Joe, I saw a few things that bothered me. The twitching I DID notice (the wing twitch) is something both Ripley and Niko do when they are affectionate and/or tired while ON me. They don't do it if they're either in their cages or on their Java trees, ONLY if on me. However, none of my birds' heads ever twitch.
If you noticed any kind of head twitching, I'd be concerned. Who's to say that Simon didn't sustain some sort of neurological damage while flying into things head on?
My jaw hit the floor when I saw how super fast Simon was being fed.

Granted, Macaws' feeding response are very strong, but gees, he literally squirted 60ml down his throat in less than 2 seconds. And twice (and a half) times.
IMO Simon should have been put up in his cage right after being fed to prevent him from doing something "stupid" while his crop was full to the brim. Whenever I was visiting Niko while he was still at the breeder, I was not allowed to handle him immediately after he had been fed. Perhaps she was overly cautious, but she explained to me that she didn't want to risk injury while the crop was full, and always had me wait a minimum of one hour before allowing me to take him out.
Lastly, I did not approve of the chain thingy with the bell attached that she offered to Garfunkel (one of the foot toys). Those bells are NOT stainless, and big macs' beaks can make short work of those things. The Boing (spiral rope thing) had a ton of frayed rope on the top, which is a huge hazard of getting toe nails caught.
Please pardon my over analysis here, I'm only pointing out what bothered me.
As for them flying into things, yes, it is to be expected until they are fully coordinated. However, I did not notice ANY macaw proofing, which would include putting up shades, lowering the curtains, and protecting valuables in the house for the birds AND for my own sake.
Listen to your heart, Joe! :smile015: