Dying bird. Please help!

She has acres and acres of property, and all the animals have their own area, all the huts and coops and everything are all hand built, and some of hers are rescues too, one of the ducks I know in particular had bad bumblefoot and a broken wing.

I've asked her to build me an aviary, since I rescue so many birds. I've seen plenty of common pheasants in my area, and even a wild turkey (and I live somewhat in the city, I don't know how he got there.) But I don't know where I'd find peacocks in Eastern PA or North Jersey!
Hi everyone,

I regret to inform you all that Ocious passed away earlier this morning. The medication I was treating him with was having no effect so I believe he had an untreatable neurological problem rather than a severe ear infection.

I tried everything I could to help Ocious get better and I would've been willing to spend as much time and money as possible to see him recover, but after two days of treatment I could tell keeping him alive was prolonging his suffering.

I called my local vets to have Ocious put to sleep but I couldn't get an appointment until later in the evening. I could see it in his eyes, Ocious was pleading to go, later in the evening wasn't soon enough. I didn't want to make Ocious travel to a veterinary clinic further away because the journey would've been too uncomfortable for him.

My precious boy had suffered for long enough. I gave him one last dose of painkillers, kissed his head and put him to sleep myself. He died in my arms.

I used the same method of euthanasia as the veterinary clinic planned. I know it was the most humane way possible and it was the right thing to do, but even so, this day will be difficult to forget. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

Goodbye my beautiful rainbow baby.
I hope you're up there screeching at heaven's neighbours and devouring their flower bed. My world won't be so colourful without you and I'll miss your chirping noises but whenever I see a rainbow I will think of you looking down at me and your best friend, Hardimos.
We will miss you so much. X:smile024:X
I'm sorry for your loss. You seem to be handling it well, no crazy irrational ranting or crying over memories like the rest of us normally do. You're strong. Very strong.
:( Oh Kitty, I am SO very sorry!!! HUGS to you!!! Please know that you did anything and everything possible for Ocious. :(
My friend has a farm, and I might tell her to get some pheasants! She's got different types of roosters, chickens, and ducks. Oh, and a turkey (that survived thanksgiving) and most are pretty tame.

For Ocious, what about giving him handfeeding formula? Might offer some better nutrition.

Kitty is right, they need special enclosures to keep pheasants. There's quite a bit of people that have them in South Dakota so I got to see some enclosures when I used to live there.

Kitty, I am VERY sorry to hear about your loss of Ocious!!!! I'm sure he understands you did the best for him.
So sorry you couldnt bring him back Kitty, he was so lucky to have you, and you him. You gave him the gift of going into the next chapter with dignity, and in the arms of someone who truly loved and respected him.
So sorry for your loss :( he's waiting for you now :) you'll see him again..

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