could have been my Safari who could have inflicted this wound and he said it was doubtful, as there would have been some indication of bruising, which there wasn't....it was a clean break.
He thought he could have gotten it caught/wedged on a toy....ugggg!!!

What I find so incredibly frustrating is I don't know how Num Num did this!!....I don't know what to remove, change, or fix, for all I know he could have got it caught on the cage itself.
they are currently in Safari's old cage, it's a Kings Cage.
Now I'm wondering if I should move them into another cage for safety reasons....I just don't know.
my head is all over the board right now not knowing what hurt my baby :(
I'm so sorry about your num num. I hope everything goes ok with surgery tomorrow. Please keep us informed on how he's doing.
Oh no I was afraid of this when you said he couldn't open his beak when you offered the formula!!! :(
I am so very sorry. It is the worse case scenario. Hope Num Num heals fast, they are so resilient that I'm sure he will do amazing progress fast! Keep positive spirits!

As far as how he did this, is the bar spacing just big enough so that he could have quizzed his beak through them and gotten stuck? Broke it trying to free himself?
Ohhh :( Im so sorry Num Num had to go through that! He's in our prayers! Get better soon Num Num!
Oh no I was afraid of this when you said he couldn't open his beak when you offered the formula!!! :(
I am so very sorry. It is the worse case scenario. Hope Num Num heals fast, they are so resilient that I'm sure he will do amazing progress fast! Keep positive spirits!

As far as how he did this, is the bar spacing just big enough so that he could have quizzed his beak through them and gotten stuck? Broke it trying to free himself?

It's half inch bar spacing, so I wouldn't think so at this point. I'm going to remove all the toys and replace with new ones.
Ugh! How frustrating to not know, but I'm glad that it wasn't safari who inflicted the damage. When you have time can you please take a picture of the chain you suspect that had the blood on it?

I have a no less than 3 toys that have chains. I had one that had a ring on it like what you put your keys on that held a bell on it, that I removed.

I am so sry you and Num Num are going through this.
I'm so sorry about your sweet baby!! I hope surgery goes well. You and Num Num will be in my thoughts and prayers. Those pictures your posted brought tear to my eyes poor baby!!!!
I am so sorry for you and Num num, keeping fingers crossed that surgery goes well.. It sounds like a freak accident.. :( Hope he feels better soon.. <3

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