Embarrasing Question

If you think they really are fleas, you can mix up some dawn soap with water and put it in a dish below a nightlight. They will jump in there for some reason and the light is crucial. I had a kid bring fleas into my classroom and this worked to catch many of them...I think the catching happens at night, and you can put more than one trap around your home (AS LONG AS YOUR BIRD WON'T HAVE ACCESS TO IT and mistake it for drinking water!!!)
Consider keep a spray bottle handy filled with 91% alcohol. Here we have those gnats that can find a way inside regardless. They home in on sinks, garbage cans, and bird cages... heck..even the coffee pot. I can spray that to kill them and it leaves no toxic residue. Just don't spray on wood.(meaning waxed wood furniture). avoid birds food/water bowls...and don't soak surfaces painted with latex paint. Mark the bottle GOOD cuz it can double as a flame thrower.

ALSO- DO NOT SPRAY THIS NEAR YOUR BIRD--- alcohol fumes can cause humans to get dizzy...you don't want your bird breathing that.
All that have bugs

I have a few roaches too

I go to
Do your own.com

I've bought advion vendetta and something else. I've spent over $200.

I've finally killed most of them. I won't quit till they are gone.
The method with the nightlight (we usually just use a candle /not near birds of course) is based on fleas homing in an a warm body at night (when it cools), get themselves in the water and (thanks to the reduced surfacetension) drown.

I just wanted to say --and stating the obvious here--: ALWAYS find out what animal/pest you are dealing with before taking countermeasures.

There are usual speciesspecific things you can do that are actually parrotfriendly.

It's a big and crowded planet, so yes, we all have to deal with unwanted 'guests' once in a while, no shame in that. ;)
Thanks for the replies! Definitely not fleas. They are gnats. Two types- really, really small "fruit gnats", and I don't know what the other ones are called but are the regular, sized gnats.
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