Emergency help ..plz


New member
Nov 12, 2018

Soory coz this is my first post, but I need help with Alexander.

My Alexander was got trapped in closing door. He got hit in his head with door. We got to vet but they are not bird specialists.

Alexander not eat or drink water 2 days and now is very week :(

If you try to come to him ..he scream strange :(

How to force him to drink water or to eat. I think he will not last 1 more day :(
Where are you?

If you have a Large Animal Vet (Farm Animal Vet) near you, go to them.
Dog and Cat Vets tend to miss the basics. The medical review should have been the same as any thing hit in the head by something much larger. X-ray and blood testing.

Farm Animal Vets also take care of the Farm Birds and although not the same as a Parrot, close enough for the basics.
Sorry to hear this heart breaking when accidents happen... A head injury and force feeding are kind of s scary combination..are there any watery foods he might attemptike watermelon, or soft warm foods he might eat on his own since he might have beak pain? You can offer warm oat meal, warm cooked brown rice, warm squash , sweet potato, yams or pumkin, maybe some scrambled eggs or hard boiled egg cut up? Apple juice might tempt him but just a little it's so sugars...I hope you can find medical help, are their zoos you can call, abd as mentioned by Sailboat farm animals poultry medicine professor? I'm truly sorry you both are going through this..
I would encourage you to drive to the nearest avian vet (even if it isn't close)...even exotics at this point. A certified avian vet, but some knowledge of birds is better than none. Keep your bird calm as possible...Make sure the bird is warm, but not hot and do not use space-heaters or anything (they can contain teflon and they can overheat). If you drive with the bird, make sure there are no air fresheners in your car (and if there were, thoroughly air it out before taking the trip).
Have you tried syringe feeding water..? --If it is a head/neck injury, I would be scared to do this myself without a vet's consultation, but maybe as a last resort...You do have to be careful when doing this with any bird, as you don't want them to aspirate the contents...That's why I say last resort.
Try making something special like plain oatmeal cooked with mashed bananas, mashed apples etc to add sweetness. Let it cool so that it is lukewarm and see if he eats that. It has water in it, plus some nutrition. Remove it if untouched after an hour or so though because it can grow bacteria.
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Very sorry to hear of Alexander's accident. Please let us know how he is doing. I hope GaleriaGila's link was helpful for finding veterinary help.
Oh I'm so sorry...He needs an Avian Specialist Vet, I'm afraid there isn't anything you can do from home for a head injury. He needs an X-ray to see what damage has been done, and then he'll need to be given an IV and fluids through that, as you cannot force-feed a bird unless you know what you're doing and you have the special equipment to do so...

Where are you from? As already mentioned, even if the closest Avian Vet is hours away you need to get him there soon!
The only thing they can do is chuck him full of anti-inflammatories ( keeps down swelling of the brain etc.) but it is best done immediately after the accident. Even with humans they usually start too late.
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Tnx to all you guys.

He started to take food and water :)

I think he was in big stress. He still not started again to talk but I think he will, I hope.

We visited Vet for birds in different city in morning. They give us some medicine to give to him with syringe. Doc get him with towel and give to him very easy (she know how to do force feed)

He was in big stress.

So I hope this will help someone who will get in similar situation with injured bird and if bird start to not eat or drink watter...sometime time must pass to happen some things.

Tnx again to all!!!

p.s. I was very surprised when I was see this amount of replies in this short time...tnx again!!!
Glad you are seeing some progress! Alexander may be in pain, so perhaps the vet gave pain and/or anti-inflammatory drugs. Please be careful when giving anything by syringe; don't want the fluid to go down the wrong way into lungs.

Oh yes, your title of "Emergency" was proper. Members tend to respond and give whatever advice is possible!

Are you able to post some pictures of Alexander in his current condition? Easiest way is through a picture hosting site such as Imgur.

Hope Alexander continues to improve!

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